October Recap Part 2

October went by fast, don’t you think?

Even with all of the limits of this crazy world, we kept ourselves busy!

I am so thankful our lives are so full here at home!

Each day starts with breakfast, chores, Bible time, and then school.

How I love when they do their Math while sitting in a little squat!

A snack always helps them think better.

At least that’s what this cutie tells me!

Our school room is my favorite room in our home – but we don’t always do our school work there.

After we finished studying Canada, we headed to South America and started studying Brazil and the rain forests!

I had ordered lots of books from the library for our study, but the library was closed again because of a COVID exposure.


Since I use library books as my teaching tool, I had to find another way.

Pinterest worked!

We found all kinds of good stuff there.

It is in the sixties outside as I type this, but we have had some very winter like weather already!

And even our first snow!

It was barely enough to play in, but we got outside anyway!

We love to be outside.

These cuties are studying flying creatures in Science this year, so they spent a lot of time with their bird field guide and binoculars out on the land looking to see who lives here with us!

So cute!

The guys got the pool winterized.

They also got the hens moved into the garage for the winter!


This camouflaged one was super diligent in mulching leaves for us.

Good job, Lane!

We also started a new activity in the afternoons once in a while – puzzles!

I am surprised at how much my trio enjoys doing a puzzle.

It is a great way to spend some time together!

And games….how many photos do you think I have of them playing a game?

Eliza loves to do crafty things in her free time!

A girl after my own heart!

You can usually find me running around keeping up with everything and everyone, or spending some time working on my Bible reading and Bible memory.

I am enjoying this book in the early mornings.

My favorite devotional book of all times!

I force myself to rest almost everyday – not because I am tired – but for health!

Sleep and rest is a very important part of healing!

After a rest I love a warm cup of coffee or cocoa with whipped cream, and then some time stretching or working out.

My laundry days are Mondays and Wednesdays.

Everyone here has laundry responsibilities!

One day I found $40 in the dryer – hmmmm.

I posted this photo on Instagram with the hashtag #whattodo and I received SO many messages!

It was hilarious!

Most of the messages told me to keep the money, ha, ha!!

This is what two patient puppies look like as they wait for their puppy pancake.

The kids say I spoil them!

I say that I just love them!

In my defense, those same kiddos wrap Ruby in blankets and lay with her under the school table, just saying!

She’s a cute one though!

And sometimes she eats like she is still in China!

Here is another cute one!

He is my best kitchen helper!

He comes running when he hears me in the kitchen!

Especially when there is good food to snitch!

They are all good helpers.

I am so blessed to be their Mama!!

November is HERE!!

One month closer to our next grand baby’s arrival!


Our calendar is full and we have so much to look forward to!

Stay tuned and Lord willing I will tell you all about it soon!

Happy November everyone!!


  1. Ashley Phillips says:

    My word! You have a beautiful family! Congratulations on the BEST JOB ever. Homeschooling is a blessing for those littles. Please check out a FREE homeschool resource that was created by my sweet nephew. The Bible Memory App is a fantastic app for scripture memorization created by a fellow homeschool family. After Brett and McKenzie started their family they realized the need for their children. So, then the Bible Memory Kids App (less than $5) came along! Just wanted to share!

    Blessings, Ashley

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