My Last Post From China….A Country That I Love

Here we are, all packed and organized, with just a few things to do before bedtime tonight (Monday) to be ready to head to Hong Kong at 5 a.m. tomorrow. I have been reflecting on so many things this afternoon. I have been here in China for 16 days, yet it still is surreal that I am half-way around the world. It is hard to wrap my mind around the significance of driving away from Guangzhou tomorrow, and taking Eliza from her place of birth to a whole new country and a whole new life. I can hardly believe that she is really ours. What an amazing gift from God to our family….such an amazing little girl. I know, I just know, God has huge plans for her.
The sun is setting on our time here..

The sun is setting on our time here….

Once we got word this morning that our visas might be on their way, and then word that they indeed were on their way, things got VERY busy. We had to secure our flights, meet our guides, check for accuracy on all the documents, and pay for our extended stay here. Here is the much anticipated envelope that will make Eliza an American Citizen once we land on U.S. soil!!


We had to also say our goodbyes to our awesome guide Aron. She will hold a special place in our hearts. She has been such a blessing to us and seems to never sleep. This poor girl has done so much for us here in China!

we're leaving! 019

I will have another hard goodbye in Chicago tomorrow when Kristen and I part ways. We have become very close being the B Team, and I know we will remain good friends!

Another Selfie!

Another Selfie!

WOW. I AM IN CHINA!!! And soon I will be HOME SWEET HOME. I can hardly stand it until I get there.

I love you so much Kayla, Grant, Addie Mae, Chad and Lane! Mom is coming HOME!!!!


  1. Tracy says:

    I am very happy you’re soon to be home, but also extremely pleasedto see that Eliza has inherited her aunt’s childhood hair! 🙂 She looks just like me!!!

    Aunt Tracy 🙂

  2. Lisa says:

    BIG SMILE! God’s provision has been seen once again. Looking forward to hugging your neck and meeting that precious little girl.

  3. Kirstin says:

    So excited!! Thank you, Lord! Thank you for putting little Miss Eliza in the Moschel family, thank you for orchestrating this trip right down to the smallest detail, thank you for providing Kristen for Stephanie to care for each other and be the B team together, thank you for family reunions!!!

  4. Debi says:

    Crazy! Life is so full of twists and turns. so happy for you and in awe of the God who has us all in the place that He wants us to be (and how blessed when we take the time and energy to know Him and hear Him and SEE His direction in our lives). He does not leave us as orphans but the real blessing starts when we finally learn to turn and put our arms out to Him and let Him in. Praising God with you! and continuing to pray for all your needs.

  5. Daria says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey with all of us. Everyday, I was so excited to see what you were doing. One day, you will need to write a book about all of this. Your entire family has been in our thoughts and prayers.

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