God Is Good In It All

You may wonder why I would make a post about illness as you read this, but in my mind, times of illness are memories too!

Besides that, I truly enjoy looking back on memories like these ones and seeing God’s faithfulness written ALL over them!

You may remember that at the end of November Eliza and I were slightly sick.

Addie was next and her fever burned high and long and scared her Mama to pieces.

And then it was Chad’s turn.

Chad arrived here at Twin Oaks to get a haircut from his Mama, all while burning up with a fever of all things.

He learned his “how to be sick” skills from his Dad, just saying!!

Those two don’t sit still easily!

Needless to say, once I got him to admit that he needed to lay down, he was here for three nights with us.

I did not want him to be alone down at his place with that high of a fever!

Sadie was obviously very happy about Chad’s illness, as she not only had a lot of time with her main guy, but she also got to keep Chad’s spot warm when he wasn’t laying in it.

Chad left on Tuesday (Dec 6th), and I was sick burning with the high fever by Wednesday afternoon.

Blake had to stay home with us on Thursday because of how sick Addie and I both were.

Here is my view on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning.

At least it was a pretty view!!

Kayla’s were also sick.

It all started for them in November while they were traveling.

Sunday morning I woke up to a text from Kay saying that they needed to get help.

Addie was well and back on her feet so she headed over to the farm to take care of all the kiddos while David took Kayla and Aspen to the Urgent Care.

It wasn’t very long before I was getting texts from Kayla saying that they were not only admitting Aspen due to bronchitis and pneumonia, but they were transferring her to a bigger hospital as well.

Oh. My. Heart.

Addie packed up the rest of the kiddos and headed back to Twin Oaks so we could all hunker down here together.

I was a little better at this point, but not well at all.

Sunday night Addie started burning fevers again and was back in bed full time.

Monday morning Blake brought me some coffee as he was heading out to work, and I seriously had a small moment of panic – how was I going to do all of this when I could not even take a deep breath because of the congestion in my lungs?

Well, guess what???


Every need was met, every belly was filled, the children were AMAZING, and I was able to be on my feet enough to do the most important things.

Aspen and Kayla were also both improving with the care they were receiving and I cannot tell you how thankful we were!

God is so cool.

Tuesday I called our doctor and said I needed some help myself, and I had a telephone appointment with her on Wednesday morning.

My lungs were full.

My eye was infected.

Blake picked up my antibiotics and I started to improve instantly!

The grand kiddos went home Wednesday afternoon after Aspen got released from the hospital Wednesday morning.

I think Addie got help from our doctor on Thursday? Friday?

She started to improve instantly too!

By Friday, though, our youngest three were getting sick.

Lane burned the hottest.

Eliza did not get the fever again, but got the eye infection.

Saturday I was well enough to head to town to get some much needed grocery and Kayla did the same.

We met up at one point and helped each other while sipping some much needed coffee.

It did my heart so good to see her!

Each Sunday we would watch church over live stream from home.

It is such a blessing to have that option!

That Sunday everyone was well enough to climb in the van and we drove through the Christmas lights!!

I had started using eye drops that we already had on the three youngest kiddos that day – so Monday we were calling the doctor again for more help.

Lane, Tate and Eliza all had the eye infection, and I knew we needed more eye drops.

One kiddo had an ear infection and a very tight cough as well.

Our sweet doctor literally just lined them up and took care of them all at once, bless her heart!!!

Every time I showed up at the pharmacy, our pharmacist was like “what in the world?!!”

Yes, we felt that way too – what in the world.

So many antibiotics, so many breathing treatments.


Grant was the last man standing, so he was the last man to fall.

Poor guy!

I made Chad bring him to me so I could take care of him!

Those fevers were no joke.

Grant was sick going into Christmas weekend.

By this time our trio was fine.

Addie and I, however, relapsed as soon as our meds were done.

Sigh again.

During all of this time we had friends checking on us, brining us meals, and one friend brought snacks one afternoon that are now my favorite!

At some point I also started ordering Christmas gifts because I had not done any Christmas shopping yet!

Grant was able to be with us on Christmas day, even though he did not go to church.

Addie and I took a whole second round of meds, and we are mostly well now.

David and Kayla’s crew are well, and Aspen has made a full recovery, praise God!!

Besides my one moment of panic that Monday morning when the grand kids were here, I had such an immense peace throughout this all.

Ok, wait, I did have one other terrible moment when I got the text from Kayla that Aspen was being transferred to a bigger hospital – it was pretty much a pacing up and down the hallway sobbing kind of thing.

My heart was hurting!!

You all, I seriously could hardly pray during all of this….but that is what is SO amazing about the body of Christ.

We had SO MANY friends standing in the gap for us, praying fervently for us, and supporting us with constant messages and food.

Illness in our area has been super bad these last two months.

We were not the only ones sick and we know many people who are still very sick!

This was a bacterial virus for us, and it hung on.

There is SO much to be thankful for though!

For our doctor who is only 12 minutes away.

That the boys live close by and were able to be here with us.

That, even though it is never our first choice, we were able to get the medication we needed to help us get well.

That Blake only missed work that one day to care for us.

And most importantly for the care the Aspen (and Kayla) received.

Their care was incredible.

Praise the Lord for it ALL!!

I am still praising Him and thanking Him for every single part of those weeks!

He is kind, and good, and gives us what is BEST for us and for His glory.

I hope, if you made it to the end of this long trip down memory lane, that you and yours have been well.

I hope that you stay well!

But if not, I hope you can still praise God for whatever He brings and that you can see His hand in it all.

To God be the Glory!!

A Walk Through November

Oh how I enjoyed looking back through all of these photos to edit and choose them, and they were not that long ago!

November was a full month of many normal things and many additional things too!

Off course our school work marched along – including my NaiNai school days with my grand kiddos!!

Another normal thing that you all already know about is the fact that we eat!

And we eat GOOD!

And we LOVE to make all the things we eat!

November was no different, and Thanksgiving celebrations made that even more fun.

I’m still the Friday morning shopper, but I still have good helpers in our sweet little kitchen.

I also still go to workout with my trainer at the Pilates Studio while I am in town on Friday mornings – but after getting groceries I think my workout has truly already been accomplished!!

Just look at all of these yummy things we made in November!!

Some of them are staples, and some are new things…but all were yummy!!

Let me add here that Tate cooked dinner and dessert almost all by himself for everyone for family night this week.

Be still my heart!!!

I hope that where ever his love for food, cooking, and this kitchen take him that he always remembers standing next to his Mama in this kitchen over his years here at home.

Sharing the kitchen with all of these kiddos over the years has been one of my greatest joys!!

I found some fun treats while doing all that grocery shopping!

I won’t buy those cinnamon chips again…well, maybe I will!

You can’t stop at just a few – just saying!!

They are super yummy!!

We always find creative ways to keep busy here at home, besides cooking and baking all the time I mean!

We worked on a snowflake cutting project for a couple of afternoons in an effort to cover our sliding glass door with snowflakes so that the birds would see it and quit running into the glass.

A bird ran into the glass while we were sitting there cutting them out and stunned itself so much that it sat there for over an hour before finally flying away again.

I do not have a photo of the completely finished windows, but you get the idea!

We also had a project of decorating for Christmas.

We are a “decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving” kind of family!

Are you all?

That HUGELY blessed us this year, because when illness hit, our decorating was already done!

I am not sure we would have even had a tree up if it had not happened this way!

And how I LOVE to sit by the lights of the Christmas tree early in the mornings and have my Bible time.

Addie and I had added some new ornaments to our tree this year from Hobby Lobby.

They are beautiful and I am thankful for them!

You can see them in the photos below.

We find lots of other things to fill our days too and I am forever grateful for how resourceful our trio is in keeping themselves busy!

Our dogs on the other hand don’t always use their time wisely, ha, ha!

They are our JOY though, and I love them probably more than anyone else!!

I bought this new storage system for my oils in November and it is much better than having a shelf on the wall that constantly needed dusted!

I set this in our bathroom linen closet and it is easy to retrieve and easy to use.

And does not need dusted.

I took this photo of Addie leaving for work one morning!

She is a BRIGHT light here in our home and we miss her when she is at work!

November had us at the polls.

Voting is IMPORTANT stuff!

Can we just pause here for a second at this next photo?


He is A GEM.

(Actually, they ALL are!!)

I love capturing photos like this one, zoomed in from across the room, of real life with Tate.

Do you see his resilience there?

Do you see his strong character there?

Do you see how nothing about his stature or size gets in his way?

He is an inspiration!


Tate also is super helpful when the driveway needs cleared of snow.

He is STRONG!!

And always the first one outside – even before he eats breakfast!

That favorite realtor of ours sent me this one afternoon.

I think Chad looked for this to see if he could find it, and find it he did!

It is the listing of our land (and the home that sat here) before they tore it down to build the one we live in now.

SO neat to see!!

Do you all remember that tree stump that sits in the foreground of that photo in the listing?

The second photo is where it stood in relation to our home – do you see it to the right of Tate between the two big trees?

The third and fourth photos are from the day we cut it down, back in 2017!


About that illness.

It is a story that will continue into my December posts.

But it is a story of God’s goodness to us EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.

As I type this, we are still dealing with this illness that will NOT go away.

It all started the weekend before Thanksgiving when I lost my voice.

No other symptoms really, just that.

I forced myself to stay quiet and in bed for two days thinking it would help me recover quickly.

There were a lot of things coming up that I did not want to miss!!

And then Eliza got sick the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

She ran a high fever for 24 hours and was 100 percent back on her feet the next day!

Praise God!

Grant was next with a slight cold and the symptoms that go with that.

I took him some oils, cough drops, and soup and he recovered easily!

Illness didn’t stop there….but I will wait to say the rest with the photos I have to go along with the story from December.

We missed going to church for five weeks but got to listen through live stream.

In the last photo you can see how Ruby feels about church at home, ha, ha!

Since I have been absent from this space for so long, I will add my signature to the end of this post!

Now you know it is me!


It went fast.

It went slow.

It was full.

Is it just my age, or do you all feel the weight of how quickly time is moving along?

I just want to freeze it!

Keep these kiddos little.

Then I want to speed it up!!

And see God write the rest of our story!!

I am currently sitting at the kitchen island, watching our little bird restaurant through all of those snowflakes on the windows while the snow falls.

Let’s freeze time right now, Ok?

I hope you all see God gifts in the snow and birds and good food and children and friends…and even in illness too.

It is ALL from Him!!

Praise God for ALL he allows!!!

November Outings

Besides our Thanksgiving outing where we delivered meals, we had some other planned outings in November too!

I think my favorite one was when we attended the La Crosse Symphony Orchestra on the evening of November 12th.

What a GREAT experience for us all!!

I think Tate loved it the most, but everyone enjoyed it very much.

The music was BEAUTIFUL and the pianist was AMAZINGLY talented!!

Blake and I also occasionally have a coffee date with another couple on Sunday morning before church.

It is WONDERFUL every time and I love our friends so very much!!!

I had to get a photo of this beautiful latte last time we met.

We spent a Sunday afternoon at our local High School swimming pool to hear the testimony of a young man and then watched him be baptized.

Nothing. Like. It!!

What a privilege to listen to and then watch someone publicly proclaim their love for the Lord!!

We also are making a point of taking the kiddos to town for things – whether it be errands, or just for dinner out. We have been isolated for so very long and are enjoying these outings so very much!

One Friday evening we made a family date night and headed to town to shop and then have dinner at Chipotle.

It was a BLAST!!

And of course there was a coffee stop!

Blake and I still enjoy date night…but I am sad to say because of illness and the holidays our last date night was back on November 11th, what in the world!!

The kiddos gave us some gift cards for Christmas and we plan on using them very soon for a really nice date night together!!

I love having one-on-one time with Blake!

I am sure he loves it when I bring my planner, ha, ha!

We spent Thanksgiving weekend helping the dearest people I know look around our area and look at some houses as well.

It was quite the joy for this Mama that we had the help of the most amazing realtor – our son, Chad!!

This post was in an effort to creatively separate the huge amount of photos I am going through from the last two months!

I think it did the job!

There is still lots of November memories to keep here – so stay tuned!!

November is full of great memories!

Thanksgiving Celebrations

Thanksgiving was so wonderful this year!

We had so many things to look forward to.

I will start this post with our traditional Thanksgiving Day kitchen crew selfie!!

Our first celebration was with friends on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

It was very yummy and we had the BEST time spending the day with our dearest friends!

I barely have any photos because I was enjoying myself so much!

Of course I took photos of the food.

The younger kiddos spent a lot of time outside that day sledding because we had a lot of snow.

On Thanksgiving Day we headed out in the late morning to go into La Crosse and deliver meals for shut ins.

This is our second year volunteering for this ministry and we enjoy it SO VERY MUCH.

Blake and I were in the van with the three youngest and Grant and Addie were in a second vehicle delivering as well.

We delivered over fifty meals between our two vehicles!!

So very fun!!

Once we were back home around 2:30 that day, David and Kayla’s came over to celebrate Thanksgiving with us!

We had not seen them much in November because we had traveled and then they had traveled.

It was SO very good to be together!!

We kept two cute boys for the night that night!

Sleep overs are SUPER FUN for everyone – including me!!

If you have followed along with our blog for any amount of time, you know how much we have to be thankful for!!

Not just on one day each year either – but EVERYDAY!

I was just looking back at all of our photos from November to prepare for this post, and do we ever have reason to be grateful!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year too!!

Next up will be a recap of the rest of November….stay tuned!