The Hidden Gem

The last weekend of June was FINALLY here!!!

We had made plans with friends of ours a llloonnnggg time ago to spend the weekend with them at their lake house.

This weekend away included Blake, Lane, Tate, Eliza and myself.


I also was very excited to have the weekend to spend with our youngest three and give them our FULL attention!

We left on Friday evening after Blake and Lane arrived home from work, drove most of the way there and stayed in a hotel overnight.

The next morning we got up, ate some breakfast out of the snack bag, and headed the rest of the way to Wildwood Lake in Varna, Illinois.

Before we left the hotel, Lane filled his water bottle with a jug of water that a helper had put in our van the night before.

Thankfully Lane smelled it before drinking it – that wasn’t water after all!!

It was vinegar!

We laughed so hard!

We arrived at the lake shortly after nine.

After some big hugs and big hellos we instantly changed into our suits to hit the lake and have some fun!!!

Did we ever have some fun!!!!

Dan and Diane’s son Caleb went knee boarding first to show us how it was done.

Dan asked if anyone else wanted to, and Eliza jumped up and said ME!!

Brave, strong, agile girl!

Caleb jumped in the water with Eliza to give her a quick lesson, and then she was left on her own to get up on that knee board while the boat pulled her along.

It took her two tries before she succeeded – but she did it SO easily and enjoyed it SO much!

Made her mom’s heart swell to bursting!!

I only have a video of her knee boarding – but here is a photo of her lesson with Caleb.

Blake tried to knee board and then tried to ski.

He was so close to making both of those things happen – maybe next time!!

I was so proud of him for trying!

Eventually it was time for lunch, so we headed back to the house for that.

After lunch it was time to take out the huge tube that is named “Mabel” and do some tubing.

The rules were given – while on the tube you speak with your hands so the driver (Dan) knows what you want.

It went something like this – one finger is a snail’s pace, and five fingers you might lose a limb, ha, ha!

We all took turns and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

Just for future reference – I chose two fingers for Blake and my turn, although we did do three fingers for a little bit.

Blake was the only one who hopped on there by himself and immediately held up both hands of five fingers, crazy man!

We said he needed a t-shirt after it was over that said “I survived the five!”

We spent the rest of the afternoon swimming in the cove by Dan and Diane’s dock.

We meaning everyone but me because I am not so into the whole shivering and turning blue thing, if you know what I mean.

It was hot that day, but the perfect temperature for me because I am always cold!

There were some water guns, sneak attacks, lots of wrestling, and a king of the lily pad game going on.

It did my heart SO GOOD to see the kiddos enjoying everything so much!!!

Next up was some jet skiing!

Blake took out Eliza and then Lane.

They had a blast!!

We had jet skis and an eighteen foot boat when we were first married – so water sports is something we have always loved!

We headed in around dinner time to have a big taco spread.

Then Dan and Diane let us run around the community with the kiddos on the golf cart.

We saw dozens of deer – they were so pretty!

We also saw tons of these wooly aphids – can you believe that is a bug??

God is so creative!!

We ended the evening with smores around the fire and catching fireflies.

Eliza named all of her fireflies before she let them go.

So cute!!

We passed out in bed that night ready for another great time the next day, and the next day did not disappoint!

Breakfast was delicious and soon after that we watched Dan and Diane’s live stream church.

The sermon was POWERFUL.

There are so many things to do at Lake Wildwood.

There was a disc golf course that the guys wanted to try.

We walked to it and enjoyed watching them – it was a beautiful day!!

Diane taught us a new card game that morning called Sevens.

I cannot wait to teach it to my whole crew here – it is best played with a lot of people – and it was super fun!

Once we had lunch (all we did was eat!!), we decided to head to the pool even though it was getting really cloudy, was super breezy and cool.

The kiddos didn’t care!!

They enjoyed swimming very much.

It was a very nice pool and Caleb is a lifeguard there.

I pretty much never wanted to leave.

But we had to since my hubby has a job and all!

We pulled ourselves away in the late afternoon for the long drive home.

First a selfie of us all – except for Caleb who was still at work.

Our ride home was uneventful and sometimes very quiet, ha, ha!

We were TIRED!!!

In the BEST possible way!!

We saw a rainbow on the way home and it was like this hug to my heart after such a wonderful weekend with our trio.

The dynamics of a big family is wonderful in so many ways, but sometimes I feel like these three get lost in the shuffle of life.

Blake and I don’t want that for them!

So a weekend like this one is a treasure for sure.

When I asked Diane what we needed to bring for the weekend and what we could expect, she told me all about their home and their community and everything that is offered there.

I wrote back and said it sounded like “a resort” that we would never want to leave, to which she said “You will see, it is just a hidden gem.”

She was right.

It is a hidden gem indeed.

Not only did we enjoy everything these photos show you, but we enjoyed our hosts most of all.

They encouraged us, challenged us, and spoke into our lives by sharing their own life.

They emulated the most selfless and giving hospitality I have ever seen.

I am still thinking about their words and their example today.

I sure hope that when Blake and I reach the season of life they are in (close to retirement and all of our kiddos grown) that we will not look inward at ourselves, but look outward at others and what we can do to love on them.

Our weekend at The Hidden Gem will not be forgotten.

For SO many reasons.

Memories made, memories tucked deep in our hearts, and now memories kept!

Bless you Dan and Diane and Caleb for ALL you did for us!!!


Team Tate and a MRI

The day after Father’s Day, team Tate had a very early morning to head to UW Madison for a neurosurgeon check-up for Tate!

Team Tate consisted of Blake and myself – just clarifying that because as I loaded the photos for this post I realize that I only have photos of Tate from that day.

He is cute though!

And I love taking photos of him!

We had zero concerns about Tate’s stability as we headed to this appointment early that Monday morning.

Tate was scheduled for a brain MRI (to check on the VP shunt that is in the left side of his head) and also to see the neurosurgeon.

We had a beautiful morning for a drive!

First up upon arrival we learned that we had to wear masks in the MRI department, but no where else in the hospital.

Once we were in the MRI room, the gals told us to take them off because the magnets of the MRI would probably pull on them.

I was able to be with Tate during his MRI and hold his legs and feet.

I could see his face too.

He did GREAT and it was over before we knew it!

Next we headed upstairs for the appointment with the neurosurgeon.

Not only did he tell us that the MRI was perfect, he told us he did not need to see Tate for TWO YEARS!!!!!!


Isn’t that amazing!!!!

We skipped out of that place beaming the whole way!!!

It was still pretty early, so we decided to make a Costco run before lunch.

We didn’t need much, but bought some snack things specifically for a trip we were taking soon.

Then we went to Noodles and Company to get Tate his requested noodles for lunch!

I LOVE watching him eat noodles!

It is like he is just home from China all over again – with that bowl up to his lips and just scooping it in – it is SO cute!

Blake decided to get a coffee for the way home, so Tate got a decaf coffee treat too and then we hit the road to head home.

These appointments at UW Madison are getting easier and easier!!!

It still amazes us how much the Lord has allowed for Tate’s health – and Eliza’s too!

We praise the Lord constantly for their stability and also for the wonderful doctors who take care of them.

We have another UW appointment coming up for Tate in one week – and this one has more weight for our minds, as it is with his orthopedic surgeon.

We would appreciate you praying with us!

For the Lord to see fit to allow us to hear our favorite words again – that Tate is STABLE.

Praise the Lord for our Tate Owen!!

He is a precious gift that we do not deserve!!!


A Day of Celebrations!!

We usually get together to celebrate Father’s Day with lots of good food and some gifts for Blake and David each year.

This year we added a few more celebrations to our Father’s Day celebration – it was Saige’s dedication that day, and we had also missed River’s birthday as well as his other grandma’s birthday – who shares a birthday with him!

We started that day with some photos of the crew at home!!

Church was wonderful, as always, and we stood up front with David and Kay as they had Saige dedicated to the Lord.

Deb, Addie and I made a big taco spread with lots of fresh fruit and two birthday cakes for dessert!

We all had lunch together at the farm and it was SO enjoyable to be all together – especially with David’s parents as we never get to see them enough.

After we ate lunch we enjoyed a birthday celebration for Deb and River!

Then we spent the rest of the day together – which is the BEST way to be – TOGETHER!!

Time for a photo of the love of my life with our seven arrows!

Blake has been trusted with so much – and he is the most patient, kind, loving, wise, and fun Dad to these kiddos.

As always, we had to drag ourselves away from the farm to head back home.


So thankful for Saige and David and Kay’s commitment to bring her up in the ways of the Lord.

So thankful for Deb and River and the fact that they were born!

So thankful for Blake, David and Greg and the amazing men and wonderful fathers they each are!

So much worth celebrating for sure.

Happy Birthday Deb and River!!!

Happy Father’s Day Blake, David, and Greg!!


Our Little Backyard Farm

June brought our little backyard farm closer to completion!

The major construction of our “barn” (as Blake calls it!) was done.

It turned out SO great!!

We still had the inside to finish, so work on that would continue on.

The fencing was also completed, including a beautiful wooden part by the gate.

We took Eliza and Tate on date night on a Friday night early in June to purchase all of the things we needed for the goats and for the hens as well.

We had dinner out first, and finished the evening with ice cream, of course!!

We spent most of the evening at Farm and Fleet, which was a very successful shopping adventure!

On a Sunday, June 11th, I got a surprise text from the wonderful people we were buying our goats from saying, “Would you like a goat delivery this evening?”

I asked my hubby if we could be ready in 30 to 45 minutes, and he said SURE!!

The whole family was here that day (it was Sunday, remember?) – so David (and River!) and Blake jumped into action to get the fenced area secure for the goat babies’ arrival!

We were SO EXICTED!!

It was a beautiful day that day – the perfect day to have our new babies arrive!

Lane, Tate, and Eliza especially have worked SO diligently since our goat babies arrived to earn their trust and friendship!

It has been the SWEETEST thing to see.

They were so scared of us at first!

Now the goats come to us when we arrive at their gate instead of running away.

They like to be held, will eat out of our hands, and bleat at us if we are in the yard not giving them attention.


Lane, Tate and Eliza are usually out at our little red barn in their pjs and muck boots every morning before they do anything else!

They are taking such great care of everything.

Blake continued to work endlessly, it seemed, on the little red barn.

He insulated the inside, covered it with plywood, and painted it.

Then he built the fence and gate system inside the barn to keep the chickens and goats separate.

We do not want the goats to eat all the chicken feed!

It turned out SO AMAZING!

Pretty soon we were ready to go and pick up our hens from Kayla!!

Kayla had ordered new laying hens this spring, and told me I could get ten from her.

They arrived at their farm at the end of May, but they had kept them for us until our building was ready.

They are beautiful hens!

We clipped their wings when we got them home so that they will not be able to fly over the fence once we let them out in the grassy area.

We will keep them in the building for a few weeks at first to teach them where to lay those eggs!

On a Thursday evening we headed over the the farm to get our hens out of their coop and bring them home.

It was SO MUCH FUN that evening and after the hens were all settled I literally leaned into my hubby and cried.

I was so, so happy to have animals again!

Just like the farm!

We have missed farm life so much.

Some of our hens are already laying and we are up to six eggs a day!

It is SO fun to gather eggs and feed and water the hens!

We are also enjoying our goats more than I even could have imagined.

Their personalities are so incredibly cute!

Blake still has work to do on our little red barn as he finishes the door that will allow the hens and goats to go inside and outside.

He just cut the hole for the door this weekend, and the goats jumped right up into our little red barn for the first time with no hesitation!

I thought that last photo was pretty funny – when there is a will there is a way!!

I wonder if she knows she can just get the food from the tray on the sides instead of putting her whole body in the feeder?

Silly hen.

Next time I talk about our animals, Lord willing, our little red barn will be completely finished!

It is close!

We are enjoying our little backyard farm so very much and love sharing the joy of our goats with any visitors we have!

Dreams do come true!!

Thank you, Mr. Blake Moschel, for ALL your hard work to make this happen!!