More of July

July brought many more good things, although we could not top that wedding!!!

As I look back at these photos and also remember how sick I was in July – I realize that photos don’t really convey the FULL picture, do they?

As you look at these snippets of time you would probably think everything was wonderful, beautiful, easy, organized, smooth, and lovely!!

And it was mostly that way – but there was also a lot of time where I was really struggling to keep up.

I did find myself longing for structure, even though it took everything I had to stand up each morning!

It has been awhile since I have included food photos in a post!

It looks like we ate well in July!!

I love looking back on these photos to get inspired and remember some of the yummier things we have made!

Lane got his driver’s permit in July!

Why do they grow up so fast??

He is driving with Blake currently, but will start behind the wheel with the instructor soon!

The day after the wedding was a little nuts!

We had A LOT of cleaning up to do!!

And we also helped Eliza move into Addie’s old room!

It was a full day for sure, but we enjoyed being together and also having my brother’s help in the morning before he drove back home to Indy.

He helped me take all of the gifts to Scottie and Addie’s new place!

Before we picked up Jazzy in July, we needed to get a few things for her.

We also grabbed some grocery that morning – it was fun to have my crew help me!

Of course the boys got hungry before we headed home, so I let them get some Chipotle.

We had a lot of fun outside in the evenings this summer.

Pickleball is a new favorite – but isn’t it with everyone??

We also took the kids to the farmer’s market one Saturday morning.

Family Sundays are always better outside too – especially when we can swim and play in the water!

Love spending time outside and with these crazy kids of ours!!

We had our church’s baptisms in our pool again this year.

It was SUPER DUPER special though, because Eliza was baptized by Blake and our Pastor!

What a sweet day for us.

Before Scottie and Addie arrived home from their honeymoon, we filled their house and fridge with grocery!

That was really fun!

We also had our first get together at their place once they arrived home and watched them open their wedding gifts.

What a special time!!

They are so blessed with all they received!!


We still love books here!

Summer, winter, spring and fall.

We love books in all seasons, and I am glad we do!!


It’s me.

The sky lady.

I am glad to see that while I was ill this summer it did not take away my love of the sky!

Goodness, is there anything more beautiful??

It has been really wonderful watching my in-laws home come together.

We watched the outside of their house be completed way back in July.

The move starts next week already!

We CANNOT WAIT to have them here – it is such a privilege – and a dream come true for us!!

As you can imagine, I have been busy as of late with all things related to their move!

We are amazed at how smoothly things have gone and are very thankful for all the Lord has already allowed.

I have so many plans swirling around in my head that we will get to do with my in-laws once they are here!!

First up, I have to catch-up my little scrapbook here by posting about August and September!!

Where has time gone??

That will be next!

Stay tuned!!

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