First Day of School 2024

Life looks so different lately.

I am sure you already know that if you have been following along here!

School looks a bit different too.

I decided after Scottie and Addie’s wedding that it would be a good thing to get a bit of school going with my three still here at home.

It was a good idea!

I spent literally one entire day in the office getting everything ready!!

That was the last Monday of July and then we started our first day of school the next morning, on Tuesday, July 30th.

Our school days have been hit or miss since then until after Labor Day.

But I am SO glad we got going – especially because the children (and myself too!) really thrive with structure in our days!

I did manage to remember to take photos of the children on the first day, even though our other traditions did not happen this year like they have in the past.

The children have mostly out grown those traditions – but I loved doing them!!

Just look at my line-up for this year!!

Lane Steven – 16 years old – 11th grade

Yes, Lane is in a competition to see if he can be the winning giant of this family.

Chad is 6’4″, but Lane is not far behind him!!

Next up is Tate Owen – 13 years old – 7th grade

Tate’s voice is deep these days and he is an amazing teenager.

He loves school – but they all do, actually!!

Next is Eliza Claire – 12 years old – 7th grade

Eliza LOVES loves loves school – she loves everything pencils, paper, and creativity!!

They are all such great and easy students!!

We have a lot of fun together!

I decided to go through this book again this year for our Bible time.

We never finished the whole thing anyway, so I started it a few lessons in.

Highly recommend this book!

This year all three children are using Teaching Textbooks for Math.

I am an old lady trying to catch up with the times here!

This, so far, has been a wonderful switch for Tate and Eliza!

Lane had already been using this Math program for a few years and is continuing it as well.

We needed two new devices to be able to have more on-line school work, and so Tate and Eliza got tablets for their school.

Lane still likes to work in the office where it is more quiet.

He uses our computer back there.

He is taking Pre-Calculus this year through Teaching Textbooks.

I am glad I don’t have to try to teach him that!!

He also is doing History classes through Hillsdale College and those are on-line as well.

Lane works on his grammar, typing class, and health class on his own as well.

Lane and I are doing his Science class together at his request.

Let’s just say he explains a lot of it to me, and he has a solid A grade in this course so far!

Blake is running Lane’s STEM studies – which is probably the biggest part of his school – and completely hands on.

It will, Lord willing, be a good year for Lane!!

I still love to read aloud to the children, and Tate and Eliza are still enjoying that, so I do!!

We just finished this book and it was a very good one.

Tate and Eliza work on their math, vocabulary, grammar, science, foreign language, typing and cursive practice on their own.

Eliza is still taking piano lessons and about to have an assessment to move up to the highest level they currently offer!

We are talking about adding in violin for both Tate and Eliza – but I told the children we needed to get their grandparents moved here first before we start.

I have both Tate and Eliza in the kitchen everyday these days – and they are getting to be quite skilled in cooking and baking!

Eliza is also going to be my helper as I continue to serve in our Women’s Ministry at church.

I think they will have a great year too!!

We are now fully into our school year and we are all enjoying being back to a rhythm!

Even though we are still having summer weather here!

What a privilege to be able to teach these kiddos of ours!!!

School year 2024-2025 – let’s do this!!!

Meet Jasmyn Bella!!

Yes, we did.

We had talked about it for months and months.

We knew that Addie’s dog, Ruby, would be moving out with her once Addie was married.

Blake and I talked about how we still have three children we are raising here, and they LOVE having animals.

Honestly, Blake and I love having animals too!

We told the children we would get a puppy after the wedding – and there was one particular cute girl with Asian eyes who was holding us to that fact!

Sweet Eliza!!

I started the search for a puppy shortly before the wedding, never thinking I would actually find one.

But I did!!

Introducing, Jasmyn Bella – or Jazzy as she is most frequently called!

We picked up Jazzy the Saturday after the wedding in Lodi, Wisconsin.

She was bred by a breeder in Ames, Iowa, but they were going to be in Lodi that weekend, which was a much shorter drive.

Jazzy is a miniature schnauzer and was the runt of the litter.

We had the BEST experience working with her breeder as we purchased her and picked her up.

Very thankful for that!!

The children were SO excited to go and get her!!

It is already hard to remember those first days with Jazzy as it was already two months ago and she has changed so much!

She rode great in the van that day, and got a bath not too long after she was home.

We are very intentional in training our dogs, and that has not changed with this puppy either.

Do we need the work of a puppy right now??

Oh goodness, that is a SOLID NO.

But we can see the end goal in sight – and that is an obedient, sweet dog to love on for the next, Lord willing, ten or more years!

The first thing we did that day was roll up the rugs in our main area, get Jazzy’s new crate out, close the gate across the stairs, and put up a gate closing off the hallway to the bedrooms.

All of those were good decisions!

It took one day to see that the crate I originally bought was way too small, so we got a larger one.

We also still had Ruby at this point because the bride and groom were on their honeymoon!

Ruby is NOT a fan of all the change that has happened to her, just so you know, but she is especially not a fan of Jazzy.

Poor girl!!

I love on Ruby an extra lot when she is here with us.

We currently keep Ruby on the days that Addie works.

Blake, the children and I have enjoyed Jazzy very very much from the first minute we met her!

She is a great addition to our family!!

Jazzy’s crate training and potty training have had their moments, as I am sure you can imagine.

We had her fully potty trained and sleeping all night in her crate by the time she was home for six weeks though.

She rings a bell hanging from our front door when she needs to potty, and she sleeps in her crate in Blake and my room.

We are still working on training her to be happy in her crate ANYTIME we put her in there – especially when our house is so full of people – which has been a lot lately!

We know we will achieve this goal in time.

Jazzy has done so great riding in the car and going places (she even went to Illinois and Indy with us!), and also has done great at her vet appointments!

I really enjoy her – especially when she is cuddly!

She loves to cuddle, and then loves to be on her own, and then loves to be on my feet!

She looks so little in all of these photos!

She has been home over nine weeks already and is over four months old!

We recently had Jazzy groomed for the first time, and she looks like a different dog!

Just look at these before and after photos!!

Oh, Jazzy, you are turning out to be just the sweetest dog!

We love seeing your personality come out!!

It has been so rewarding watching you settle into life here!

We know there is more to come – like when we can take those gates down, when you are easier to manage when our home is full of people, and when you see your crate as your safe little spot no matter what time of day.

We are SO grateful you are part of our family and our children’s story!!!

Welcome here, Jazzy B!!!!


Scottie and Addie’s Wedding Day!!!

Where do I even begin to be able to share this with proper words!

I feel like any words I type here could never share the depth of the anticipation, JOY, bitter sweetness, and complete excitement of this day!

It was a beautiful day on July 13th – a little humid, but partly sunny and not too hot.

I will sprinkle photos throughout my words on this post – there are lots!!

They are so beautiful though!!

Our photographer is SO talented!!!

Just look at all of these beautiful “details” she captured!

Us girls headed to the church pretty early that day to meet the hairstylist that was doing Addie Mae’s hair.

We all got ready together and it was a very special time!

Scottie and Addie had planned a “first look,” which was going to be followed by family photos, so we all needed to be ready by noon!

I will admit, I was not a fan of this whole “first look” thing at first!

Call me old fashioned, or just call me old, ha, ha!

But once I really thought about the fact that Scottie and Addie wanted to do this, I KNEW it was the right thing for THEM.

And it was!

Perfectly perfect!!

And a joy to watch!!

My make-up was already ruined, just saying!

Family photos were up next, and I am here to tell you, these photographers work HARD.

Our photographer, Kellyn, had a second shooter with her that day to help her!

Getting family photos was no small feat!!

Look how good they are though!!

Most of us headed back inside to cool off at this point, but the bridal party loaded up in a van to quickly get some photos at a different location!

These are my favorites!!!

What am I saying, they all are my favorites!!

Guests started arriving before we knew it!

Time was seriously flying by – this day went SO fast.

Just like that it was time to walk down the aisle!!!

Scottie and Addie had so many special moments sprinkled throughout the ceremony.

I will always remember how we started the ceremony with everyone standing and worshipping together.

We sang In Christ Alone and Here I am to Worship.


My sweet hubby finally allowed all his emotions to come to the surface right as he gave Scottie Addie’s hand at the front of the aisle, and was literally sobbing during these two songs.

Seeing your children get married is tough on your heart strings!!

In the BEST possible way!!

But he made me cry too!

Our Pastor’s charge to the bride and groom was powerful.

SO well said.

One of my other favorite very special moments was when my daughter-in-law, Kamryn, sang “The Blessing” while Chad played the guitar and our friend, Liz, played the piano.

Us parents were praying over our daughter and son while this song was being sung, and I will never forget how wonderful that time was!

So so special!

The music was so incredibly beautiful too – Liz is a very talented pianist, who didn’t even have any sheet music in front of her at all!

Blake walked Addie down the aisle to Liz playing “The Goodness of God” and I will never again be able to hear or sing that song without crying!!

Once the kiss, the dip (smile!!), and the pronouncement were done, we basically ran out of that sanctuary!

SO many hugs and tears of congratulations!!

This was a very quick, but very sweet time for our families!!

We had a receiving line and I am SO glad we did!

It was wonderful to see everyone who was there, and meet the ones we did not know!

After the receiving line, Scottie and Addie headed out for a few photos at yet another location very close by, and then it was time to start the reception!

I heard so many kind comments about how beautiful everything looked.

I also had several friends tell me that you could see Addie’s fingertips all over the beautiful touches that were everywhere.

It was true!!

Planning all of these special little details came so easily to Addie and we enjoyed seeing it all come together!

The bride and groom were back quick, and I rallied one of Scottie’s brothers to announce them to the reception!

Scottie and Addie cut their cake right away.

Did you already guess?

OF COURSE Addie smashed that cake in Scottie’s face!

I knew she would!!

All of Scottie’s brothers each drove their car all the way from New York to Wisconsin.

They all snuck out of the reception to get these photos – and I LOVE THEM!

It was a joy to spend time with Scottie’s family!!

It seemed like two seconds later it was time for the send off.

It was a FUN send off though!

We had bubble machines!!

I love how the photos of this turned out!

And then….we had to say goodbye.

Scottie and Addie were headed off on their honeymoon for the next two weeks!

What a bitter sweet time!!

We WERE (and are!) SO HAPPY FOR THEM!!!

Oh goodness, how to end this post.

I will speak for myself when saying that I have prayed for Addie’s husband and this very day for years upon years.

Prayers upon prayers upon prayers.

Addie Mae lived out her single years as the most content, focused, purposeful, joyful, and Godly young woman – and to see the Lord bless her efforts makes my heart about burst!!

The blessing is Scottie.

They are MEANT for each other – and watching them start their lives together has been the absolute best thing.

They are shining the brightest light and they don’t even know that they are!

We love Scottie so very much, and I thank the Lord for him so often.

One more photo to add here through my tears…

Mr. and Mrs. Scottie Stipe, YOU ARE A WONDERFUL PAIR.

We couldn’t be more thrilled for you both!!



A BEAUTIFUL Day in the Making!!

It feels like Addie and Scottie’s wedding was forever ago now, not just over eight weeks ago!

I think I will enjoy this trip down memory lane more than anyone else who sees this post!!

Goodness, what a wonderful season we have been in!

Scottie is ONE IN A MILLION and we love him to pieces!

The Thursday before the wedding, the guys took Scottie out to eat and to ride go carts, so all of the girls came here to enjoy the evening.

We had the best time!!

There were already projects being completed and piles being made that day for our BIG day Friday when it was time to set up the church.

Friday morning started with a big pancake breakfast and a very excited bride and groom!!!!

We got everything we needed for the church into five vehicles, I believe.

We had SO much help and I could never say thank you enough to everyone!

When we arrived at the church, everyone just worked all together to make everything happen!!

It was AMAZING!!

There was one moment, late in the afternoon, when we realized we had not even started to frost the hundreds of cupcakes…

Blake, Tate, Eliza and I ran home to get some things needed, like an electric mixer, and by the time we returned they already had all of the vanilla cupcakes done!!

They had whipped all of that frosting by hand!

Let me just say I was so glad I had taken aprons to church, ha, ha!

Before long, things were really coming together!

I walked around taking some quick photos with my phone right before the rehearsal started that night.

I just LOVE every detail – all planned by Addie and Scottie – and it just “felt” like them in so many ways.

I was so overwhelmed with emotions – this was it!!!

The day we had been praying for for SO long!!

Look how beautifully it all came together!!

Pretty soon it was time for everyone to change and clean up for the rehearsal dinner!

We had brought all of our clothes and get ready stuff to the church for that.

Everyone looked so nice!!!

And Addie’s bestie and bridesmaid arrived!!

And my bestie and her family arrived too – her daughter was going to play the piano for the wedding!

I was SO happy to have her there, but I do not even have a photo!!

Here is the most important thing I packed for the wedding, ha, ha!

And yes, I had them ready for the rehearsal too.

After we practiced the wedding ceremony a couple of times, we went down the hall to another kitchen area to have the rehearsal dinner.

Scottie’s family was so gracious to host this dinner!

It was lovely and very enjoyed!

There was an opportunity to speak on Scottie and Addie’s behalf, and many took that opportunity and shared.

That was my favorite part!!

Scottie and Addie also gave gifts to everyone in their bridal party and those serving them on their big day.

Briar was the flower girl, and was very excited to receive a gift!!

Just like that, it was Saturday!!

I will share a few snapshots that people shared with me…but my next post will be FULL of the most beautiful photos from our amazing photographer (and friend)!!

We received Scottie and Addie’s wedding photo gallery just last week, and they are SO AMAZING!!

Stay tuned for the rest of the story!!

It was the most WONDERFUL day!!

To God be the Glory!!!