A Weekend Trip

In the middle of April we made our routine trip to Illinois and Indianapolis to see our family!

This time we had a full van, as Addie Mae and Chad were able to join us.

We were so glad they came along!!

We have a routine that works well for this weekend trip, and we stick to it!

We left on Thursday evening after everyone got home from work, and drove to Peoria, Illinois, to our favorite hotel to spend the night.

Since there were so many of us, we had a girls room and a guys room this time.

I took along my reading light and managed to have Bible time in the pitch black while the girls still slept the next morning.

I also take little bowls of food for myself for the weekend, and brought along breakfast for the whole crew for Friday morning.

We spent most of Friday with Grandpa and Grandma Nettell.

Lilli served us a FANTASTIC lunch that we all enjoyed!

We like to go for walks when we are there and Lilli always buys the kiddos safe ice cream sandwiches for dessert.

Such a sweet time that fills our hearts and minds with the best memories!!

Of course we had to get our traditional photo on the stairs!!

Late in the afternoon we head to Morton, Illinois, to meet Blake’s Mom at our favorite coffee shop.

It seems that on every trip I take way too many photos of that sweet place – but it is just SO fantastic there!

We had coffee and scones for a late afternoon treat, and spent some time visiting with Grandma Barb.

SO special and always enjoyed!!

It was the most beautiful day Friday too!!

Before long we needed to get on the road and drive to Indy, which is about 3 1/2 hours further down the road.

We also cross over to a new time zone when we reach Indiana, which is never helpful when you are traveling, ha, ha!

We made it to our hotel safely and headed to bed.

The next morning came early and fast, but we were very excited to get to see my Mom and brother!

My Mom looked SO good.

My heart was SO glad to be there!

We enjoyed all day Saturday and then Sunday morning there with them.

We did do a little shopping and had some coffee treats too!

When we are in Indy, Sunday morning comes way too fast.

We leave to head home by lunch time, as the whole way back to Wisconsin is almost a nine hour drive.

Our little weekends to see our family are always short, but they are WONDERFUL.

We would rather have many times a year that we can make these weekend trips than only one trip where we stay longer.

We already have our next trip planned and it is only nine weeks away!!

I can’t wait to see everyone again and enjoy the summer weather with them too!

Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of these precious times with our families!

We are so grateful for every second we get!!

Was It Summer?

Wow, you all, the first half of April had the most beautiful tease of weather for us here in SW Wisconsin!

I have honestly never had the “winter blues,” but I did feel an awareness this winter to be purposeful in many things to help make sure I did not get them.

The weather sure helps with mood and motivation, doesn’t it??

Winter returned to our neck of the woods in mid April after an amazing summer tease!

What a wonderful couple of weeks it was!!

Warmer April weather and growing children meant a trip to town for some new clothes.

Lane definitely has grown the most!

We literally were standing in the check out line that morning with a pile of clothes in my arms, when Lane asked me how much new shoes would cost.

I looked down at his feet and won the worst mother of the year award right then.

GOOD GRIEF, his toes were pushing out the end of his tennis shoes!

I said, “LANE! You have to tell Mom these things! Children, follow me.” and we left the check out line and headed to the shoe department.

The lady in line behind us got a good laugh, ha, ha!

Thankful I made Tate try on all of his new things, and thankful we found a good amount of the things that the children needed that morning!

Eliza said, “This dress is pretty for you, Mama! But don’t buy it. White clothes attract food!”

She says the funniest things!

Lane ended up needing shoes TWO sizes bigger than he was wearing, sigh.

And now he is in a size 12!

Send help.

Or food.


We were already in town that day because of an orthodontist appointment for Lane.

He has started orthodontic work, and will be wearing Invisilign braces for about 18 months.

Lane has a baby tooth that has come half way out, fallen over on its side, and embedded itself back into Lane’s gums.

We are Moschels, after all!!

Before he starts his orthodontics, we have to get that baby tooth pulled.

We had a couple of NaiNai days in the beginning of April!

I LOVE NaiNai days!!

Those grandchildren of mine are so much fun and bring so much joy!

Please notice the girls wearing their hair scrunchies on their arms – SO CUTE!!

We had an awesome driveway family night at the beginning of April when the weather was so nice!


We ate outside, played four square, and hung out until the stars were shining bright!

Just look at the sky that night!

Chad is loving his new job and once in awhile he brings his big rig home.

It barely fits on our gravel drive, but it does!

He sends me photos from work sometimes too – and when I look at what he is driving it makes me glad I pray protection and safety over all my guys every single day!

I know you are waiting for all of the food photos!

I cannot disappoint my readers now, can I?

If there are readers, that is, ha, ha!!

I never really know if anyone is reading this – but it is really for our scrapbook anyway!

Look at all this yumminess from the beginning of April –

Well, now I am hungry!

This is how a certain young man (who stops by for dinner) places his meatloaf, mashed potatoes and carrots on this plate.

SO funny!!

I bought these clay disc’s from Pampered Chef and I love them!

You soak them in water for about 20 minutes and then bury them in your brown sugar container.

They keep your brown sugar from getting hard and all stuck together!

I spend some time every once in awhile filling our spice jars (we buy spices in bulk), making baking powder, and making our cleaning supplies.

I really enjoy these kinds of things!

I straightened that spice cabinet to take that photo for you all!

Lane is still enjoying his library job, and so are we.

I love when I get to volunteer there while he works!!

Addie went on a trip to Charleston, South Carolina, with a friend the first week of April.

They had a BLAST, got totally sun burnt, and made memories to last a lifetime!

School continued on in April, and is going on around me as I type this post!!

Something about these easy, enthusiastic, joyful children that I hope I never take for granted!

They really do well with their school work and enjoy it so much!

Our pups are still living their best life.

I honestly cannot imagine life without them – they bring us constant snuggles and love!!

Time to give you some rapid fire memories!


I voted.

It was important.

We are in charge of meal day at church.

We LOVE to help this way!

I picked up 50 more pounds of ground beef.

Big family’s eat a lot.

Tate is STABLE and takes great care of himself!!

He stretches regularly to help with stiffness and pain.

Speaking of that cutie, here he said, “Mom, take a photo of us, but don’t show that I am standing on a stool!”

Look at that!

Tate grew!

Those two are always better together.

I love to think about God’s grand plan in this regard!!

He is SO so kind to let Tate and Eliza be brother and sister – almost like twins!!

Since it was summer at the beginning of April, Tate and I planned the garden!

Please note that said planned, not planted!

Then winter came back!!

As I type this, our garden is still not planted!

The birds were confused about the weather too!

The finches started getting their summer colors on – but then winter returned!

Since it was summer and all, the guys spent some time putting three swings in our big trees.

Those swings have already had hours upon hours of fun, and will have many more, I know!!

Our Good Friday service at church was WONDERFUL.

Something I will not soon forget.

Such a beautiful time of reflection.

I bought this new product, at our hair stylist recommendation, to try to help with Eliza’s hair.

Eliza has extremely oily hair.

This scalp detox is working wonders and is a pretty clean product!

I am still ordering library books for Kay to pick up for all of the grands!

It is a fun simple thing I do – and I am very happy to pass on my love of books to those kiddos!

Grant came and stole Tate one night and took him bowling!

I love when these big kiddos purpose to still know and love their siblings!!

It takes intention, and it is NOT lost on this Mama!

We are getting chickens and goats!!!!!


The dream is getting closer, as the building is currently getting renovated, and the fencing is going in.

Back in April, Eliza handed me this one day.

I love her.

Blake and I had a DATE NIGHT!!

It was fabulous.

After we ran a bunch of errands, we had a snack dinner in the van and watched the sunset over the river.

SUCH a pretty spot!!

Please notice the outside temperature on the dash of my van, and now you know why I talked about that summer tease!

Speaking of that guy I love, I was glad he was home when the van would not start early one Friday morning!

The trunk had been left open, and the battery was dead!

Hubby to the rescue.

He also is always thinking of me and brings me home the sweetest things!

I never expect these things – which makes them sweeter!!


We are to the sky photos, and you know what that means!!!

I have some beautiful ones for you!

The sky is a GIFT.

I hope you see it that way too!!

I started this post over a month ago – where does time go???

I always have better intentions of keeping up with our memories here, but I am super glad I am not further behind!

Stay tuned for a weekend trip we took in mid-April with a van full of fun kiddos!!!

Until next time, I hope you are having a great day!

Be sure to stop and look at that sky!!

The Cutest New Do

I am sure you already agree with me that Eliza has the most beautiful hair!

Her hair is thick, yet silky, and has these brown natural highlights throughout that most people pay for!

She has worn it all different lengths through the years.

Every spring and fall we head to the salon to get Eliza’s haircut.

This past week we had a much anticipated appointment for Eliza to have her haircut, and had been talking about what length Eliza wanted to get it cut to – just a trim? or just a little bit? or cut off quite a bit?

Eliza decided to get six inches cut off, after the stylist showed her how much that would be!

Here’s a before shot –

Here is during –

That is A LOT of hair!

And here is after!!!

Isn’t that SO cute?

After her haircut was done Eliza said, “Mama, I started to second guess myself and get sad, but then I saw the vision and embraced it!”

She is so precious!

Eliza’s long hair, as beautiful as it was, brought tears most days as we took care of it.

It was constantly tangled, a huge job to wash, and was not fun for our sweet girl!

I am super proud of Eliza for choosing her new length – and it already has been so nice as we care for it!!

What a great length for summer and for swimming!

Good job, sweet baby!!

Although now you look so much more grown up – and I’m not ready for you to grow up!

Hanging on tight.

Easter Sunday 2023

I start every day of the week up early in the quiet of the house.

Easter Sunday was no exception – just look what the Lord did for us that morning!

It just added to the feeling already in my heart!

It WAS Sunday.

And He has risen.

Church that morning was beautiful.

Our church loves to sing, and sing we do!!

The Easter story was so powerful to me this year – I could not stop thinking about it.

Here is the Moschel crew that happened to be together when we took this photo – we are missing Grant though!

After church we all headed to the farm to have Easter dinner together.

Kayla had everything done up so beautifully – it was just PERFECT – and I never wanted to leave!

Addie and I helped make part of the meal for Sunday.

Kayla made the rest.

It was absolutely DELCIOUS!

David’s coffee is my favorite treat ever.

And Kay’s dessert was SO good I brought two more jars of it home with me that day!!

Kayla planned an Easter egg hunt for the kiddos.

It was fun to watch them run all over the farm and then open their eggs to find the treats inside!!

Great memories for them for sure.

We pulled ourselves away from the farm that evening and left with the fullest hearts!

Kay messaged me and said her heart was SUPER full too!!!

I could never have imagined this life.

I would have painted a picture of our life that was MUCH TOO SMALL.

The Lord has allowed so much for us.

Please know that it is never ever lost on Blake nor I.


Truly know that we are not worthy of any of this.

Thank you, Lord.

Thank you for it all.

Thank you for sending Your Son.

His wounds paid our ransom.

And we are so undeserving.