Spring has come and gone here, and it lasted approximately two days, ha, ha!
We are so excited about this warmer weather!
The week did not start off warm though – Monday and Tuesday were still very winter like!
Tuesday evening the sun came out and Wednesday was the MOST BEAUTIFUL day we’ve had yet!
I took this photo to remember how we turned off the furnace and turned on the air conditioner at the same time.
Crazy Wisconsin!!
I also took a lot of photos of that sunshine this week!!!
It has been missing for much too long!
Because we got home from Indianapolis late Sunday evening, my trio and I spent Monday morning heading after some grocery.
They are great helpers and we had it done super fast!
While the weather was still so yucky, we made our own sunshine.
In the form of lemon cupcakes with a lemon glaze.
Tate and I had a blast making those cupcakes!
I decided to take a week off of our normal rhythm of life and work on some extras that needed done here at Twin Oaks.
We still kept up with piano practice and lessons, and the kiddos helped me out A LOT.
We scrubbed floors, cleaned the storage room, set up our new TV cabinet, cleaned the deck, cleaned up branches on our land, and got out our patio furniture and picnic tables among a million other things!
Blake also had his work cut out for him this week as our dryer is still causing problems and our pool needs opened up for the season!
The pool was very yucky looking, but is getting bluer by the day.
I knew it was spring when I swept the floors and found lots of shedded dog hair!
The kiddos (and dogs!) LOVED the weather as much as I did and we have been outside a lot!!
There were lots of bellies to fill, as always.
I had some great helpers in the kitchen this week, especially over the weekend as we got ready for our Mother’s Day celebration!
I had some special deliveries this week!
The start of our garden plants came home with Addie Mae one evening and Blake brought me home flowers and chocolate on an evening when I had had a rough health day.
I love special deliveries!!
Friday night was DATE NIGHT!!
And we had only a few errands to run!!
Blake picked up a treat at the grocery store and we went and watched the sunset.
That gave me a great opportunity to tell Blake the billions of things I needed to tell him, ha, ha!
The sunset was beautiful!
I have some photos from this past week of things I just never want to forget.
The normal things of daily life are some of my favorite memories!!
How our pups are always by my side, and how Tate always finds a way, and how cooking and working on Bible memory go together here, and especially how Tate and Eliza are always together.
They are so much better together and I hope and pray they will always be best of friends!!
My guys were about two weeks overdue for haircuts.
They were shaggy!
Life has just been so busy for everyone it is hard to find a time when they are home long enough.
They are not shaggy anymore!
Just look at all that hair from just four guys!
As I type I can hear Tate and Eliza working on some Bible memory together and they are just cracking me up!!!
Praise you, Lord, for this sweet life of mine!
I hope you all had a great week and WARM WEATHER like us!!
Did you catch that?
Warm weather like us!!
It was worth saying twice!!!
Our week ended with our Mother’s Day celebration yesterday and it was WONDERFUL!!
Stay tuned – that’s up next!!!