The kiddos always want me to choose what we will do and what we will eat.
I cannot complain about that!
I love, love, love to feed people good nutritious food – it is my joy!
These crazy kiddos love, love, love to do that for me on Mother’s Day!
I can’t complain about that either!
We honestly went to bed Saturday night not knowing if we would have a celebration on Sunday because of that tummy bug we had.
They had the food made and ready – just in case!
Sunday morning we decided to have our celebration in the evening instead of at lunch.
Just look at this spread….
There were gifts!
And homemade cards!
Which is tradition too!
So, so sweet!
There were flowers!
And the most amazing dairy-free cheese cake in the world!!
Which is starting to be a tradition too – because this has been my dessert of choice three years in a row!
River and his people joined us for all that delicious food, and we ate it again Monday night too.
I would like to blame my “I was just in bed two days” brain on the fact that I do not have any. more. photos.
I usually get my big camera out on Mother’s Day and do this post up right!
Another tradition for Mother’s Day is for the guys to set up the pool!
No, we do not have a yard.
But, YES, we do have a new pool!
It is tiny.
Cause our old one had a big hole in it, we don’t have a yard to put a big one in, or did a big pool make the budget anyway!
I am hoping we can get it set up real soon!
We are putting it right off the downstairs patio, and will seed the grass there this fall once we take it down.
Ok – I just ate the last bites of that cheesecake as I typed this post – so that wraps up another Mother’s Day!!
I hope all you Mama’s out there enjoyed your Mother’s Day traditions too!!