Our Twin Oaks

You might remember that the little nest we live in is named Twin Oaks.

The two huge old oak trees on our property meant a lot to us as we left the farm.

You can read a very sweet story about them be clicking on this HERE.

We had a lot of rain and storms in the first months of this summer.

One late afternoon a storm came through that was fierce, and pretty soon I looked out the window and saw this.

One of our beloved Twin Oaks.

I said out loud when I saw it “No, no no!!” which had the kiddos come running to see what was wrong.

This tree had already been hit by lightening a few years ago and had split in half.

We did our best to try to save it – but obviously it was weak and rotting on the inside.

It was several weeks later that we finally got around to starting to clean it up.

I say “starting” to clean it up, because the biggest part of that tree trunk is still laying in our yard.

It was a HUGE job!

Blake had a chain saw – and he also had Scottie, Addie, Lane, Tate, Eliza and myself to help him.

Thankfully it was not hot the day that we did this – nor was it raining for once!

Blake decided to cut a bunch of rounds from the trunk for us to save.

I am so glad he did that!!

We are hoping our neighbor will still want the biggest part of that tree like he said he would.

He burns wood to heat his house!

And he has big equipment to move a huge tree!

If not, we will figure out what to do with it eventually.

We have a lot of our own fire wood stacked thanks to that tree!

We can have camp fires for years!

So – here’s the thing – the loss of this tree is just a circumstance.

Most often circumstances are completely out of our control.

That is really GREAT actually, because that is where the Lord does His best work in our minds and hearts, isn’t it??

When this tree fell God gave me the opportunity to choose to say “It’s just a tree.”

“We were all safe during that storm.”

“That huge tree did not come close to hitting our house.”

“My hubby will know exactly how to take care of this.”

And now I can add to that – “Thank you, Lord, for giving us a great day of fellowship while we all worked together cleaning up that tree!”

I am still a little sad that it is gone.

But we are keeping our name.

Twin Oaks, two trees or not, you are still a very sweet little nest that we are so thankful to call home!