Our Vacation Day!!

About ten days before Grant and Addie’s birthdays, Blake and I had a conversation about how we should celebrate this year.

We like to have “experiences” over “gifts” – but quite honestly, I think the experiences are the BEST gifts!!

We gifted Eliza and then Lane with an experience for their birthdays this spring and then everything shut down and we still haven’t been able to fulfill our plans for them.

It took about two seconds into our conversation about the upcoming birthday duo for Blake to say “Let’s get a boat.”

I knew what he meant!

We had rented a boat on the river once before, years ago, and it was a GREAT experience!

Blake checked into it, reserved our rental and then I let Kay’s in on our secret so they could plan to join us!

On a Thursday evening, Addie’s birthday, we told them our plans – a vacation day on the river.

And here is my warning for the photo overload that is about to happen!


We headed out around 9 a.m. to pick up our rental at 10.

Of course we had to take two cars – we haven’t fit in one since Tate arrived!

Pulling into the marina I was already so thankful as it was such a beautiful day!

We loaded our stuff onto the boat and headed out!

I quickly took a round of photos and then threw my phone in the “keep everything dry” tote!

Isn’t the sky beautiful??!!

When they started tubing I got my phone back out to get photos and video each time!

Somehow I missed getting a photo of Lane tubing with Chad and they went more than once!

Gotta love Grant’s face here, ha, ha!

Let’s just say Blake tried and tried and tried to throw Grant off of that tube with his crafty driving skills, and it only happened one time!

I was SO, so proud of Tate and Eliza for trying this!

They both loved it!!

Eliza’s smile was BIG!

We snacked throughout the whole day, cruised around, fished, tubed some more….it was AWESOME!!

Here’s the captain and his co-pilot!!

We picked up Kay’s at 3 p.m.

The babies were excited but very reserved!

I have a feeling they were talked to about safety!!

We were SO happy they joined us!

They jumped on board and we headed to a different part of the river to find a sand bar.

What a GORGEOUS spot on the river!!

Playing at the sand bar was super fun.

I took some photos from the boat and then put my phone away again.

I wish I had taken it out there with me!

It was fantastic exploring that whole sand bar!!

It went on and on and on!!

Next we headed back to the first area we were in, and then it was time to let David do some tubing!

While David and Chad were being pulled on the tube, we…





I’m not kidding!!


SO…14 people (15 including little squish!) on a boat with no gas and sunlight running out.

We yelled.

At the first boat we thought could help!

They gave us a number to call and the sheriff came.

Sheriff’s are cool.

They towed us ALLLLL the way back to the marina for free!

We ate some humble pie while we rode behind them, apologizing all the while.

They dropped us off and then went chasing after a stolen boat!

We saw them arresting the guy as we left there!

All in a good day’s work, I’m sure – towing people, arresting bad guys and all.

Although our day ended with a bang, we still cannot say enough about our vacation day!

It has been talked about ever since!

A day relaxing and enjoying a sport we love with the whole family was LIFE-GIVING!

We think this needs to be an annual thing!

Time will tell!!

I am so thankful for my husband!

For having such great ideas and for making them happen!

Vacation Day 2020, you WERE THE BEST!!!

Memories made and tucked very deeply in all of our hearts!!