Team Eliza at Shriners

The first Thursday of August Blake, Eliza and I headed out early in the morning to head to Shriners in Minneapolis.

We had a little over a three hour drive one-way that day.

It was the most gorgeous day for a drive!

I love driving along the river and lakes when we head into Minnesota.

Eliza was being seen that day for a two year check-up to make sure she has had no regression in her hip dysplasia.

We were not expecting any surprises, but we went with prayerful hearts and open minds!

First she had some imaging done – two views, both laying down.

Then we saw the orthopedic PA and heard the WONDERFUL news that Eliza’s hips are not only are stable, but look great!

After our appointment was over we did our typical medical day things!

Chipotle, Starbucks, and some shopping.

It was very sweet to have some one-on-one time with our precious girl!!

Of course as soon as we were home Tate and Eliza were stuck to each other’s sides.

They are just better together!!

And they do not like having long days apart!

It is just the sweetest thing that God has done for them – giving them each other!

There’s another long medical day in the books!

Medical days are getting fewer and farther in between and we are SO thankful for that!!

Thank you, Lord, for ALL You have allowed and done for our Eliza Claire!!

It is not lost on us how much the Lord has healed our sweet baby!!

Grateful for it ALL!!

May the glory be Yours, Jesus!!

Grant’s Place

The first Saturday of August WAS THE DAY!!

The day we finally moved Grant to his new house!

No, it is not “finished” – but there was enough of the big work done that Grant could move in and have a place to lay his head.

We have had such willing helpers these last few months – including these two cuties!!

After the guys had finished skim coating and sanding the walls and ceilings, they sprayed texture, primer and then paint on them.

The skim coating and sanding took a long, long time because they were working on it usually from 9 p.m. to midnight on the nights they were available!

The spraying process, however, went quickly and the results were dramatic!

Don’t they look like a professional crew?!

I really like the paint colors Grant chose!

Lots of grey walls, and then white walls in the hallways and kitchen.

They also sprayed the fireplace black.

It is awesome!

A few weeks back on a Sunday afternoon we all went down as a family to do some work together to try to get it across the finish line.

There was a lot of cleaning that needed done, the trim needed painted, all the new light and fan fixtures needed installed – just to name a few of the things on the huge list!

It was a FUN day!

We love to work together!

Grant and Addie were on the trim painting team!

Eliza, Tate and I were on the cleaning team!

Tate took this photo!

Chad was on the odd jobs and measuring windows and things team!

He also gave this parrot we found in the bathroom a funeral in a trash can, ha, ha!

Blake and Lane were on the light and fan fixtures team!

Please notice in the second photo the ones taking a break and having some cake!

Grant’s house is looking so good!

The paint looks much darker in these photos than it does in real life – especially on a more sunny day.

There were some kiddos who brought some books for break time.

The day we moved Grant in I took ONE photo.

I know!

Disappointing, right?

We were a skeleton crew that day and a smidge BUSY.

But I will have opportunity for more photos I am sure!

Now I will answer the question of the hour – YES, I CRIED.

Grant hugged me and told me, “It’s ok, Mom! I’m not going far!” which made me cry harder, ha, ha!

It’s ALL good though, because Grant’s house is wonderful, it is not far, and he is LOVING being a homeowner which makes his Mama very, very happy!

A new season!!

Even though I miss him, he comes over often – right at dinner time!!

Smart boy.

We are so happy for our Grant Evan!!!


So Long July

I’ve already posted about many good things in the month of July!

But there were many more good things – our typical day-to-day life here – usually just my trio (Lane, Tate and Eliza) and I!

We enjoy our days here…I will let some photos do the talking!!

Of course July was no exception for how hard we used the kitchen!

My helpers are needed, enthusiastic, willing, and SUCH a blessing!

You know what all that food means!

It means my early Friday mornings in town have not changed!

I go bright and early to get grocery, run errands, and then workout at the Pilates Studio with my trainer before I head back home.

Rain or shine!

Please note what the our extra fridge looks like before and after grocery day, ahem.

I also have been trying to do some deep cleaning projects on Fridays.

There are lots of areas that are long over due!

The top of the kitchen cabinets was rather gross.

I used a homemade soft scrub to get all of that dusty grime off of those cabinets.

I have been making different cleaning supplies lately and also bought these dusters that can be reused and washed.

They aren’t perfect, but they get the job done!

I also made a bunch of play doh one morning.

It was for the grand babies – and they loved it!

In other news…our dryer broke, again.

We have the parts ordered and they must be sitting on a boat in the middle of an ocean somewhere.

It’s been about six weeks now – and we have called to get updates on their arrival to be told there is no update.

We cannot find this part anywhere else…so we wait.

In the meantime we have had some fun laundry mat runs – at least twice a week as I try not to let it get too far behind.

Lately several times that I have been out and about with this trio of mine, we have sweet older ladies come up to us.

At the laundry mat a retired teacher told me that she was thrilled to see my children holding and reading ACTUAL books!

She was super sweet!

Another gal approached us there one day and told me my children were the best behaved kiddos she had seen in a long time and wondered if they wanted jobs, ha, ha!

Somewhere in the middle of July, someone got the sniffles and a sore throat.

He is not the someone that is very good at being sick, just saying.

Thankful for all of the things we have to support our bodies in wellness and in illness though!

We got that someone well real quick!

We also had our hymn sing in July – but it was a cookout and bon fire instead of our regular hymn sing.


So much fun piled into one night!!

And we got to watch our friends put on a paramotor air show for us!!

My hubby is still the kombucha maker of this household – and I love that he loves to do that job so much!

He has been making one bottle each time of an “interesting” flavor – like apple cinnamon or coffee.

Some of the flavors are good, some are not!!

Eliza took it upon herself to build a house for her Lego people out of cardboard, paint, and a glue gun.

I’m here to tell you we have designer on our hands!!

Eliza’s mama may, just maybe, like to watch home renovation shows, which might have given Eliza her design eye!

I took Addie to work one day when her car was in the shop, and this is who greeted me as I drove on to the lot!

Blake worked on our trailer for several nights the week before we traveled to Indiana.

We took it with us to bring home a zero turn mower that was gifted to us!

Lane is very happy to have this mower!!

He has been push mowing our yard/land and this is a nice and much quicker change!

Our landscape out front this year is BEAUTIFUL!!

Every time I see it I think of my sweet friend and neighbor that helped us by transplanting so many of her own plants!!

Speaking of sweetness…how sweet are these photos??

Addie Mae took Eliza out for a special date for Eliza’s forever family day!

And then she took Tate out for a special date for Tate’s forever family day!!

We always love making memories with our favorites…but it is extra special to me when the big kids get to make those memories with them too!

Chad took these two cuties into the woods one day to have them help him plant his food plots for hunting season this fall!

Kayla, Addie and I snuck away (really, we literally did!) from the house one night to take a walk together and talked each other’s ears off the whole time!!

I will wrap up this July post with my favorite sky photo of the month, even though I made an entire post of sky photos here.

How. I. LOVE. the. sky.

July, you were awesome.

Praise the Lord for the days!

As I sit each morning in the quiet and spend time with Jesus, I am always in awe that He gave us another day.

Another chance!!

Another chance to bring Him some fame!!

I hope you can see each day as a gift, an opportunity, and a chance to use time wisely!!

We are so blessed to have these days!!

A GRAND day!!

The last Saturday of July was a GRAND day!!

We were blessed to have ALL the grand babies for the WHOLE day!

I might have bribed them to sit still for that photo, ha, ha,!

We had the BEST day!

I had a plan – and we just kept moving from activity to activity.

They were so excited about each thing!

Play doh, read aloud, snack and meal times, outside play, water play…and even a rest time with shows.

I think we received ALL the blessing on that day – but I know David and Kayla had a great time on their day away too!

Aren’t our grand babies getting so big?!

I don’t think I should be calling them grand babies anymore – but I can’t help myself because I am trying to get time to stand still!

Time is flying by and they are growing so fast.

It has been such a JOY to watch them change, learn and grow!

See why it was such a GRAND day?

I’ll take a day like that one anytime!!