January School Days

I have been homeschooling our children since the year 2000.

That is a long time, friends!!!

As I reflect on that, not much has changed over the years really.

It is still the biggest part of our days here.

It still brings me so much joy.

We still follow a rhythm each day to keep things running smoothly.

And it still is at the core of our beliefs of the choices that we make for our children.

I only have three in school these days – but they are cheerful and enthusiastic, growing and learning, and fill my days with purpose and joy!!

Here is a glance into our school days through photos – my favorite way to tell a story!!

We had a NaiNai school day in January as well!!

Just think how long my homeschooling career will be if I get to help school ALL of my grandchildren through the coming years!!

Blake and I had conversation about our home school recently.

I always go to him to help me evaluate things we are doing and also to evaluate how the children are doing.

It is wonderful to report that we both think there is no need for major changes in our rhythm right now.

Here’s to many more posts about school days with my children AND my grandchildren!

What a wonderful career it has been!!!

The Sweetest Little Space

At the end of January Blake and I took our trio to town again to put a plan we had in place for our little office/school room.

We were not using our school table as much as we have in the past.

Here is what the office/school room looked like.

I have been longing for a little den space in our office since we moved to this home.

I knew we would wait until the time was right to make that happen – and now it was time!

First up on this little Saturday night date night with the kiddos was a promised dinner out!

They picked Noodles and Company and devoured yummy gluten-free Thai noodle bowls.

Next we went to the furniture store where we had purchased our last set of furniture and looked around for a little love seat that would fit in the spot we wanted it.

We found the PERFECT one!

I can only say that because I have been sitting on it for over six weeks now, and it is truly a great love seat!

We also bought an ottoman to match, and I am so glad we did.

Next we ran to Target to get a rug, lamp, throw pillows and a blanket to finish everything off!

This little den space is our new favorite spot!!

I am on that little love seat first thing every morning with my coffee, Bible, devotional, and journal.

I like to sit there in the afternoon with a hot drink as well because the sun shines right on that cute little couch at that time of day!

We still need to fill the holes and touch up the paint from a shelf we removed, but didn’t it turn out great?

Of course Ruby Jane loves it too.

I think we will enjoy that new little space for years to come.

I am thankful that the Lord gives me so much joy in the little things!

I hope you are able to look around where ever you are right now and be thankful too!!

Family Fun Night Through January

If you have been here for awhile, you know that we have a family night every Thursday!

In December we missed them with all the illness we had and the holidays, but January brought them back!

I still look so forward to our Thursday night gatherings!

It means my big boys are IN THE HOUSE!!

And it means that we take a few hours to be intentionally together!

January brought some very creative family nights!

We had a Lego building contest night, a timed speed activities night, a maze to crawl through night, and lastly we had a night where we played a new game I bought for Christmas called Telestrations that had us laughing until our sides hurt!!

I told you they were creative!!!!

I am here to say that I hope family night sticks around!

I know as spring and summer comes and the guys get so much more busy at work it will be harder to accomplish.

Blake and I have talked about a plan just for that!

It can be very simple – if we are just together.

Together is the goal.

It is the desire of a mama’s heart!!

Thank you, sweet family of mine, for making your mama’s heart so happy!!

New To Us

Last spring we looked for a new to us van for a few weeks and did not have any luck finding one.

Around Christmas time Blake told me he was going to look for one again, as it was either that or to start dumping a bunch of money into the one we had.

Blake was off of work on January 2nd for New Year’s Day.

After we finished school that day, we loaded up the kiddos and headed to town to check out two different vans that Blake had his eye on!

I was glad that the kiddos not only had an outing, but also got to participate in all that needed to take place for Blake to make a decision on if and what he would buy.

My input on a van, by the way, is that it is safe and reliable!!

I also would not choose certain colors, if given the choice.

We spent some time at the car dealer talking about this Honda Odyssey.

After we finished there, we took the kids to the new HyVee so Blake and I could get some coffee and they could have a snack.

Grant came and met us there since he was in town.

That made it super fun!

Of course I do not have a photo of him!

The guys all went on together to go to Menards, and Eliza and I headed back home to make dinner.

I had a sleepy girl!!

That following Saturday we were able to pick up our new to us van!

Blake had ultimately decided on the Honda Odyssey.

It is not our first one, and we have always had good experiences with a Honda.

We took the kiddos again as we picked up the van!

It has taken a while for me to get used to our new van, but I really like it!

It rides SO SMOOTH and feels safe and reliable.

Our old van was not so much in the reliable category anymore!

I was especially thankful for our new van when we traveled to Madison in January and then again when we traveled to Indianapolis in February!

We love our new to us van!!