Some Fun in Madison

After our appointment with Tate’s orthopedic surgeon last Thursday, we decided to make a day of it and do some fun things in Madison before heading home.

I’m SO glad we did!!

I have heard Tate tell some friends since that day that he got to do these things with Blake and I!

First we decided to go to the zoo.

It was a beautiful day, and the zoo is free!

While we walked around the zoo, it gave Tate the opportunity to ask some very mature and good questions about his prognosis that the surgeon had shared with us.

I was very impressed with Tate’s thought process and his ability to ask us good questions!

We saw lots of things at the zoo that we loved, but my favorite was the flamingos.

God is SO creative!!!

Can you just imagine Him thinking “I’m going to give some bright pink birds to this earth I created, and while I’m at it, I’ll have them stand on one leg.”

They are majestic birds!!!

We saw a carousel and Tate wanted to ride.

Memory made!

After the zoo we headed to Chipotle for lunch.

I was impressed with how they cared for someone like me at this place!

All I had to do was say “I have celiac disease” and the server took off his gloves, washed the whole counter down, washed his hands, put on new gloves, and stayed with me the whole way down the serving line.

Lunch was delicious!!

Next up was a trip to Costco to get grocery for the week and to also stock up on anything we needed.

We had a HUGE cooler in the back of the van just for this purpose!

On our way out of town, Blake stopped to get coffee.

Not only did he get one for himself and me, but he also allowed Tate to choose a decaf treat!

I would have given Tate a mountain that day if I could have.

He drank his coffee treat just like Grant drinks coffee treats – it was completely gone in 2.2 seconds, ha, ha!

About half way home I looked back and saw this – he is under there, I promise, and sound asleep!

I was SO thankful for the beautiful day as we drove home.

This is how we roll once home after medical days –

It was wonderful to have a dynamics change and have a day with just Tate!

He is a cheerful gem, and very fun to hang out with!!

I am glad when he is asked about his doctor’s appointment that he tells about the rest of the day too!

Eliza’s turn is coming up next, and we will have a long travel day with her too.

I still cannot believe all the Lord has trusted us with!!

We just are NOT worthy!!

I am SO thankful that I get to be Tate’s Mama!!

What a privilege!!

Thankful for the memories from our day together!

Memories made and now memories kept!!

Team Tate Back to UW Madison

Last Thursday Blake, Tate, and I headed out before 6 a.m. to go to UW Madison to see Tate’s Orthopedic Surgeon.

This appointment was for a routine check-up!

We were not allowed to bring any siblings into the building where we were headed that day, so Addie Mae was with Lane and Eliza for us.

Thanks, Ads!!

It is this surgeon that takes care of Tate’s very complex spine, but we also have a neurosurgeon who is involved in the care of Tate’s spine as well.

The orthopedic surgeon focuses more on the bones and the neurosurgeon focuses more on the spinal cord, if that makes sense.

We were super early for our appointment that day, but better early than late!

It actually worked out good, because right after they did Tate’s imaging that place filled up and they got very behind.

First a resident came in and checked Tate over thoroughly.

She was wonderful!

We love that Dr. Noonan is teaching his skills to others!

Then, after a somewhat long wait, the surgeon came in.

First, let me say, we have had the BEST year with Tate’s health since we saw this surgeon one year ago!

Also, one year is the longest we have went without any imaging of Tate’s spine – how cool is that?!

Lastly – I literally was expecting this appointment to be a fast “Tate looks perfect and stable and see you in a year!” kind of appointment.

Expectations can be no good, friends.

I should have approached this appointment like I used to – with an open mind and very prayerful heart.

OK – now about the surgeon’s words –

He told us that he had spent a long time measuring Tate’s images from that day and also from years past – all the way back to 2018 (hence our somewhat long wait for him to see us!).

He measures the degree of Tate’s scoliosis curve, just so you know, but he also looks at Tate’s organs (lungs particularly) in relation to that curve.

He said that Tate’s curve had measured the same at 62 degrees until that day.

It has increased by 5 degrees, and is now at 67 degrees, and that we cannot let it continue to worsen (there was also a diminished lung capacity).

Then he said we needed to talk about surgery.

This surgeon has not used the word surgery in over five years, so this was a hit to our hearts and minds for sure.

BUT – there is always a degree of error in measuring imaging.

AND they had new imaging machines that day which had Tate standing a different way than he ever has before, which could also cause the measuring of these new images to be off from the old ones.

THAT is what we are hoping for!!!

Thankfully our surgeon is SO, so cautious and has never wanted to do surgery unless absolutely necessary.

So, he is having us come back at Christmas time for another round of imaging and we will go from there.

The talk about surgery was a lot.

It is NOT something that any of us need in our heads right now, so we (especially me) have been pushing that conversation out of our heads and into our prayers.

The surgeon did tell us that there are not one hundred Tate’s running around, so he has no one to base his decisions on, and no data to show him the way.

He said that Tate is unique, one of a kind, and extremely complex.

He said that not only did he need to decide WHEN to operate, but he needed to decide WHAT to do.

He said that he has a team who will work with him to make these decisions, and named a neurosurgeon specifically.

Tate has spina bifida, hence the need for the neurosurgeon.

Tate has a bony formation at the top of his back and his spinal cord is split and goes around this formation and then comes back together again.

Tate has missing vertebrae, half vertebrae, and at the base of his back he has five vertebrae and some ribs that have all been fused together into a ball since birth.

Tate has a severe scoliosis that is currently at a 67 degree curvature.

Tate also has a VP shunt in his brain and a neurogenic bladder, both because of his spina bifida.

Tate is our MIRACLE – an agile, full of life, stable, amazing kiddo who takes our breath away to this day.

We are praying that the Lord will continue to keep Tate stable and that he will NEVER need surgery!

We are hopeful that the imaging in December will show that the measurements were off due to that degree of error and those new machines.

Will you join us in praying for Tate?

We covet your prayers!!

You all have supported us SO much through our adoptions and medical days with your prayers, and we THANK YOU!

We couldn’t do this without you all!!!

Praise the Lord, while you are at it, for ALL He has allowed for our Tate Owen!!

Tate is fearfully and wonderfully made and we speak those affirmations over him all the time!!

May God receive the glory for ALL He has done!!

Tate Owen, you are brave and strong and WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

July 4th Weekend

This summer is flying by, am I right?!!

There are a lot of friends that live here near us that say the same thing – because we have not done a lot of summer like activities because of the weather.

It’s already mid July and we have hardly swam in the pool, have yet to have a camp fire as a whole family, or scheduled our overnight camping in the backyard!

It seems between the weather and the more urgent things on our plates right now, summer is slipping by.

Thankfully there are things like the 4th of July that have us slow down and enjoy a long weekend together!!

We started that weekend all running in different directions.

I had a bridal shower to attend on Saturday morning.

It was SO LOVELY and I heard the BEST devotional I have ever heard at a bridal shower!

I want to remember the encouragement and challenge it was to us ladies forever!!

I came home just in time for another very stormy and rainy afternoon.

BUT – can we just talk about the clouds??

Thank you for putting up with the author of this blog who is obsessed with the sky.

You are so kind!

Rain meant it was time to find a way to enjoy life inside, again.

So we made a cake!

Played games!

And I read aloud to some kiddos while they found something to do while they listened.

It was a very nice afternoon!!

Pretty soon it was time to feed the masses, and by masses I mean three young men and then the rest of us.

They work hard and come home hungry!!

These potatoes were a huge hit – ranch dressing and cheddar cheese potatoes!

Grant grilled some chicken for me in the rain, and we had salads with the potatoes.

I, of course, made a sweet potato for me!

Hi, it’s me.

I don’t get in many photos, do I?

I took this photo to show a friend I was chatting with my new dress.

I’ve had some good finds in very cute dresses this year!!

Monday morning we woke up to almost everyone home.

Throwing you under the bus, Chad, since you were the only one not here, ahem!

Don’t worry though, he came back soon enough to be with us for the afternoon and evening!

I made a BIG breakfast and we enjoyed a leisurely morning!!

What’s that??

It’s been awhile!!!

I made sure the kiddos did their Monday chores even though it was a holiday, well, because there are a lot of bodies in this small house and it is just better that way – trust me!

This is my “tell me you have a dog without telling me you have a dog” photo.

Did you know I chose the “color” of our floors when we finished this house based on the color of our lab, Sadie Jo?

Well, I did!

I know, I know – so smart, right?

After our leisure and chores were done, the guys took us down to Grant’s new house to see the progress!

We had been banned from there for many weeks now as they skim coated the walls and sanded and sanded and sanded them!


The grey looks much darker in these photos than it does in real life – but it was raining all day on the 4th of July.

Of course it was!

Also, that is just sanding dust on that beautifully refinished hardwood floor – it vacuumed right up!

Now we are working on painting all the trim – more on that in another post!

Pretty soon it was time to get ready for our favorites to join us for burgers for dinner!

Thankfully we found out around 5 p.m. that the fireworks were still going to happen since the rain had stopped!

This guy is just a party looking for a place to happen, and I love the joy and laughter he brings to our home SO much.

Addie Mae was home so she made everyone a pretty and delicious 4th of July dessert!

Then we headed to Viroqua for the fireworks.

I’m not sure if they had trouble because it was so wet, or what – but the firework show had a lot of lulls in it.

We would wonder “is that it?” and then more would start!

It was still fun though!!

Can we have a moment about this first photo?

And the size and age of Lane?

Either cry with me over that or say some prayers!!

After the fireworks were over, an elderly woman (who had been sitting near us with her husband) came over to us and said, “I have enjoyed your children and family so much tonight! My family is all grown and gone…please don’t take one day of this time in your lives for granted.”

Cue all the tears!

She was such a sweet lady!!

What a great weekend!!

It was SO fun to be ALL together!!

That is my favorite way to spend ANY day!!

And it’s rare these days!!

Hope you all had a GREAT 4th of July too!

SO thankful to live in AMERICA!!

Until next time….

So Long June

June was a good month, wasn’t it?

I did not go into summer with any expectations really.

I would say this has been the most laid back summer we have had in a long, long time.

Of course I am just speaking for my trio and myself!

Blake, Grant, Addie and Chad would probably not agree with me!

They are super busy at work, as always, and also have a lot going on outside of work too.

Praise the Lord for my trio!!

I enjoy spending my days with Lane, Tate and Eliza!

We make a good crew!

The Monday after Father’s Day, Kay and her crew came over to swim and have supper with us!

It was certainly the BEST day ever!

And of course I only took these two photos because I clearly lost my mind, ha, ha.

Tuesday always means French toast for breakfast.

Have I ever told you I don’t like to think on my feet?

Hence French toast for breakfast every Tuesday.

My kiddos count on it, you know!

We also saw these two cuties on our way to Kay’s place that day.

They stood there a long time before I finally got them to move so I could drive by!!

Wednesday morning I always make baked oatmeal with fruit in it.

They count on that too!

This particular Wednesday was BEAUTIFUL!

I was outside before the kiddos even got done with their morning chores.

Then I took a special helper with me to run some quick errands in Viroqua.

It is such a joy to have them one-on-one!!

When we got home we headed out to work in our little garden.

It was the perfect temperature to weed and harvest!

I grabbed some kale and we had green smoothies for snack as our reward.

SO, so fun harvesting and eating what we’ve grown!

For lunch we ate those radishes whole – they are delicious!

Even though it was a beautiful day, there was still laundry!

Always laundry here!

Wednesday afternoon I met a girlfriend for coffee, where we talked each other’s ears off for a couple of hours.

It was THE BEST.

She is SO sweet and I left with a wonderful gift.

I came home to some kiddos enjoying that pool of ours.

Just this weekend my hubby was finally home long enough to get that water clear and it looks much better than this photo!

That evening when Blake got home Tate ran up to him saying, “DAD!! Mom let me get a scone at the Co-op this morning and I saved you some!!”

We died laughing when we saw this little bite left with bite marks on all sides.

SO funny!!

We have had some days with a lot of down time, and some days that are super busy.

It’s all been good!

Of course we are still watching cooking shows!!

And of course we bought Blake a crepe pan for Father’s day, because what guy wouldn’t want a crepe pan, ha, ha!

Don’t worry – he got other gifts too – and benefited greatly from the crepe pan!

While they ate those, I ate this!

Friday mornings are still about ALL the errands.

You can get a lot done in a few hours very early in town when not many others are out and about.

When I went to the Pilates Studio to work out that day, I found these notes from my hubby in my workout shoes, of all things!

When I get home on Fridays it is time for the big unload.

My trio is good at this job and we are fast and efficient!!

I buy them a box of gluten-free donuts every Friday for their hard work!!

After that was all done I SO badly wanted to join Ruby Jane right there on that couch.

But there was laundry to do, cleaning to do, and bills that needed paid!

Saturday of last week was slloowww and wonderful.

We were tired, especially my guys who have been working endlessly on Grant’s house!

Some of our salad box – brought to us by our very own garden!!

I bought a daikon radish when I saw it at the grocery store and made a salsa with it for tacos that night.

It wasn’t anything spectacular, but we ate it!

Tate made us a strawberry pie!!

He and I like making dessert for Saturday nights!

I started taking this three times a day for my health, along with doing several other things, and I am seeing great results!

I am not 100 percent, but SO thankful for the progress I’ve made!

I enjoy reading this book every summer – it just gets my thoughts in the right place as I pray over and plan a new school year.

Such a good book!

Speaking of books, I just got this book and it is a wealth of information.

Sunday that week was very restful as we enjoyed lunch at Kays and then time at home on a beautiful day.

I couldn’t believe another week was starting!

We enjoyed a Monday morning in the garden this past week.

Monday evening we had our monthly Women’s gathering at our church.

We watched a video on Biblical Womanhood – it was SO good!

Then we enjoyed snacks, games, and visiting and it was FANTASTIC!!

I am determined to try to get more of our mornings back to a rhythm, and Tuesday we did just that.

Tate and Eliza and their Mama especially enjoy our morning rhythm!

I love when this guy is home!

He usually arrives very dirty from a full day of work and very hungry!!

Here’s what some evenings look like around here – me taking a nap right before I go to bed.


Grateful I can rest when I need to though.

Wednesday morning we had dentist appointments!

We took over 170 teeth to the dentist that day, and only one tooth had a very small cavity!

I would say that’s a WIN!!

I feed the kiddos lunch and then usually have something entirely different.

I was in a snack mood this day – who loves guacamole like me??

I decided on Thursday last week that we would do our morning rhythm again.

I was SO surprised at how well our Bible memory review went!

These kiddos have a ton of verses memorized perfectly!

We got our minds moving with some Math problems too.

They always love to be read to!

And even after all these years, I love to read to them!!

Eliza is writing her own story.

She writes and writes and it is just the cutest thing!!

Guess what Friday morning was again this week?

It was CRAZY in town this Friday – and I was still there very early!

I think the holiday weekend had something to do with it!

I managed to get all our grocery and errands done, workout, and be back home by 10:30.

We had a GREAT July 4th weekend – did you all?

That will be up next!!


Just in case you did not get that memo!

We have a lot of great things on the calendar for this month, including quite a bit of traveling.

We will see what the Lord allows!!

Excited for it ALL!

Happy July, friends!!

Have a happy Tuesday that feels like a Monday!!