He is my husband, my best friend, my lover, and our leader.
We are heirs together in the grace of life.
This man of mine has a faith that inspires.
He lives each day of his life living, loving and serving the way Christ would.
The Lord has and is using Blake to teach me (and our children) how to live this way.
I marvel at the fact that the Lord allowed me to be blessed with Blake as my husband. I am not worthy.
Sweetheart, I only love the Lord more than I love you. I am so proud to be your help meet. I am so thankful we get to serve the Lord together.
From Grant: “I love my Dad because of his awesome, joyful personality, and his willingness to live a life for God and to instill that in us children.”
“The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.” Proverbs 20:7
From Addie Mae: “I love my Dad because his love for the Lord is visible in everything he does.”
From Chad: “I love my Dad because he is kind and joyful.”
From Lane: “I love my Dad because he is funny and fun.”
From Tate: “I love my Daddy because he sleeps in my bed with me.”
From Eliza: “I love my Daddy because his birthday is coming.”
Happy Birthday to the most amazing husband and father!!!
Marriage and family are platforms to show love and commitment. We are God’s amazing plan to make it believable that God is good, loving and true. He calls us to represent Him to the world. The world desperately needs to see a true picture of Christ and marriage and family can do so. The way we love our spouse and family should make the love of Christ believable. This is the way my husband loves us. We are so blessed. May it ALL be to the Glory of God!!
Mrs. Moschel,
This post is absolutely beautiful! Couples like you guys and my parents are inspiring. True love and Godly marriages still exist, though they be few and far between. I just love the way you talk so adoringly of your husband- it is sweet, and exactly the way it should be! You are a fabulous wife and mother, too.:)
much love,
Allison B
You are so sweet!! It is all the Lord! We keep Him first, and His love then flows through us. Miss you all!!!
Mrs. M.
We do hope that your birthday was blessed, Mr. Moschel!
This is a beautiful post…you are a beautiful family! May the year ahead be filled with growing closer to God & family, love, joy and many wonderful memories made!
Maggie for the M family
Thank you, Mayo family!! We love you all!!