Team Tate and Eliza Back to UW Madison

On Tuesday, August 16th (the day after we had started school), we headed to UW Madison for appointments for Tate and Eliza!

Team Tate and Eliza included Blake, myself, and Lane.

It was a beautiful day and we had a beautiful drive.

Blake and Lane dropped Tate, Eliza and I at the Children’s Hospital to head to their first appointments.

We were told in our appointment reminder e-mail that no siblings of the patients were allowed in the building.

Blake and Lane headed to the Co-op to get lunch for all of us to enjoy after our first appointments were finished.

First up for Tate and Eliza were renal ultrasounds to check on their bladders and kidneys.

We call this “jelly on the belly”, ha, ha!

They did PERFECTLY because they have had several dozen of these ultrasounds over the years and are old pros by now.

I asked about Blake and Lane coming in the building while we were at those appointments and they told me it was fine for them to join us.

I figured as much because the place looked like a ghost town.

We went out to the main lobby and waited for the guys to return so we could eat lunch before their next appointment!

Since we still had some time to kill, Tate and Eliza played the piano for us.

Soon it was time to see the urologist.

We were not expecting any surprises at this appointment – but remember, we must go with open minds and prayerful hearts – which is what we did!

Thankfully everything looked perfect and stable for both Tate and Eliza and we do not need to see the urologist for another year.

The sad news of the day was that Dr. Ann (as we call her) is retiring and we won’t see her next year!

We were glad to get to see her this one last time and wish her well!

After we were done at the hospital we headed to Costco to stock up on some grocery for ourselves and for Kayla!

Glad we had such great helpers with us!!

Afterward, we all grabbed a Starbucks for the road and enjoyed the long drive home sipping coffee.

It ended up being a GREAT day!

I was thankful to have my guys with us, as that was not the original plan!

Also thankful to check another appointment off of our list!!

We are grateful for the care Tate and Eliza receive – now more than ever.

Praise the Lord with us for a stable report times two from the urologist!!

The First Day of School 2022

Monday, August 15th, was our first day of school for the 2022-2023 school year!

The teacher of these kiddos almost called it off to wait one more week to start because I had not had enough time to get ready.

I am glad I did not wait!

I was able to get enough done to have a “soft” start for our first week (for Lane anyway, since it was Lane I wasn’t completely ready for), which turned out perfect.

Keeping with tradition, we had a special breakfast and took some first day of school photos.

French toast, a green smoothie and bacon was a yummy start to the school year!

And now look at my line up for this year!

Lane Stevan, 14 years old, ninth grade

Tate Owen, 11 years old, fifth grade

Eliza Claire, 10 years old, fifth grade

Aren’t they good looking students??!

It seems like such a small class this year, though, doesn’t it?

I cannot believe I only have three to teach this year!

We start our school morning with Bible time all together, and this year we are working through a curriculum called Morning Virtues.

We have started with the character trait of courage and we are studying the book of Joshua in the Bible.

It has been fantastic!

We also work on memory work each day.

I am working Tate and Eliza toward more independent learning this year – and they have embraced it fully!

After the first day, Eliza told me (as she hugged me!), “I love the school, MOM! I love the checklist! I love the basket for my books and I love the pencil! I love it all, Mom!”

So, so fun to teach such enthusiastic joyful children!!

So far they have been sitting at the kitchen table for their table work, which takes about an hour to an hour and a half each morning.

Lane has been using the school room/office to do his work.

He finds it distracting to be with the rest of us, and also needs the computer for his math course.

Lane’s ninth grade work includes Teaching Textbooks Algebra, Easy Grammar for language, Beautiful Feet History through Literature, and Apologia Physical Science.

Lane joins us for art.

Lane also spends a huge chunk of time on his on-line STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) class that Blake teaches and helps him with.

Our fifth grade work includes ABeka Math, Daily Gram and Easy Grammar for Language, BJU Spelling, Cursive practice, and ABeka Read & Think reading comprehension.

We are doing History through Literature, and also going through Apologia Swimming Creatures for Science.

Of course there is still piano practice and lessons, and art!

It all has been super duper so far and I am enjoying it as much if not more than the kiddos!

After Tate and Eliza listen as I read History and Science, they do an illustration and narration of what they heard.

There is so much learning in this simple thing we do!

And they enjoy drawing and retelling what they have heard.

Eliza writes the funniest things – be sure to read her Science narration!

For art class this year we have started to learn a new medium thanks to a sweet girlfriend who gifted the course to us!

We are learning how to draw with chalk pastels.

We all LOVE it!!

I think I will have more art to frame and hang on the walls real soon!

Right now, because of the amazing weather, we have been going for a bike ride after our table work each morning.

It is very important to me that we get outside often each day – and what a better way to get your wiggles out and get some fresh air into your lungs!

Tate told me this is his favorite thing we have been doing everyday!

We will continue to do it every day too, well, until it gets below zero out there this winter!

Sometimes when we are done biking we finish our math problems on the front porch while sitting in a little Chinese squat.

She makes me smile!

We are only two and a half weeks into our school year, have found our rhythm, worked out the bugs, and are all enjoying our days very much!

I am excited to watch these beautiful children learn and grow this year!!

They are inspiring to be around, and fill our lives with so much love, life, laughter, and JOY!

What a privilege to be their mama, teacher and friend!!

School year 2022 – 2023, you are off to a great start!

Looking forward to many more days ahead!

A Very Special Date Night

For Tate’s birthday at the beginning of August, Blake and I gifted him a date night with us and also Eliza!

We originally thought we would surprise Tate and Eliza by taking them to dinner and then mini golfing, but the weather did not cooperate for the evening that we were planning to go out.

Instead we ate dinner at Chipotle and headed to a place called All Glazed Up to paint some pottery!

It ended up being a MUCH better choice than mini golfing and we had the BEST time together!

When we first arrived, we had to choose the pottery we wanted to paint.

It did not take long for us to choose, but then we had to choose paint colors!

Once we finally got all of that done, we sat for about two hours painting our pieces and chatting away with the two cutest kids on the planet.

The funniest part of the evening was how much Blake got into this project!

He was enjoying it so much and said that he found his new stress reliever activity ha, ha!

He did the best job on his coffee mug and it turned out amazing!

The hard thing about the paint was that the color you saw as you painted your project was not the color that it would end up being.

Once the pieces are fired in the kiln, the colors darken and become very shiny!

After we finished our pottery, we headed to get some ice cream – even though it was very late!

It was cold outside and that ice cream made us turn the heat on in the van!

Blake was able to pick up our finished projects this last week and that was the best part!!

Tate and Eliza have talked about that date night so much since then!

We know Tate’s love language is quality time which made this birthday gift perfect for him!

Thanks for the very special date night Tator B and Zi!!!


Tate is ELEVEN!!

Can you all believe it??

Our Tate is ELEVEN years old!!

His birthday was August 3rd, and we had our usual birthday traditions for him.

A meal of his choice, dessert of his choice, and some gifts!

We have our birthday parties usually on Sundays so that everyone is free to join us!

This first picture says it ALL!

Tate is pure JOY and LOVES people SO well – especially his nephews and nieces!

Tate and River have a very fun friendship that I hope lasts forever.

Tate chose Japchae for his meal and that is what he got….and all he got!

His mama is slacking!!

They all loved it though and it filled all the bellies.

We enjoyed watching Tate open his gifts.

Everyone was spot on with the things Tate loves and gave him the gift of promised TIME.

Tate has already had his special promised date night with Blake and I, and his promised sleepover/weekend spent with Kay and her crew.


Of course there were things to open too.

For dessert Tate chose a crepe bar – crepes filled and topped with lots of yummy things!

It was a another great party!

Memories made and memories kept!!

Even though I have about half of the photos I wish I had, ha, ha!

Tate Owen, HOW do words express what you mean to us?

You have seriously made our lives so rich and full.

We are SO thankful that the Lord saw fit to bring you half way around the world to be our forever more!!

It was fun to celebrate you, Tator B!!

Happy, happy eleventh birthday!!