Our Little Puzzle

I think it was the day after Eliza was placed into our arms that Blake and I started to wonder what really is going on medically with Eliza. We did not think it was spina bifida, like her referral paperwork told us, but we could tell she was doing very well and that was all that mattered while we were in China.

And every day since then she has continued to amaze us!




Today in the Pediatric Specialty department we were told we have reason to be amazed! They were amazed too! And they are as puzzled as we are about what is really going on medically.




Our amazing super star is a little puzzle right now. We have been referred to another specialist, and Eliza will also be having a sedated MRI as we try to piece together this little puzzle. Until then, we are counting our blessings again…..and resting in the fact the GOD KNOWS. He knows, because Eliza is fearfully and wonderfully made. By Him!!

So thankful for the peace these truths afford us. So thankful to call this sweet little girl our daughter. When we got home early this evening after a long afternoon, and I sat on the porch watching Eliza play outside, I was brought to tears. Thank you, Lord, for trusting us with SO much.



    • Steph says:

      Yes, she is. We were not given a diagnosis though because they are not sure what is going on. We will wait for further testing and be praying for answers.

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