After all those posts about June, you would think I had nothing left to talk about!
But I do!!
Our days are full and wonderful and these memories deserve to by kept.
I read some good books in June!
The Quilt Walk was a read aloud to Tate and Eliza, and the other three I read for myself.

We enjoyed some rhythm school like days in June.
Not as many as we normally do in the summer, but as you can see by my previous posts, this summer is busy!!
Please notice Eliza’s cursive practice page she wrote after we had spent the weekend at our friend’s lake house!

Piano lessons continued in June!
Piano lessons change for six weeks in the summer to a new schedule and some optional summer fun classes.
Tate also had his assessment for Level 6 piano on June 12th and moved up to Level 7 where Eliza already is!
This made the need for a new keyboard, as they both need a place to play the piano at the same time for their 45 minute daily lesson.
We researched, ordered one of of Amazon, and are very please with how it turned out.
We just need to change the height of the stool and it will all be perfect!

Lane’s library job continues on as well!
He is working on Monday and Wednesday mornings, and then he and I worked two Saturday’s in June.
He loves it and we love it!
We spend a lot of time at the library!!
Thankful it is only 5 minutes away from home.

Orthodontic appointments also continue on!
Lane finally got his Invisilign on his teeth on June 21st.
He did great that day and has been very diligent in wearing them and in the care of his teeth!

Every summer and Christmas break I make a list of deep cleaning projects to tackle.
I just cannot get to these things during the regular flow of the school year.
I had a HUGE list for this summer and I am knocking them out a couple of hours at a time!
So far, I have deep cleaned and organized:
the game closet
the master closet
the master bedroom
the storage room
the one side of the garage
the office/school closet
the office pie safe
the kitchen cabinets
That is A LOT!!
It takes time and intention, but I am getting it done.
I should have taken before photos so these after photos would look more impressive, ha, ha!

I also run errands usually every two weeks besides getting grocery.
There are always errands that need done!
My beloved sandals, that I had bought last August on sale to use this summer, started to come apart.
Thankfully I shop at Rogan’s shoes, and they keep your purchases under your phone number in their system.
They do this because they have a buy one get one half off incentive that they keep track of for you.
Well, I took those sandals back, and with my phone number they were able to verify my purchase, and they gave me a brand new pair!
So thankful I was brave enough to ask!!

We all get out and about for some fun too!
While Lane was working one morning, Tate, Eliza and I went and did some thrift shopping.
It was fun!
I had done a little thrift shopping while running errands one day as well and found some of Kayla’s dishes and got them for her for just a few dollars!

Blake and I also took Tate and Eliza on the bike trail one Friday night while the big kids went to play volleyball.
We had a blast and then we headed to the Co-op for some icecream!

I enjoyed a baby shower for one of my dearest friend’s daughters.
It was SO well done!!
So fun to celebrate their baby boy on the way!!

Of course we still LOVE to be outside.
Swimming and playing with the animals are favorite things, but we enjoy just reading outside too!

The bugs have not seemed as bad this year – maybe because it is so dry?
We still need bug spray once in awhile though!
I really was thankful for this tip I learned years ago – so I thought I would share it here.
I put our bug spray in continuous spray water bottles like hair stylists use at their hair salon.
It NEVER gets clogged and gives the BEST coverage of bug spray because of the fine mist it sprays.
Try it!!
It is great!!

We had a visit in June from our Auntie Gail and her Mom, Grandma Dorothy.
It was SO great to see them and spend some time with them!
Grandma Dorothy brought us all new quilts she had made, and also two blankets for Tate and Eliza.
They love them and use them endlessly already!!

Tate got hurt back in June.
Aspen was riding piggyback on his back as they were running at the farm, and he fell.
Aspen was OK!
Tate’s face got a little beat up, poor guy!
It healed up quickly, thankfully!!

Don’t you love when your kiddos know just what you need?
My beautiful daughter, Addie Mae, brought these home for me one June afternoon!

I set some laundry in the boys room early one morning and saw this.
Two guesses which bed is Tate’s.
He is such a GEM!!

Here is what happens when you make fresh salsa.
Actually, that happens with pretty much everything I make, ha, ha!!
I love filling their bellies so much!!!

When we were in Madison for one of Tate’s appointments in June we had noodles for lunch from Noodles and Company.
It was SO VERY SWEET when Tate asked if he could save part of his lunch for Eliza.
Oh my goodness, his heart for other people is going to take him far!!
Eliza enjoyed the rest of those noodles very much!
I did not get a photo soon enough – they were almost gone!

I am cutting hair a lot less these days.
I take the youngest boys to the hair salon I go to now, but I still cut Blake and Chad’s hair.
I have been cutting my guys’ hair for 26 years now!

We had and still have (unfortunately!) a hot water problem.
It has been a dance of sorts since we bought this house, as the water heater is just not big enough for this many people!
That water heater broke in June, so Blake decided to put in a tankless one instead.
It was an investment, but we were thrilled to think about having endless hot water!!!
Can you imagine??
Unfortunately, something is not quite right with it all, and our water pressure is now a trickle if you are trying to use hot water.
We need to figure it out!
While Blake installed that new water heater one Saturday, I boiled water all day long as I worked in the kitchen to be able to wash the dishes.

Tate and I enjoy making some summer drinks on the weekends when everyone is here.
Our favorites have been ice tea and honey ginger lemonade.
I need to make those again!!
They are both so good!

I always make my own toothpaste from simple ingredients.
It is a great whitening toothpaste, if you want to give it a try!
I use it a couple times a week to keep my teeth looking white.

At the end of June Addie and I ended a funeral in Iowa.
It was a very sad reason to see some of our dearest friends who were also there, but we were able to spend about an hour with them.
Hoping to see them again soon!!

This crew had a great time while we were away!
I love when we have dynamics changes and we get to be with just a few or even just one of the kiddos!!

This next photo is just a snapshot in time.
Lane and I looked around one day and mentioned all of the things that we have been able to finish here at Twin Oaks over the last six years.
It has been amazing!!
Furniture for our basement was one of those things.

Have I mentioned our pups lately?
Those goats and chickens are stealing the spotlight I think!!
Well, we still love our Ruby Jane and Sadie Jo as much as ever.
There is also one very cute and slightly persuasive eleven year old begging for another dog – one to call her own.
How many animals is too many??

Guess what???
Which means this extremely long post is coming to an end!!!!

Can you believe I kept that to only ten photos??
Your welcome.
You guys, it is almost the END OF JULY.
Please someone stop time.
School starts for us in two and a half weeks!!!
I am screaming on the inside.
This summer has flown by.
I looked up the word capacity today.
It means “the maximum amount that can be contained.”
That pretty much describes life right now!
So much.
I hope you are enjoying summer too!!
Here comes August, folks, but my next posts will be about July!