When Blake and I talked about what we should do for our anniversary trip this year, we originally decided Blake would surprise me – but I did tell him I would not get on a plane!
Time went on as we waited for the right time to schedule our trip…and somehow I changed my mind about getting on a plane.
Then we made a last minute decision to go to Naples, Florida – just like we did last time we went there!
If you wait close enough to your travels to see what the weather is going to be like, it can be a real blessing!
If you wait real close to your travels to book your flights and such, the prices drop way back down!
They are trying to fill the plane at that point, I think.
We booked our trip on a Wednesday, and left the following Monday, just five days later.
We said our “see you soons” to the kiddos on Monday morning as we left to drive to Minneapolis to catch our flight.
As we drove away, Addie took a video of the kiddos waving to us and Tate was yelling “We are free, We are free!”
Ha, ha!

It was a beautiful day for a drive!

We arrived at the airport in plenty of time, and Blake dropped me at the terminal so I would not have to walk so far from the parking deck with all of our stuff.

Our flight was direct, smooth, and relaxing!
We had downloaded a movie to watch on my phone and it passed the time quickly.

We arrived in Naples just in time to get our car (a jeep) and head for some groceries before checking into our suite.
Our first sunset in Naples did not disappoint!!

We made a late dinner and enjoyed some wonderful fresh produce as well!

The next morning I woke up, opened the curtains, and took this photo.
We weren’t in Wisconsin anymore!

We had some purposeful conversations on our way to Florida about what we hoped this trip would be for us – and one thing that we both mentioned a lot was that we needed to RELAX.
Not usually my way, I know! But SO, so needed.
Our first day was all about that – enjoying the sun, the pool, good food, fun treats, and then going out to dinner at our favorite place in Naples.

After dinner we headed to the beach to watch the sunset!
It was windy!
And got cold quick!
We did not make it until the sun actually set, but it was beautiful all the same.

The second day we started out with a very long walk.
It was SO blue and clear and just perfect!

We treated ourselves to smoothies everyday!
We also cooked some yummy meals!

One of the best parts of our trip was how much time we had to just talk – and talk we did!
We did a lot of planning, decision making, and even dreaming.
Pool side planning meetings were my favorite!

Our third day we took our morning walk again, but in the afternoon we found a trail to hike on.
There was a sign that there was a river ahead, so we thought why not?
Once we finally got to the river we realized we had to go all the way back!!
It was over 90 degrees and we were so hot and sweaty and did not even think to bring water!
But we made it.

We loved this sign that was posted everywhere and joked that we need to post one at home for the certain kiddos who own dogs, ahem!

After that long hike we needed smoothies, of course!

We headed to tin city that evening, and then back to the beach.
It was SO windy!
But we stayed to watch the sunset anyway.

Our last day was chilly, for Florida anyway!
But it was the sunniest day by far and we stayed outside the entire day.
First, for our morning walk, and then by the pool – talking and talking the whole time!

We ate at our favorite spot again that evening, sitting outside and listening to a band while we did.
It was a perfect way to end our trip.
It was SO hard to go inside that evening!
But we did, and packed up to be ready to head to the airport the next morning.
Our suite was one that we had stayed at one other time.
It was clean and cozy and we loved it!

We took one last photo before we headed to the airport the next morning, and then got in that jeep and got on our way.

Our flight went well again – although I did have a moment where I was talking myself off a cliff because I was starting to panic with that mask on for so long!
I prayed and then tried to distract myself by really paying attention to the movie we were watching, and all was good.
It was so neat to see the Mississippi River out of the plane window – it just went on and on!

Once we landed in Minneapolis we found some food quick and then started the three hour drive home.
I could not wait to hug the kiddos!
They had a great week while we were gone, by the way!!

What can I even say to close this post!?
I have tears in my eyes just looking at these photos and thinking back on our wonderful trip!
Our life here is so very good, yes….but we too have stress and little things and bigger things – which make it hard sometimes.
Blake and I have a very hard time connecting throughout the days here at Twin Oaks – we have a very busy home, a small home, and no privacy at all.
As with any family most of the time the urgent over rides the important.
There is a lot of urgent with so many children all in different stages of life here.
I cannot say enough about how thankful I am for my husband who agrees with the importance of constantly working on our marriage – and that is what this trip was all about.
Our marriage is far from perfect, but we see the vision we have for it and for our family – and then we work backwards from there to try, with the Lord’s help, to achieve those goals!
It takes intention, work, time and purpose!
Our trip to Florida this year was our best one yet!!
Our batteries are recharged and our relationship is rekindled!
We came home sun kissed and ready to jump back into this extremely busy life with all we’ve got!
I’m excited to see what the Lord will have for this year – our 33rd year of marriage!
Mr. Blake Moschel, you are my love, my best friend, my person, and I love you with all I am.
Thank you, honey, for talking me into getting on a plane!
I would follow you anywhere anyways!
Happy anniversary to you, babe!
I’m so privileged to be your wife and I will never, ever take that for granted.
Here’s to 32 more years!!
And more trips to sunny places!!