We’ve had a good week here at Twin Oaks!!
There are a few new things around our nest – like these chairs for our kitchen table.
Our old chairs were all from garage sales and second hand stores.
After years of use they were so wobbly, broken and unstable!
Several got to the point where we could not fix them anymore – so it was time for new chairs!
I love how big this space looks now with the new chairs – and I love how they are all the same!

Another new thing are Chad’s glasses!
We made an appointment at the eye doctor for him knowing he would need glasses.
Once he got them and started saying things like “Mom, it really is a good thing to see stop signs a long time before you get to them” – I wish I would have taken him to the eye doctor sooner!!
Looking good, Chad Ryan!!

Tate had a piano assessment and moved up to Level 4!
Good job, Tate!!
Eliza had taken her assessment right before all the illness hit, and she is in Level 4 too!
Good job, Eliza!!
Tate was ready for his test, but when I got sick it just did not get done until this weekend.
So proud of them both and how diligent they are at learning to play the piano!

I had several days this past week where I wasn’t doing so great again – it was like I got sick all over again even though I wasn’t 100 percent anyway.
Good grief.
Lots of rest here these days, but I have wonderful ones to rest with!
Especially when we watch baking shows on Discovery Plus!!

Chad had Lane come to work with him one day this past week.
Chad is doing demo in a very old building for his boss.
They had a blast working together, but I almost didn’t let them back in the house when they got home, ha, ha!
They were covered in dirt!!

Saturday was our annual Valentine Banquet at our church.
Addie Mae runs the kitchen for this event, with lots of helpers.
Blake and I got to enjoy a night out like a real date where we were not buying grocery, ha, ha!
The meal was lasagna, salads, and bread, and the desserts were FANCY.
Tate made a gluten-free lasagna for us to take, and I made rolls and a salad as well.
Addie made cupcakes for one of the desserts!
We had a WONDERFUL time with lots of sweet friends, a very good speaker, beautiful music, some fun games, and all that delicious food!!

Yesterday was Sunday, which is our day with our favorites!
I was “chatting” with my brother over text in the evening, so I told everyone who was in the kitchen to get together so I could send him a photo!
A captured moment in time of a wonderful Sunday evening with our bests.

Happy Valentine’s Day, by the way!!
My Valentine is at work and then stopping at the grocery store for me on his way home – he is the PERFECT Valentine!!!!
On Friday when I was not feeling good at all I texted Blake to say I needed some sunshine.
He came home with these – and they are sunshine indeed!

That’s a wrap on another week!
It WAS good, don’t you think?
We have some fun things on the calendar for this week and next week too – we will see what the Lord allows!
Hope you all had a great week too!
Keep your eyes on Jesus, friends!!