Do you already know?

Did you already guess???

We are VERY excited to announce that our son Grant and his girlfriend Kamryn are ENGAGED!!!

Grant asked Kamryn to be his wife at the top of a lighthouse in Florida on October 23rd!

They were in Florida with Kamryn’s family on vacation!

I was at our monthly women’s meeting at church that evening, knowing that this was about to happen, and literally beside myself with anticipation!!

Thankfully I had my phone on my lap and Grant and Kamryn video called not too long after their engagement took place!!

I ran out of the women’s meeting to chat with them!!

Kamryn also sent me all of these photos – including one from the restaurant they were at so I could see a close up of that beautiful ring on her finger!!

Wedding plans are underway!!

Grant and Kamryn are getting married this spring!

I know that days will go fast until then!


Rejoice with us!!

We are so thankful to be welcoming Kamryn as part of our family!!

October School Days

Well, hello there bloggy world!!
I have missed you!
My intentions are always to be here enjoying this little space of ours!
I have started this post multiple times!
Hopefully this morning will be the time that is actually gets finished!
Let’s get to it!

We just took a week off of our regular daily “school” rhythm for Thanksgiving this week.

As I contemplated how many days we would take off this past week, I was thankful to be able to look back on our school year so far this fall and remember how consistent we have been with everything.

That really blessed me!

And it also gave us a whole week this past week to enjoy other things!

I spent some time during my quiet time just this morning writing down some goals I have for the months ahead regarding our school days.

One of those goals is to be more consistent with our art class – it has been very hit or miss!

We did have art a couple of times in October, and the kiddos love it.

One afternoon we did some flower pounding.

I would like to do this again and have more flower options available!

Doesn’t that look like fun?!

We always enjoy water coloring and I am impressed at how much the children have improved with this skill!

I purchased a downloadable tutorial from Brighter Day Press that we have been enjoying that teaches water coloring with the templates to copy.

Another afternoon we did some candle making.

I was blessed with a gift certificate that allowed me to purchase the items needed for this!

We basically followed one blog and her instructions for candle making – and we did not have any past experience or one clue as to what we were doing.

The best way to learn is by doing though, am I right??

Let’s just say we learned some tips for next time so that we can do better!

Unfortunately, as our candles hardened they all sunk in the middle.

The candles smell amazing though, and we enjoy burning them!

They also are healthier than store bought candles that are full of synthetic fragrances and are toxic to your health!

We still are using our same rhythm for our school days.

It is working, we enjoy it, and it flows nicely!!

We always start our school mornings all together (after everyone has their own personal Bible time) working on Scripture memory, our Catechism, and prayer.

It is the best start to our days!

After our Bible time, I help Tate and Eliza with their new learning for that day.

Most of that time they are working on their own but I am sitting close by and available for questions.

I try to find something to work on during that time!

Usually it is menu planning, grading, holiday planning or things like that.

Here I was grading school work while listening to a cooking show!

Multitasking at its best, ha, ha!

Next I head back to our den/office and work with Lane for an hour.

We work on Biology and I give him his daily spelling test from the Spelling Power book.

Back in the summer when I planned school for this year, I had a meeting with each child to ask them about the past year.

One of Lane’s requests during our meeting was that we find a way for me to be more involved in his school this year, so we decided to work on Science together.

I LOVE this hour with Lane!

Next Lane moves onto his Algebra 2, and I head back out to Tate and Eliza to check what they are working on and to get ready for our read aloud time.

Tate and Eliza are very thorough and diligent already when they work on their own – and this is a new skill I was hoping to see in them this year as they get older!

After read aloud, Tate and Eliza work on their illustration and narrations about what I just read while I work on preparing lunch.

Ever since Tate and Eliza moved up to the intermediate piano level, we have piano lessons from 12:30 to 1:15 everyday Monday -Thursday.

This time for piano lessons forced me to change our lunch time to 11:45 so that we are done eating and ready for piano in time.

We have had a 12:30 lunch time FOREVER and this was a hard switch for us at first!

Thankfully we are getting used to it!

Our piano teacher sent out a video update for all the parents awhile back which prompted my heart that I was not being diligent enough in supporting Tate and Eliza in their piano studies anymore – and I set about immediately changing that!

I do try to have something to read while I am sitting with them for that 45 minutes each day – but I also help them, listen carefully to certain things they are working on, and also participate when their teacher is speaking.

Our afternoons are filled with foreign language studies, typing practice, finishing any chores we did not finish in the morning, and then some free time.

Tate and Eliza especially enjoy their afternoon activities – they are really having fun learning a new language!

Tate is studying French and Eliza and Lane are studying Spanish.

Typing this post has me already looking forward to starting back to our school rhythm on Monday morning!

We are always better when working together, and we are always better with purpose to our days!!

I feel like the school year is already almost half over – time is a thief!!!

Here’s to many more Biology lessons, read aloud books, art classes, and piano lessons!

These days are full and wonderful and I am SO thankful for them!!!

A Great Weekend

The second to last weekend of September was a full one – but such a WONDERFUL one!

Earlier that week, my girlfriend and I made a plan to meet half way in Dubuque, Iowa, and spend the day together on Thursday.

Even better yet, we invited Addie and my friend’s daughter to join us!

It was only a two hour drive, so we met mid-morning at a really nice thrift store to do some shopping.

It was a beautiful day for a drive!

WHAT A BLAST we had shopping together!

We talked each others ears off the whole time and found some great finds as well!

I love the milk glass bowls I found – and got all four of them for under ten dollars total.

We had all packed and brought a lunch and ended up sitting in our van to eat.

It worked!

And we were together!

After that we grabbed some coffee and the girls wanted to get some phots so we did!

The rest of the afternoon we decided we wanted to go for a long walk, but our feeble attempt at finding a park to go to on our phones was a huge fail.

So we just stayed where we were and walked a huge circle around and around the empty parking lot we were in.

It was PERFECT and a beautiful day to be outside!

We had the best time together, and I always walk away from time with this friend encouraged, challenged, and with my heart so full!

Friday rolled around and it was date night for David and Kayla!

I LOVE our date night swaps so much!!

David and Kayla brought the kiddos to me this time, with my promise to have them back to their home and tucked in their beds on time.

I made a fun dinner of chicken nuggets and fries while we waited for Blake to arrive home.

Once Blake arrived, I asked him if we could take the kiddos out for some ice cream, and of course he said yes!

So we did.

Just locally, so that it did not get too late.

The co-op was empty at that time of night, but we had the employees full attention as they watched all of these cuties enjoying everything so much!!

It made my heart full to bring joy and smiles to others.

We headed back to the farm after that, and the grands followed their chore cards as they got themselves and the house ready for bed.

That filled my heart fuller!!!

Then Tate, Eliza, Blake and I watched a show until David, Kay and Saige’s arrival back home.


Saturday morning was an early start as Lane and I had to be at the library for his job by 8:45.

After that I came home and made soup for our Sunday family lunch after church.

Addie made that flower arrangement in the photo below that day – isn’t it beautiful??!!

Sunday morning started early too!

It seems that in the quiet of Sunday mornings is the only time I am finding to do my cleaning jobs these days.


I also made bread that morning for family lunch as it is always better fresh!

Blake helped with some cleaning jobs too!

His thing is windows!!

Have I ever cleaned a window, you ask??

I honestly don’t think so!!

My FAVORITE thing about Sunday family lunch is when Blake hollers over all the noise “It’s time to pray so we can eat!!” and our grand babies run to stand next to us to pray.

Please let me never, ever forget this!

I have the CUTEST video of this moment that Addie Mae took, because Aspen asked to pray that day.

I helped her and she repeated what I said – seriously the BEST thing ever to see and know that your children are raising their children to love the Lord.

Ok, here are the tears! SOB.

After we ate that day, some crazy kids thought they needed to make it known that I was getting older.

Ha, blah, ha.

Just kidding – it was WONDERFUL!!!

I felt SO LOVED – mostly by the beautiful cards with the sweetest words, that cheesecake, and other sweet gifts I received!

I had a huge pile of gift cards by the time the gift opening was done and a fantastic book from Kay!

We spent the rest of Sunday just like we always do – TOGETHER.


And then we ended the day just like we always do –

with Chunky Monkeys that my hubby makes for us.

SO yummy!!

Well, I enjoyed looking back at that fabulous weekend!!

The days are full, but so enjoyable!

We have another super busy weekend on tap for this weekend too, but I am looking forward to Sunday family lunch already.

It fills my cup for the week ahead every time!

Happy weekend ahead to you all too!!!

September Went By in a Flash

Ok, you guys.

I know that time is FAST, but September seriously disappeared before my eyes.

How thankful I am that I get to sit down for a minute or two and look back over this month and all that it held!

The first Friday of September it was Blake and my turn for a date night!

Remember the date night swap idea I told you all about HERE?

I dropped off Tate and Eliza to Kayla late Friday afternoon so that I could meet Blake in town for our date!


I think the more effort we put into things like this make the things even better, am I right?

Of course Tate and Eliza were thrilled to be able to be at their big sissy’s house with their best friends!

Blake and I enjoyed dinner together, shopping, and even the sunset on the river.

Sigh. I can’t wait until next time!

The Monday morning after we arrived home from camp, we took the day off school and did ALL the things to get ready to be back to full-time life!

Like taking a proper shower in a large brightly lit space, ha, ha.

Does anybody else LOVE coming home even though you love being away too?

That’s me.

I did about 16 loads of laundry that day, we got the house in shape, enjoyed the fall like temperatures, took care of our animals (we missed them so much!), cleaned fridges and eggs and children and…..

Well, you get the idea!

I also ran to the local Co-op to get a few things to try to stretch our grocery until that Friday.

A few things that cost $100, ahem.

And we all rested in the afternoon!

Much needed, even for my two favorite pups, obviously!

I was so happy to be back in my kitchen that I made cookies that afternoon too.

Addie said “Oh good, Mom is making her famous amazing chocolate chip cookies!”

So I am blaming the fact that they did not turn out at all on her, ha, ha!

Tuesday morning after camp, I was ready to get back at it!

We started with our family breakfast and a new recipe of pumpkin spice waffles.

My husband basically said I could make those waffles for every meal from here on out – he loved them so much!

Tate did not eat his breakfast that morning, and it didn’t take long for me to stick my hand on his forehead wondering why he did not look so good.

Sure enough, he was running a fever and feeling yucky!

Poor guy!

I got out everything I could think of to help Tate get well and to also help the rest of us to stay healthy.

Wednesday morning Tate’s fever was hotter, and he said his throat was hurting so bad.

I looked in Tate’s throat and saw that it was very red and had blisters.

That gave Mr. Tate an appointment with our favorite doctor (we love Dr. Katie!!) to see if he had strep throat.

Long story short, Tate ended up on an antibiotic because of his throat and also because of how his lungs sounded.

He has never had an antibiotic since he has been home from China, and he reacted to it with hives.

We got a second one, and he reacted to it (on the seventh day!) with hives as well.

You are freaking your mama out, Tate Owen!

Thankfully he did not seem to need anymore help with antibiotics for now – but we will have to figure all of this out if he ever needs them again!

It took Tate awhile to feel better.

I would see him on his feet and think “Yay!”, but then pretty soon he would be wrapped up in a blanket again and sound asleep somewhere.

SO thankful he is better now!

Tate’s illness gave the rest of us a quieter week, and gave Eliza the opportunity to truly know that flexibility is the key to success!

She was unable to do much school that week because I teach Tate and Eliza together, but she was very diligent in finding good things to do with her time.

Lane continued on with school, of course, since he is mostly self-directed.

Blake helped while Tate was sick so I could still get Lane to his orthodontist appointment.

He is doing so great with his Invisalign!

We got to see a computer aided visual of how much Lane’s teeth have already moved so far.

It was so neat to see that!

I have always appreciated the positive atmosphere at our orthodontist – even their bathrooms reminding everyone to have a grateful heart.

I headed after the big grocery haul on Thursday night of that week, because that $100 bit of grocery I had bought to stretch everything did not work so well!

Blake met me there after he left work and got there just as I started checking out.

I was super glad for the help loading the van!!

Someday when I am just buying grocery for Blake and I, I am going to look back on these photos and wonder why in the world we needed so much food, ha, ha.

Blake left the next morning to head to Illinois for three days.

I was supposed to go along, but was not comfortable leaving Tate.

We got after life here at home while Blake was away, but missed him like crazy!

We had a huge storm that Saturday afternoon.

I am so glad I had the kiddos run down and shut the barn when I saw this sky!

It cleared off after that and was beautiful the next day too.

We stayed home from church on Sunday to keep any germs here, and watched the live stream from home.

Blake got home late that Sunday night, and Monday morning started off back to the races!

Our family breakfast is always a BRIGHT start to our days here during the week!

I had made this French toast bake on Sunday to bake on Monday morning and it was a HIT!

I do not sleep well when my hubby is away – and by do not sleep well, I mean I do not sleep hardly at all.

So, that’s fun!

Monday piano lessons looked like this for me – I thought I would just lay there and pay attention – but I am pretty sure I slept through the whole thing, good grief!

At least I had a cuddly pup who clearly doesn’t get enough sleep either, even though she sleeps all day and all night – everyday!

The kiddos are doing Spanish (Lane and Eliza) and French (Tate) lessons this year and are enjoying them very much!

After school on Monday, we headed outside.

We know these days are fleeting!!

We have lived in Wisconsin for 22 years now, and we know what is coming!

Sure enough, Tuesday was rainy and made me extra glad we get outside when we can.

That rain got me in a comfort foods mood, and I made soup, rolls, and sourdough cobbler for dinner that day.

My rolls all ran together!

But they still got rave reviews.

It cleared off by that evening and gave us some beautiful skies!

How I love a beautiful sky.

The kids know exactly what I am doing when I am running outside at sunset!

We all stood on the driveway that night looking at the stars.

Just look at them ALL!!

It was SO beautiful!!

Wednesday brought more school work, our art class, the assembly of something fun I bought for our long winters here, and a visit to our favorite people late in the afternoon!

The lattes are good at the farm (the baby is adorable!) and so are the excited squeals my grands make when they see us arrive there!

The colors on the way to Kayla’s that day were SPECTACULAR, but very hard to capture in the misty rain with just a cell phone.

I am so glad I had made dinner in the morning that day so we could stay at Kayla’s as long as possible!

The rain cleared off again that day too, and gave us another beautiful evening sky.

I am here to tell you, stopping to take in the daily beauty of the sky can fuel you!

Like nothing else can!

I will tell you about the second to last weekend of September in the next post – so stayed tuned for that!!

That following week though was more of the same!

We are very predictable people that way.

Keeping school running, the food flowing, and the house in good shape – not necessary always in that order – is MY THING.

Good thing I love my homemaker, wife, teacher, and Mom titles SO, so much!

We had some outings that week as well – like haircuts and library visits.

We always each take a book to read while the boys get their haircuts!

Pretty soon it was the last Friday of September.

You know what that means!

I think Fridays should be renamed “marathon day”.

Ha, ha, ha.

I will miss them some day!!!

At least this Friday we enjoyed Blake’s early arrival home – so we played some four square with the kids before heading to town for a little quick date just the two of us!

I grabbed a picture of the sunset as we headed to town that evening.

Daylight is also fleeting!

I started the day in town in the dark and ended that day in town in the dark.

SEE?? It is a marathon day.

I have a very vivid memory of the last day of September!

It was a Saturday.

It started early, as they all do, and after a big family breakfast, Lane and I headed to the library.

He was working that morning, and I was the parent volunteer.

Then I came home and worked in the kitchen the rest of the day on a delicious taco spread for dinner and food for meal day at church the next day.

After dinner we took advantage of the beautiful weather and headed outside for a camp fire.

The kiddos – even some adult ones – played a routy and very long game of The Wolf is Out, that went well into the dark hours of that night.

We sat by the fire WAY too late, but we just couldn’t not pull ourselves away and back inside!

It was SUCH a great day and evening that day!!

And the weather was so very perfect!!

I have a few food photos to sneak in here for good measure!

I really do enjoy looking back on this little scrapbook of ours, and the food photos always spur me on and inspire me!

I also have a couple of really good “finds” from September to share here.

I share these things on Instagram stories, and they always get lots of conversations going with gals who are interested in them.

Just like I was interested in them and purchased them when I found out about them!!

First is this bug bite relief tool.

We have used it for bee stings and for bug bites and IT WORKS SO GOOD.

You place the tip over the sting or bite and pull back on the handles which then sucks the stinger or bite venom out of the bite.

INSTANT relief!

When a child is stung it takes the tears away instantly too!

I got it on Amazon.

And then I bought eight more.

I have them everywhere and gave a bunch away too!

Next is this brand of hair products – Onesta.

They are super clean, work very well, and I have tried a lot of different clean options!

I even use the whipped wax on the boys hair.

This is the oil serum that I used after straightening my hair to keep it from getting frizzy again.

I really like their mousse and their curly hair products too.

I get all of these products on the Beauty Care Choices website.

I also wanted to share this – it has blessed Chad very much!

He found this lunch box on Amazon.

He drives a truck for a living – a BIG truck – with BIG equipment on a trailer behind that BIG truck.

Those facts are just so you know I pray safety over him (and all my truck guys!) every single day.

Ok – back to this lunch box.

Chad charges it on the counter overnight, puts his lunch in it in the morning, and sets it in his cooler.

Then when he is stopped at a job site and has a minute, he gets it out, turns it on, and it heats his food to very hot in just ten minutes.

It has allowed him to take leftovers for lunch – which is wonderful!

It holds more than it looks like it does.

We highly recommend this lunch box!

Did you all notice?

Are you catching on?

How I snuck quite a few sky photos all throughout that super long post??

You guys, I take a lot of photos of the sky!

My children will always remember this about me, so I guess I want you to remember that about me too!

I only have a few left for you – but they are my signature – and they let you know this super long post is almost over!!

Well, PHEW.

I have worked on this post FOUR times, all on different days, you all!

It has just been so very busy here!

Kayla and I were chatting over Marco polo last week about how I am living the life of a “thirty-something” still schooling these younger children and all that goes with that – and also the life of a “fifty-something” with adult children and grandchildren…..

Not feeling worthy of all that, in case you are wondering!

But so thankful for everything the Lord trusts me with every single day.

He is SO kind to let me live my DREAMS!!

I begged God for this life when Blake and I were young and we struggled to have children.

Thank you, Jesus, for hearing and answering my prayers!!

It IS as good as I thought it would be, and I am so thankful!!

I would say I am going to try to be better about keeping up here in our little space on the world wide web – but I am thinking I say that a lot and you all are not believing that anymore, ha, ha!

I do enjoy this space.

We ALL enjoy looking back at it.

So here’s to my next post about a very fun weekend in September!

Until next time!!