Some GRAND Birthdays!!

November, December and even January bring a lot of birthdays in our family!

We LOVE to celebrate the blessing of someone being born!!

This year we have minimized our expectations for birthday gatherings as our family grows, and more specifically as David and Kayla’s family has grown.

In light of that, the three youngest children and I have been heading to the farm on the day of my grandchildren’s birthdays to bring them a gift and spend some time with them!

It has been a really fun thing for us!!

We missed Clyde’s actual birthday when both us and Kay’s were traveling.

But we still headed over one afternoon to celebrate this new eight year old!

Oh Clydey, how I love your freckles and your enthusiastic personality!!!

We took Clyde a new card game and a new DVD!

Next up, Briar turned FIVE.

What is happening you all.

This is one very precious five year old!!

Bri Bri – I love how quiet you are, until you are NOT!!

I love how much you enjoy very girly things, even with two older brothers!!

We were invited for a tea party for Briar’s birthday!

We gave Briar a fuse bead craft and they all loved it!

Even Kayla is glad they have that bead craft – even though less than an hour after they opened it, an entire container of beads had been dropped allllll over the floor.


And then it was Ellie Joy’s turn to be eight years old!!

She and Clyde are 30 days apart in age.

Ellie has the most contagious smile!!

Ells Bells, NaiNai LOVES that smile!!

I love how you love to cuddle still too!!

We gave Ellie a magnetic game!

Soon it will be Aspen’s turn in January!

She will be three!!

Time just keeps marching on!!

Even when this NaiNai does not want it to!

My sweet grandbabies – Happy, happy birthday to each of you!!!

Clyde, Briar and Ellie…NaiNai LOVES YOU EACH SO SO MUCH!!!!

Family Photos 2023

In the middle of November on a Sunday afternoon, we all headed outside our front door and stood amongst the trees to have Kayla quickly take our family photos!

Sometimes last minute, quick photos turn out better than well planned ones!!

I had Kayla take a photo of each of the children still at home, and some of Grant and Kamryn since they are newly engaged!!

She also took some of the seven of us still here at home.

I had a plan for our Christmas card with these choices!!

I really enjoy changing the children’s photos each year on the side bar of this little blog.

I love how these individual shots turned out!!

The photos of Grant and Kamryn are my favorite ones we have of them so far!!

I know the wedding photos will be BETTER YET!!!

Here is our “little” family of five kiddos here with us –

Kayla offered to take one of Blake and I!

I am glad to have this!!

Here is a behind the scenes photo I took with my phone.

Thank you, Kayla Lauren, for giving me this gift for my birthday each year!!!

It is SO appreciated!!

That photo shoot seriously took about seven minutes, ha, ha.

Our Christmas card turned out as I hoped, though, and we also have these photos of this moment in time!

I guess you could say our family photos are another yearly holiday tradition for us!

Another tradition I hope to continue for years to come!!

Thanksgiving with its Traditions

Every year for many years now we have signed up to serve on Thanksgiving day through the La Crosse Civic Center.

The Civic Center serves meals and deliver meals to people for free on Thanksgiving day.

It is a WONDERFUL ministry and one we really enjoy being a small part of!

This year we again took two vehicles for a two hour shift each to deliver meals to shut-ins.

What fun we had!!!

Blake, Lane, Tate, Eliza and myself were in one vehicle, and Chad, Addie, Grant and Kamryn were in the second one.

It was a beautiful day to deliver meals!

Being able to go and deliver meals to others while still hosting a Thanksgiving meal in your home means that all of the food is prepared the day before.

Which is exactly what I did!

We got home about an hour before Kay’s crew headed over and had plenty of time to heat everything up.

What a delicious spread of food!!!

That last photo is of my plate and I ate every single bite!!

And a piece of pumpkin and apple pie!!

The rest of the day and evening we did what we love to do best – we just enjoyed being together!!!

Our home is always so lively, loud, and full of life with everyone here!!!

Look at Saige!!

She is getting so big and changing so fast.

Thanksgiving 2023, you were so good!!

I would love another piece of that pumpkin pie!!

I sure do hope that the children remember our times of simply serving others for a few hours on a holiday.

It is so very easy to do and I am glad it is a big part of our Thanksgiving memories through the years!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!


Another Weekend Trip to Illinois and Indianapolis

The first Thursday of November we packed up and headed out to travel to Illinois and Indianapolis for the weekend!

If you have been here for awhile, YOU could probably write this post, ha, ha!!

We do the SAME things every single time we make this trip!!

Eliza and Tate were the only two that joined us this time – but they are fun travelers!!

And that meant we only needed one hotel room at each stop we made!

The sunset as we left Wisconsin was BEAUTIFUL!!

Our first stop was Peoria, Illinois where we headed right to bed very late on Thursday night!

The next morning I fed everyone breakfast from our cooler.

After getting ready we headed to see Ross and Lilli.

It was such a wonderful visit!!

Eliza was the activity director’s new favorite visitor because she played song after song on the piano for all the residents!

It made my heart SO FULL to watch Eliza enjoy that!

When she started playing Christmas songs, everyone started singing along!

We took Lilli out to lunch that day and tried a “new to us” place called CoreLife Eatery.

I wish we had that restaurant here!

It was fantastic and so allergy friendly!

Pretty soon it was time to say our goodbyes.

My least favorite thing EVER.

I miss Ross and Lilli SO much!

We headed to Morton to meet up with Blake’s Mom at our favorite little coffee spot – Four30 Scones.

You already knew that though, didn’t you??

But wait…first we headed to buy Blake’s Mom a TV because hers had been broken for quite awhile.

It was fun picking out a TV for her!!

Ok, back to Four30 Scones – We LOVE that place!

They have gluten and dairy free scones, you guys!!

I also love what they write on your drink lid.

We headed to Blake’s Mom’s house after our coffee treats to install her new TV.

Unfortunately we could not get it to work, because her cable box was broken.

We did talk to the cable company and got a new box sent to her that she would need to make it work.

She has since then received it and had help to get everything working!


Then it was time for yet another goodbye.

We headed to Indianapolis WAY TOO LATE that night!

When we arrived at our hotel, we were so hungry – so we let the kiddos eat and watch a show before finally heading to bed.

Our small room with only one bed and a pull out couch gave me the opportunity to have my morning quiet time and coffee standing in the bathroom, of all places, ha, ha!

But we made it work.

Some can sleep through anything – take a look at the photos and try to guess who!

I was SO excited to head to see my Mom and brother!!

My brother had a GREAT idea for the morning – there was an apple orchard that was open not too far from them that he had stopped at earlier that week and knew it was worth going back to with the kids!

My Mom’s caretaker said that she would come along and bring my Mom too!

We had THE BEST time!

It was chilly, but we had proper coats so it was not bad.

The kids loved running all over the playground and playing!

We also got some great photos with my Mom!!

Such a treasure!!

I love the one of my Mom and my brother looking at each other.

He has the sweetest way with her and it is so special to watch.

Right as it started to rain we decided to head to the shops and also to get some apple cider.

You guys.

I have never in my life heard of apple cider slushies – but I am here to tell you they are THE BEST THING EVER!!

The only ingredient is apple cider!

But it’s a slushie!

We all got one and enjoyed every single drop!

I almost asked Blake to drive back there the next day to get another one!!

We went back to my Mom’s to hang out the rest of the day – besides one trip to the grocery store.

It was a fun day!!!

The next morning came quick, even with the time change.

We spent some time at my Mom’s and then headed out around lunch to make the nine hour trip back home.

At least it was a beautiful day!!

We always stop back in Morton to run around a parking lot and get our wiggles out, and to get some coffee.

These weekends are FAST.

But we get to do them often!

And I would rather be there often, than be there a whole week only once a year!

Now that winter is upon us, we do not have a plan yet for our next trip.

If the weather stays like it is now, maybe we will go again very soon!!!

If I could choose, all of these precious people would live on our road, and I would walk to their front door everyday.

Since I cannot have that, I will take all of these quick weekend trips we can get!

I cannot wait until next time!!

Ross, Lilli, Barb, Mom and Mike – WE LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!