Congratulations, Grant!!
We will use any reason to celebrate! So we had root beer floats to celebrate our new driver!
Root beer has gluten in it – go figure! We had a gluten-free root beer we have bought before, and it wasn’t bad. We found a new gluten-free brand at the Co-op this afternoon. It was even brown like regular root beer! And super yummy.
This toothless wonder must have asked 25 times during dinner if it was time for root beer floats yet! Lane finished his float before I even sat down!
As I was taking these photos, Eliza was hollering “Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom…..!!!!” Guess I wasn’t getting to her turn quite fast enough!
We are so happy to have a new driver!
Maybe I should say I am the one that is so happy to have a new driver!!!!
Yay Grant! Yay Stephanie! Yay Everybody!!
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