Time for the calendar to be FULL of doctor’s appointments!
I have a conversation planned in my head to have with the littles’ specialists in Madison – because, in our opinion, this needs to be the last year that we have all these appointments fall at the end of December!
Tate and Eliza have most of their appointments with the same doctors, and for the same procedures.
We never really thought about any of that before they came home – but I will say, it is very nice!
Last week they both had ultrasounds done at our local hospital.
Renal ultrasounds are quick, painless, and easy!
The littles giggle and talk (and talk, and talk!) through the whole appointment – except for when it is Eliza’s turn and I try to lie her on the examination table. She is TERRIFIED of heights. BUT, she has words now! She will yell, “MOMMY! Mommy! Hold my feet! Hold my legs!” and once I hold on tight she calms right down.
Thank you, Jesus!
We love the valet parking!! Especially because it has been so very cold!
Friday Eliza had an appointment for new films and to see the pediatric orthopedic surgeon.
Whenever we prep the littles for appointments, their first question is always “Do we have to go in the BIG machine?” They are speaking of the MRI machine. They are awake for their MRI’s now. They are papoosed, strapped to a table, rolled into a tunnel, made to lay completely still for 20 plus minutes, and it is very, very loud. They do not like MRI’S!
That is why I take photos of our appointments.
I can show them photos of their last appointments to prepare them.
Seeing the photos eases their minds so much.
Eliza only needed standing x-rays on Friday, and only one view.
“Easy stuff!” she said!
We were on the newly remodeled floor of the local hospital.
Do you really think they need a huge smart TV in every examination room?!
Just saying, as nice as it was – who’s paying for those?
Don’t answer that!
Blake and I were caught a smidge off guard when the surgeon told us that she believes Eliza needs surgery again.
This time on her hips – or more specifically, hopefully just her right hip.
She has hip dysplasia, which we knew, and the doctor believes intervention is needed – definitely on the right, and maybe on the left as well.
We asked LOTS and lots of questions, some of which I wish we would have waited to ask, because details of that surgery is something I just don’t need to know right now.
Thankful that we left there with the plan to have new films taken in June and talk again then!
In the meantime, I have some prayers to say, a list of people I want to talk to about hip dysplasia, and some research to do.
Wise men lay up knowledge!
Next up, we have a two day trip to American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison.
Both the littles will see their doctors, and both will be sedated for a procedure.
Tate also will be seen for a car seat evaluation, as riding in his current car seat is very uncomfortable for him. He will be fitted for a car seat specifically for his disability. We have high hopes that the insurance will cover the cost!
I know, I know! But praying and hoping the cost will be covered is not a bad thing!
We are preparing as best we can for a big couple of days!
Packing the littles favorite blankets for sedation was first on the list!
If you would pray with us, we would be ever so grateful!
For travel mercies, for safety for Tate and Eliza during sedation, for security for them both, for Blake and I to be able to be all that we need to be, and to be able to process all that we learn from the doctors.
My biggest prayer and request is that neither Tate nor Eliza will have a tethered cord.
I love that the Lord already knows! He has went before us and made the way! He also hears our prayers!
We are just in awe that He trusted us with SO much!
Tate Owen and Eliza Claire, you are strong and brave!
We love you both SO much!!
Reading your blog brings joy to my heart… just sayin’ … and I love keeping up with you and your family this way. I feel like I’m in the loop!
Awe! Miss you SO much!! 😙
Definitely praying!
Thank you, Connie!! Both Tate and Eliza picked their “Grandma Connie prayer blankets” to take for their sedations! ❤
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