Spring, Are You Here To Stay?

March came in like a lamb!

We have had many beautiful spring like days here at Twin Oaks.

How refreshing it has been to our bodies, minds and spirits!

I am so thankful for our huge deck off the back of our home – and even more so during mud season.

Melting snow means MUD, and lots of it!

The kids have been playing a lot of soccer on that deck!

When it looks and feels like spring, but the ponds are still frozen hard, you improvise!

We do everything we can on the deck on the warm days – read aloud time, meals, and Addie even worked on her Bible memory with a cute helper in sunglasses.

Tate and Blake scrubbed the deck on a beautiful Saturday morning.

It needed it!

Spring weather brings out the chalk and hop scotch fun.

Our sweet girl only had snow boots to wear because all of her others shoes did not fit her anymore!

She is growing like a weed, I tell ya.

We were trying to save her new shoes for her birthday, but we eventually gave them to her early.

This kid has been getting bikes from the scrap pile at the dump and at Blake’s work.

He fixes them up to look great and work great!

He asked me if I would like to have my own bike this year.

I said “How much is this going to cost me?”

When he answered 20 bucks for a few parts I need, I said sure!!

Isn’t my new bike awesome?!

I think I need to add a basket on the front and the back.

I can’t wait to ride with the kiddos!

Spring also means a haircut for Ruby Jane.

She is SO cute!!

This is how we all look by 9 p.m. after spending so much time outside these days!

Spring brings back smoothie season as well!

I got a smoothie recipe book from the library and I can’t wait to try some of them!

Of course the sky is still breath taking.

Spring sunrises are amazing.

We have already had two more snow storms on the robin’s tail, so hopefully that means we only have one more!

I am sure we will still see more snow this spring.

The last snowfall last year was on April 28th.

Either way, we are thankful for these beautiful warm days!

How I love the change of seasons!

I am thankful to live in beautiful Wisconsin where we get to experience all four seasons each year!

Happy Spring, everyone!!

Hope it is warming up where you are too!!

Grant’s Day!!

Twenty three years ago, on February 28th, our first son, Grant Evan, was placed into our arms!

Grant was six months old that day, and we have celebrated the anniversary of that day that he became Grant every year since!

As usual, it is all about the food.

We made japchae, bulgogi, a sesame lettuce salad, and had a homemade ice cream bar for dessert!

We had a small celebration with just the eight of us this year, as we had just had a house full the day before.

It was still wonderful!

I love reflecting back on that day at the Chicago International Airport as we watched those custom’s doors open and close as we waited for Grant to be brought to us!

One of the BEST DAYS EVER, for sure!!

It also makes for a good reason for some delicious Korean food!

Grant Evan, you have literally filled our home with joy and laughter since that very first day you were home!

Your smile is the best one I know!!

I will always remember what a complete God given privilege it is to be your Mom.

We are SO thankful that the Lord chose us to be your forever, G!!

Happy Grant’s day to our Sung Min Kang!


February Stuff

Time keeps rolling along here at Twin Oaks!

I am sure it is the same for you all.

I have been in the habit for years now to count our blessings – daily!

It just gives you the right heart and attitude – one of contentment!

Gratitude is an attitude!!!

I’ve been thinking about this habit the last few days, even though it comes naturally to me now after years of practice.

So – let’s walk through some photos from February so you can praise the Lord with us for all the blessings He allows!!

First up – an abundance of good food – such a constant blessing here.

I also have an abundance of food photos, ha, ha!

Well, now I’m hungry!!

We are constantly blessed with good fellowship with good friends!!

I don’t usually take photos when friends are here or when we are with friends, but this friend is moving away in two weeks and we wanted a photo together.

Going to miss this girl and her crew!!

We are blessed with friends that know how to make great food too!!

We are blessed with a daughter who knows how to make good food as well, and a son-in-law who makes amazing lattes whenever you ask for them!!

We sure were counting our blessings when Lane saw that our huge chest freezer light was not on.

We realized quickly it was not working anymore!

Praise the Lord the food was still frozen.

Amongst other things, there are about 50 whole organic chickens in that freezer!

Thankful Grant had a freezer we could plug in and then we took the rest of the food down to Addie’s work for a few days till we got the new freezers to replace the old one.

I started Kombucha in February!

Thankful for Kayla’s encouragement in so many things like this!

It goes without saying what a blessing our oldest daughter is!!

Speaking of daughters – Eliza is growing and changing by the second.

She has the SWEETEST heart, which is such a blessing to us!

From loving on her nieces and nephews…

To sitting completely still under the bird feeder for over an hour just to watch the birds eat…

To being super brave at appointments for her teeth…

To sitting in her little Asian squat that just makes my heart sing!!

From going with her mama and big sisters to a women’s meeting at church…

To loving paper and pencils and reading so much…

To taking naps when you know you need them!

Her smile brightens any room!

She is a JOY to spend time with!

And she is growing like a weed!

Eliza Claire, you are such a sweet, sweet blessing!

We are constantly praising the Lord that He made these two siblings.

They are always better together!

Such a blessing!

Thankful for this trio of ours as well!!

Tate is a bright light that we still do not know how we ever lived without!

I always count our blessings when I see the big kiddos pouring into the younger ones.

They work at keeping their relationships strong and that is such a good thing!

The littles love read aloud time!

Thankful for a hubby who knows how to do pretty much anything – from filing taxes to rigging up a toilet until he could pick up new parts for it!

Glad we have cuddly puppies too!

They are SO loved!

Well, that was a pile of photos!

Such sweet, sweet memories!

February was wonderful!

Looking forward to counting many more blessings in the months to come!

A Cold and Snowy February

We had the most beautiful February!

Yes, it was dangerously bitter cold for a couple of weeks, but we also had days with milder temperatures.

And there was a lot of snow!

This snow blower was from the time we lived in Holmen, which was many years ago and before we lived on the farm.

We gave it to one of Blake’s co-workers when we moved to the farm.

He got a bigger one several years later, and brought it back to Blake at work.

It was sitting in one of the shops there!

Blake brought it back home and the guys worked on it and got it running again!

We are glad to have it for the bigger snow storms.

One Saturday Blake and Lane scooped all of the snow off of the deck.

It was getting heavy!

On the milder days, all of this snow made for many hours of outside play for my trio!

They literally would be outside for hours on end.

They built an amazing sledding hill off of our electrical box in our side yard.

I would either find them sledding or building forts most days!

The Lord blessed us with SO many beautiful sunrises and sunsets during those cold days!

If you feel like the Lord is not near to you, just look at the sky.

It ALWAYS takes my breath away!

Another blessing that the cold and snow brought was SO many customers to our bird restaurant!

We joked that we were going to need a loan to keep feeding them.

They take my breath away too.

I cannot even express with words how big God felt to me when we had over ten red cardinals visiting our feeder every single day!

Look very closely at this first photo – I tried to get as many of them in one photo as I could!

We also had a red tail hawk soaring around our land for many days.

I had a hard time getting a good photo of him.

He was so huge and majestic!!

As I am typing this I am listening to the pouring rain on our steel roof.

The beginning of March brought spring like weather to Twin Oaks, and all that snow is almost gone!

Isn’t the saying “In like a lamb, out like a lion?”


I don’t think these temperatures are here to stay just yet, but time will tell.

We are enjoying them while they last!

Snow storms, hats, mittens, and boots seem like a distant memory already.

Can’t wait to see what the Lord brings for the month of March!

Happy March, everyone!