Well, maybe.
A bowl. A hat. A drum!
Tate was making his little sister laugh from her toes. Which made the rest of us laugh from our toes. Which made Tate drum louder. And longer!
I have always had my kiddos help with whatever I am doing from a very young age!
Working together is fun and full of precious fellowship!!
And they are good helpers. Cute ones too!
Tate was very good at folding laundry! Whenever we do laundry together, I have this feeling he has done it before. We were told in his file that he liked to help with things. That is very true!
I love how Eliza holds the top she is folding with her chin!
Thank you for your prayers for Tate’s appointments this morning! It went very well! Tate is such a calm, fearless little boy! He was stealing hearts all over that hospital!!
We are starting to feel a little rhythm in our days here and Tate has only been home one week! Tate is starting to stay in one place for more than five seconds at a time! Smile! Hmmm…maybe I will start up school again Monday morning!
We are loving this cocooning stage as we get to know our precious little man. A friend told me it looks like he fits right in here with us! YES! He does!
God’s perfectly appointed plan! Praise the Lord!!
I LOVE the pics and the joy you are experiencing!! <3
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