Our summer days have always had a bit of “school” days in them – but honestly I am not sure the word “school” describes what I mean!
Maybe saying our days have purpose and structure to them is a better way to say it.
We do many ‘school’ like things to make sure we are using wisely the gift of time that we have been given!
Instead of waiting until fall to start up some new things with my trio, we just jumped in and got started on some things that I have been wanting to start.
One of those things are piano lessons for Tate and Eliza.
We signed up with Practice Monkeys – which is an online piano lesson – and have LOVED it so much!
As Tate and Eliza’s Mom, I am very involved in their piano learning, but I have the support of their online teacher.
We log into a zoom lesson on Monday – Thursday afternoon for 15 minutes, but if we are not available we can watch the lesson on our own time because it is recorded!
It is perfect for this season of life.
I love hearing that piano being played again!!

I had some homework as we got ready to start piano lessons with Practice Monkeys.
I had to read two books about the Suzuki method – both of these books were good!

Another thing that we have started is an Art class!
I have been wanting to break away from the days of finding a craft on Pinterest, showing it to the kids and then making it with them into something more structured and informative – so that they really could learn about all aspects of art.
The Lord blessed the desires of my heart!!
Our librarian (I LOVE her!) told us about a website called Creative Bug.
You just need a library card to gain access to it!
I signed up right away and then started looking around the website – OH MY!!
There are SO many things on there!!
I quickly realized the gold mine I had just found and searched for an art class.
I loved the first one I previewed, we ordered the supplies, and we got started!
It has been SO FUN!
For our art class we watch a video and then do what the teacher teaches!
Yes, I even ordered supplies for me!

We do have some days where we do the basics – like Math, Language and Spelling.
Tate and Eliza love book work and workbooks!
It is so cute to see how enthusiastic they are about something so simple.

We still always start our days with Bible, worship, devotional, and scripture memory.
It definitely is our favorite time of the day!

And then there is read aloud.
I have been reading aloud to my children for 28 years now!!!
And it is still one of my favorite things to do.
I have so many board books memorized from reading them so much – ha, ha!
We have read some fantastic books this summer!
One of my favorites was The Year of Miss Agnes.

We loved it so much we had to order the sequel off of Amazon because the library did not have it!

My trio usually finds something to do with their hands while I read to them.
It is just the sweetest part of our days here!

That wonderful Creative Bug website has given us lots of ideas for other projects.
We also bring home craft kits from the library that the kiddos love to do!
Lane is our visionary – he is always creating!
He is building a remote control airplane from scratch right now, and also has been making stop motion movies!

I also use summer to teach the children new chores so that when fall comes around they are not needing me at their side to do the things that they have learned.
Tate and Eliza have started doing dishes from start to finish – and at nine years old, ahem, they do a better job than some others here – just saying!!

Eliza also keeps track of all of our library books and returns!

Lane earned some extra money by detailing our van.
When I inspected it I said, “Well, now you are in trouble.”
Lane said, “Oh no, what did I miss?”
And I replied, “You didn’t miss a thing! But now I know what you are capable of, mister!”
For about two weeks after he cleaned it he didn’t want anyone to drive it or ride in it, ha, ha!!

Have I ever mentioned that our school room/office is my favorite room in our little nest we call Twin Oaks?
Well, it is.
There is a lot of fun stuff that happens in that little room.
It will always hold so many of my favorite memories!
Of us learning so many cool things together!!

Here’s to many more years of learning cool things together, Lord willing!!
They teach me as much as I teach them!!