The weather in September and October was nothing short of AMAZING!
We had such a warm October and even November and December this year!
We just covered our strawberries for winter after Thanksgiving.
Nice weather has given us lots of time outside – even on the chillier days!
We go for walks, spend time with the animals, prep the land and gardens for winter, and even play soccer on the deck!
I took this first photo on October 1st when I was wearing sandals to church because it felt like summer – what in the world??!!
The colors changed so slowly around Twin Oaks back in October, but it still was beautiful!
I wish I could have taken photos every single time I was driving somewhere in October.
The colors here this year were certainly the BEST we have had in a long, long time!
We did have one slight snowfall in October – only a dusting though, that disappeared quick.

We had plenty of outings in October as well – a lot of our same things!
We are pretty predictable people!!
Our monthly Hymn Sing is always a blessing!

Lane is doing SO great with his orthodontic treatment!
We see the orthodontist about every three months right now.

Predictable people get their haircut every four weeks on a Wednesday at 2 p.m.
Just saying!

We also had our six month check-ups at the dentist in October.
Eliza came out from having her turn and said, “Mama!! That is the first time I did not cry at the dentist!”
Well, when she said that it made me cry!!
You have NO IDEA what this means to us.
The Lord has allowed SO much healing for our brave, strong girl!!

There are times, like when Blake is traveling away from home, when we just go out shopping to not lose our minds.
A trip to Walmart to browse can be just the trick!!

Blake and I had a date night at the beginning of October!
I think it was our last one since then?
You guys! That is NOT ok!
We sat by the fire at Starbucks in Hyvee that night and it was wonderful even though we were exhausted!

While Blake was out of town one weekend in October, I took the younger kids over to Kay’s after church and we stayed there all afternoon.
And Kay fed us way too good – it was so yummy!!

In case you are wondering if we still have dogs – here a quite a few photos to show you that is a yes.
Somehow these photos are mostly all of Ruby Jane!
She is just more cuddly and always, always at my side or at my feet.
I love Sadie Jo just as much, I promise!
They are such sweet pups!
Eliza and I are already dreaming of not one, but two new dogs…time will tell!!!
Don’t tell my hubby, ok???

We ran outside one night in October to see if we could see a line of satellites that you were supposed to be able to see.
Look at the photo I captured!!
We sure did see it!!
It was SO neat!!!

I grabbed this photo with the newly engaged couple once they returned from Florida!
Wedding plans are moving along!!!
They will be getting married in May!!

That was taken on a Sunday and we REALLY enjoy our Sundays here at Twin Oaks!!
Our house gets full, and loud, and is filled with conversations, laughter, and sharing – IT IS FANTASTIC!!!!!
These first two photos are Addie and I being very distracted during a congregational meeting after church one Sunday.
Can you blame us??

The kiddos have to bundle up for morning chores now, but we are still loving our goats and chickens!!
Blake has the Lil’ Red Barn all buttoned up and warm and they are doing great!!

I read or listened to several good books in October.
I seem to be a historical fiction fan right now!
There is something about the fact that I stood in the concentration camps that you can visit in Germany when I was a child – only 30 years or so after all of that wickedness happened.
It is something I will NEVER forget.
There are so many good books about World War II if that is something you are interested in!

We still have a librarian here – the only difference is that he is WAY taller than me now, and also that he does not work Saturdays at the library anymore.
That means that I do not volunteer to be with Lane at the library on Saturdays anymore either!
I miss it!
It was really a neat thing while it lasted!
We are super grateful still for Lane’s job there and he loves it too!
Right now he works only four hours on Friday afternoons.

Drum roll please……
it is now time for my signature sky photos!!!
Which means this long post is almost over!!!
This first photo is one Grant sent to me while he was in Florida with Kamryn and her family – and I about jumped through my phone to join him on that beach!!!
SO many beautiful skies in October, you all!
So unique in their own ways!!
All perfectly placed by the Lord I love!!

You all, Christmas is in SIX DAYS.
What in the world.
I am in a season like no other, where time is flying faster than ever, where I feel like I am doing nothing well, where I feel stretched in so many directions that I cannot keep up with it all –
I reflect on it a lot during my morning quiet time and I pray about it a lot too.
The Lord shows me again and again that I am right where He wants me – the mama of a BIG, busy family – full of many ages, personalities, and needs because each child is in a different season of their own.
I NEVER feel worthy of all this!!
I am thankful that God’s promises are true!
He is my strength, my joy, and fills me with grace each day to try to glorify and enjoy Him!!
I need a nap though, ha, ha!!!!
Christmas break is only a few days away – I am looking forward to that!!
Back to this post – I hope your October was wonderful too!!
Next up, all the amazing things that the Lord allowed in November!!