Team Tate and the Long Awaited Appointment

On Thursday, January 12th, team Tate headed out early in the morning to head to UW Madison to see Tate’s Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon.

Team Tate that day was Blake, Tate and myself.

We had to change Tate’s appointment that was supposed to be back in December mostly because of a snow storm, but also because of our lingering illness.

Some of you might remember that at Tate’s last appointment in July of 2022, we were told that we needed to talk about surgery on Tate’s extremely complex spine.

You can read that post here.

Because that was the last conversation we had had with Tate’s surgeon, you can imagine our hearts would be a little anxious going into this appointment in January.

I had reached out to our amazing friends and prayer warriors and SO MANY were praying over our day, the surgeon, the decisions that needed to be made, and our hearts. We felt a peace that passed all understanding in only a way God could allow!

The body of Christ is so cool.

We arrived at UW without any trouble that day, checked in, and then we waited.

And we waited.

And waited some more.

We paced the waiting area, and also did some relay races.

My hubby was with us, after all, and he brings the fun!!

Tate finally had his imaging done, and we were taken to a room.

And we waited some more.

You guys, I am talking about hours of waiting.

It was crazy!

Finally a resident came in whom we had never met.

She asked a lot of questions and then checked Tate over thoroughly.

When she asked if Tate had ever had a tethered cord release or has ever had the VP shunt in his brain revised, we said no.

He hasn’t.

We got the response that my head and heart always have when I think about those two things alone – “WHAT? That is crazy unusual! He is eleven, right??”

We know how God has protected Tate from all of those “usual” surgeries that children with spina bifida and VP shunts have.

We know.

And we continually praise God for it all!!

Finally the surgeon came in.

He is a wonderful, humble man and an amazing, well-known surgeon.

He had just had surgery himself, and had his entire left arm in a sling.

He re-measured the images that the resident had just measured, explaining to her what and he was doing.

I love that he teaches others!!

And then he simply said “Tate is stable! Let’s recheck in six months.”

Of course we LOVED that news SO MUCH!!

Stable is our favorite word!!!

We did not, however, ask about last time, and the word surgery.

I did not ask the questions on my mind – ‘are you not saying surgery now because you are healing from your own surgery and cannot currently do it?’

Or ‘Were you saying surgery last time because you are about to retire and you want to be the one to care for Tate?’

Or ‘Do you not understand the weight of your words to parents like us when you say “we need to talk about surgery?”‘

Or the other questions I cannot remember months later as I type this?

We simply just got up, shook his hand, and skipped out of that place!

We were SO happy!!!

We will go back in July again for new imaging and new conversations.


So we headed to the Coop and then to Noodles and Company to fill our bellies!!!

Of course we had to check out all the cool things because I was traveling with a chef and a very fun guy.

We also stopped at Target and Tate got to spend a gift certificate that he had received for Christmas.

Then we headed to Costco and stocked up on all things grocery!

I love that place.

Of course my sweet hubby got us all some coffee for the long drive home.

I love that guy so much.

By the time we got home it had been a twelve hour day.

I am here to tell you medical days bring a level of exhaustion that is hard to explain.

We really weren’t doing anything!!

Those relay races in the waiting room did not exhaust us!

The peaceful van ride did not either!

The yummy food, the abundant grocery – nope – not those things either!

See! Hard to explain.

We got home to a wonderful meal, prepared by our beautiful daughter Addie Mae, and a fun family night.

I pushed the questions out of my mind and heart and let the words stable be in both those places instead.

Thank you, Jesus, Tate is stable!!

We are not worthy, Lord!

You have been so abundantly kind to us!!

We will praise You no matter what, Lord.

We will!

But thank you, Jesus, that Tate is stable.

A Walk Through The Rest of December


Sweet little ole blog of mine!!

It has been SO LONG since I have been in this space here.

Sorry about that!!

Sometimes there is a place for hobbies in your life and sometimes there is not.

I am thankful for the full life we live here!!

Hoping to get caught up with my memory keeping in this space this week – we will see how it goes!

Even with all of the illness in December there were still many other normal things.

Photos of the normal day-to-day things in life are some of my all time favorite ones!

Are you all tired of food and grocery shopping photos yet?

Ha, ha, hang on tight – here are some more!!

These food photos motivate me!

To make those things again!

When we were at our sickest, wow did I struggle to eat.

I had to eat to take the antibiotic three times a day, but the struggle was still real!

I made some grain-free waffles because they sounded good.

They ended up being one of the only things I ate most days.

Except when I had a few days of craving cauliflower – what in the world!

Crazy illness!!

When we were well enough, we did fit in school and piano.

We would find places to do school where we weren’t disturbing the ones who were sick!

I am always thankful for our home, Twin Oaks, and its beauty here.

We have a lot of windows and a lot of beautiful things to look at outside!

Even though I do not think we left the house for weeks (except to see the doctor and get meds), it was nice to have a bright home full of sunshine on the sunny days and to watch the snow fall on the snowy days.

As always, the kiddos found ways to keep themselves busy!


And we are all each other’s best friends who love spending time together!!

We watched waaayyyy too many Hallmark movies in December.

That must be what Hallmark movies are for – when you are sick – am I right?

It was a distraction and SO funny when the kids would call the plot of the whole movie in the first five minutes, ha, ha!

Of course we also watched all of our favorite cooking and baking shows!

I spent one whole afternoon, literally days before Christmas, wrapping all the presents!

It was a BIG job that I loved very much!

Do you love my very sneaky hiding place for those wrapped gifts??

Small house problems!

The week after Christmas we headed to town one afternoon JUST TO GET OUT.

It was a fun outing with my crew!

Addie helped me with some organizational projects in December too.

It seems to be a constant need!

Going through room by room here HAS to be a yearly thing.

We did the whole kitchen in one afternoon and it was a good thing!!

And then we went through a box of old photos and found those photos of Blake.

I had to send Kayla a picture of them because Clyde looks SO much like Blake at that age!!

Blake bought me a new phone in December and I almost did not survive the change.

Do you not like change either?!

Thank you for understanding then!

I went from a google pixel to an Iphone and it was not easy to learn how to use that thing, ha, ha!

At the end of December I was MORE than happy to finally put our nebulizer machine away.

That thing had run so much in the month of December with how sick we were.

Seeing these photos of December makes me miss having our Christmas tree and the beautiful lights!

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it??

Keeping our memories has always been fun for me!

December, you were a doozy!

Still grateful to remember you though!

We will always look back at December of 2022 with grateful hearts.

God was so faithful and kind to us!

Next up – 2023!!!!

Christmas Celebrations!!

I pretty much had tears in my eyes the entire weekend of Christmas, which is making me have tears in my eyes as I type this!

We were all FINALLY well enough to be together at Christmas, and together we were.


Christmas Eve all of us (except Grant) went to church for our candle light service.

Grant took this photo for us before we headed to church.

The singing that night, you all.

It was SO beautiful!!

Our church loves to sing and it is such a gift!

After church we headed to David and Kay’s for a Christmas Eve celebration of finger foods.

The food was wonderful!

We made a lot so we could eat it many more times that weekend!

After we arrived home late Christmas Eve night and everyone FINALLY stayed downstairs, ha, ha, I filled the Christmas tree with the gifts for Christmas morning!

This brought me so much joy!

I went to wrap one last gift that had arrived that day, and realized it was stuck in my quick hiding place.

It took quite a while to get it out of that drawer!

Christmas morning before church we had the kiddos open their gifts from Blake and I.

Eliza also got a gift from her sweet pen pal!!

Anyone have some extra plane tickets to Oregon you don’t need??

We want to meet Anna and her family so badly!!

Soon it was time to go to church again!

Addie and I did make some cinnamon rolls before we headed to church.

Grant stayed home again as he was still coughing so much.

After church we enjoyed brunch!

David and Kay’s were spending the day with us and it made me SO HAPPY!!!

Our seven kiddos plus David do a gift exchange, and Blake and I buy gifts for all of Kay’s crew.

We had our gift exchange after we ate!

We were so thankful that Grant could venture up the stairs to join us on Christmas Day!

Christmas is always a very special time for our family, but an even more special time for my heart.

I am always in awe of the story of Jesus coming to us as a baby!

But at Christmas, as we celebrate that fact, the story seems more real than ever, doesn’t it?

A baby.

Sent to us.

To die.

FOR us.

God loves us SO much, friends!

I hope that every single person who reads this knows Him.

And knows how much He loves you!

I also hope that each one of you had a wonderful Christmas!!

A Belated Birthday Party

In all the illness (see the previous post!) SO many things had to be cancelled.

SO many things!

We always have wonderfully full calendars – but the fact that it was during the holidays made our calendars even more wonderfully full.

It was hard to cancel almost everything for the whole month of December, but we knew we needed to keep that illness to ourselves.

We finally were able to celebrate all of the birthdays on December 23rd!

Yes, we were about to spend the whole weekend celebrating Christmas, but we had birthday presents still sitting in our closet and we needed to sing to all our birthday people and have cake!

Chad’s birthday meal (that we had planned and purchased the grocery for) had been cancelled the week before, so we decided to have that meal and make individual cakes so that everyone could have a candle!

It was FANTASTIC!!!!

We had everyone open their gifts in the order of their birthdays.

Clyde Strength was up first!

He turned seven on November 5th!

Next was Briar Promise!

She turned four on November 21st!!

Next was our Ellie Joy!!

She turned seven on December 6th!!

Then it was Chad’s turn!!!

His birthday is on December 18th!!

We had dinner before all of those gifts, and then it was time for the cakes!!

Tate and I had made Chocolate Molten Cakes and they got rave reviews!

We hung out the rest of the evening and just enjoyed BEING TOGETHER!!!

(We had Grant in quarantine downstairs as he was still very sick)

Just to have the WHOLE story of this memory written down, let me confess what happened at 11 p.m. that evening after everyone was gone, the dishes were done, the floors were swept, and Blake and I were sitting in bed.

I sat straight up, let out a HUGE gasp, and said, “Blake, we forgot to celebrate David!!!”


We missed a birthday.

And it was David’s 30th birthday, good grief!!

I felt SO BAD.

Of course my humble son-in-law NEVER SAID ANYTHING like “Hey, lady, where is my cake and candle and gift???”

When we talked about it the next day we laughed, of course!!

I did redeem myself just a little bit, maybe, by watching all the grand babies this past Saturday so that Kayla could take David out for a day long date!!

Key word there was MAYBE, ha, ha.

We really enjoy our birthday traditions of a chosen meal, chosen dessert, and gifts!

It is WAY more fun to celebrate someone else’s birthday than to have your own!!

Happy birthday to Clyde, Briar, DAVID, Ellie and Chad!!!