Our Sweet Jazzy Girl

Why, hello, bloggy world!!!

It has been quite awhile since I have even thought about working on my little scrapbook here!

I am excited to get caught up, Lord willing!!

First up will be a post about our puppy we got in July of last year!

Our sweet Jasmyn Bella – most often called Jazzy, or Jazz!!

I am glad I took these next photos to remember the season when she was still a puppy!

The time from 5:00 to 7:00 a.m. was all about watching her!

She used to be WILD at that time of day!

I was doing my Bible time at the kitchen table, getting up and down dozens of times!

I also was waking up to an alarm at 4:00 a.m. so I could get myself completely dressed and ready before Blake got into the shower at 5:00.

Glad to say that Jazzy is not a morning pup anymore!

She loves to sleep until the children wake!

We have worked hard at training Jazzy – but not just potty training.

She was fully potty trained six weeks after she arrived though!

Blake and I both had a vision of how we wanted our new dog to turn out and worked toward that goal.

It takes intention and purpose to get there!

Some of the attributes we strived to achieve in Jazz:

that she would enjoy being cuddled, but also be ok being alone
that she would never beg, or growl at someone about her food or her toys
that she would be crate trained – knowing that being in her crate means she is quiet
that she would not be afraid of things like the vacuum
that she would enjoy going places, and be flexible in her schedule while traveling
that she would be well socialized and not afraid of new people of other dogs
that she would not jump on visitors (still working on this one!)
that she would obey our commands

Thankful to say that we have reached our goals in these areas!

We take Jazzy a lot of places and she loves to be in the van with us and meeting new people!

People in public really enjoy her!

She is very cuddly, but also at times will jump down and go and lay somewhere on her own.

I love this about her!!

Jasmyn had her first grooming appointment in September!

We have already built a relationship with Jazzy’s groomer and love her!

Jazz looked SO different after her first grooming!

The tips of her hair are black, so the longer she gets, the darker she gets.

She looks so light and grey after she gets groomed!

Isn’t she CUTE?

It wasn’t too long before Jazzy starting joining me for my Bible time in the den.

She isn’t learning a thing though because she is always sound asleep!!

After I finish my Bible time I get up to get the day started and she just stays in the den sleeping – silly pup!!

Of course we cannot forget about Chad’s dog, Sadie, or Addie’s dog, Ruby!

Ruby visits us often because we watch her on the days that Addie works.

Blake and I have always had a dog since our first year of marriage – so I guess once a dog person, always a dog person!

These three really do bring so much joy to our home.

Just for reference, in this first photo I was standing in the kitchen eating a cucumber from our garden and looked over to see them staring at me.

I felt so judged, ha, ha!!

Most of our friends and older children thought we were nuts to get a puppy in the middle of the big year we had last year, but I am here to say it was the BEST decision!

Jazzy is such a bright spot in our world – even in all of the crazy busy we have been living.

She is a wonderful dog and we all enjoy her immensely!!

I enjoy having pets a lot!!

Here’s to many more enjoyable years with our Jazzy girl!!!

I love you, Jazz!!!

Thanks for fitting in so perfectly with our crazy life!!!