In years past, we have driven about an hour to two hours away and spent several nights in a larger city.
I LOVED these weekends away and have always looked forward to them each year!
This year Blake wanted to go somewhere farther away, and somewhere warm.
We planned our trip, booked our tickets, hotel and rental car only seven days before we left.
Last Wednesday morning we drove to Minneapolis and hopped on a plane to Ft. Myers, Florida.
Before I add one photo or say anything else, let me just say Blake has set a pretty high bar for all our anniversary get aways from here on out!!
Right after I finished my time with Jesus Wednesday morning, I looked at the weather.
Well, well!!
The weather here in Wisconsin –
and the weather where we were headed!
They were having a cold spell, believe it or not!
Around 8:30 a.m. we hugged and hugged and hugged these precious ones, promised to Skype with them later, and headed out the door.
We took Addie’s car to the cities.
My poor hubby had a VERY quiet date on the three hour ride there – because I slept the ENTIRE way.
It has been beyond CRAZY around here – in my defense.
The plane was full.
We did not get to sit together.
But that’s ok, because I slept most of the plane ride too!
I did manage to get this photo as we headed into Ft. Myers.
Our first photo on the ground!
Right outside the baggage claim.
Here is one very well rested gal and her handsome man.
I was clear excited to get our car and figure out where we were staying!
Gotta love technology.
Our suite was in Naples and it was perfect.
Clean! Bright! Big! With windows that opened.
Our time together was FABULOUS.
We stayed up late.
We slept in.
We moseyed.
On the beach.
For hours.
Blake swam in the ocean.
I watched.
We gawked at all of the beautiful homes near the beach.
A modest smaller home was for sale.
For three million dollars.
You did not read that wrong.
We remembered all of the faces we saw in Eliza’s orphanage that we visited in China.
And thought about what three million dollars could do for those children.
We watched the sunset.
On the beach.
The first night from the sand.
The second night from the pier.
We talked non-stop.
We dreamed.
Not about when we will be 90 years old and sitting in rocking chairs.
But about this year.
This month.
We reflected on ALL the amazing things God has been doing for us.
We ate delicious food.
We drank coffee whenever we wanted.
Hot or cold.
And green juices.
And smoothies!
Oh my, the smoothies!
We spent time in prayer.
We talked about hard things and cried.
We laid in lounge chairs by the pool.
And swam.
And we noticed over and over and over again that we actually could feel our own hearts beating.
Have you been still enough to notice that recently?
I would highly recommend it.
We shopped.
At beautiful outdoor malls.
That had ponds.
With fish and turtles in them.
We wrote down our goals.
For our marriage, our children, and our family.
We held hands non-stop.
We searched out, found, and shopped at some amazing Organic Markets.
Which is where we got most of our delicious food.
We planned school for next year.
We talked on Skype with all the kiddos.
Twice a day.
We drove around in the convertible we rented.
Always with the top down.
We made promises.
To Jesus.
To each other.
One of them was to not let another whole year go by before we are still enough to feel our own hearts beating.
And then on Sunday at lunch time we boarded a plane that was headed home.
We were both beside ourselves excited to get home to our kiddos!
We are SO refreshed, recharged, encouraged, and connected.
And more in love than we were when we left, which seems impossible!
Florida was so, so good to us!
I am blessed beyond measure to have a husband who also sees the huge importance of investing in our marriage!
This family starts with Jesus.
And then goes to Blake and I.
And then the children!
We must keep it in the right order!!
I cannot wait to see what our 29th anniversary, Lord willing, will bring!
The memories from our 28th anniversary trip are already tucked deep into our hearts!
Thank you, honey, for the great anniversary get away!
We took our 3 oldest to Ft Myers, FL 11 years ago… we have since realized that would have been the spring that our Lucy Joy was a newborn… and we had no idea. That stopped me in my tracks AGAIN after I typed it.
Ft. Myers is one of my FAVORITE places in the world! We are planning to return next spring… all 8 of us together to celebrate our 25 anniversary. I feel like we live our lives over here just following about 2 steps behind you guys! *smile*
Smile indeed!! We plan to return with everyone in tow next time too!! Lord willing, next spring!! It was a beautiful, beautiful place. And these hills of Wisconsin are hard to beat. 😉
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