My Little Chefs

You all already know how much time I spend in our beautiful kitchen!

But I am here to tell you how much more fun it is when I have two little chefs helping me!

And they love to help!

We can get a lot done very quickly when we work together!

Tate and Eliza both are becoming very skilled in cooking and baking.

This day we were working on snack foods!

Things like pans of rice krispy and granola bars, ginger snap cookies, and whipped cream for those cookies!

We always make a huge mess in the kitchen, but my helpers are good helping with that too!

Have you ever seen two cuter chefs?

Me neither!!

Thankful for this dynamic duo and how much they like to be with their Mama! (that’s me!)

Here’s to many more days cooking and baking together!

I love you so much Zi and Tator tot!!!

February School Days

The month of February had many days of below zero temperatures and dangerous wind chills.

It made for a great month to focus on school, since we literally were hardly ever outside!

I shared a lot about our school rhythm here.

I enjoy taking photos of our school days!

It is the ordinary photos like these that we love to look back on the most!

We had a friend staying with us for a couple of weeks at the end of January and beginning of February, and the school room became a guest room.

That meant that the master bedroom became the school room!

One of the many homeschooling perks is that you can really do school any where and any time!

Ruby likes to be with us where ever we are!

She loved when we did school on the bed so she could be with us and watch out the window too.

We studied Europe for awhile.

One day when we read about this Turkish drink we decided to give it a try!

It was gross!!

But fun to try!

We learned about impressionism while studying Europe, which is a specific type of painting that was done by artists in the 19th century.

We watched several videos about it, and then decided to give it a try!

The kiddos love art day – which is usually Thursdays.

I even do art with them!

We do a lot of drawing in school as well, as the children do illustrations almost daily.

After our Europe study was done, we headed to Kenya and are now studying it and Africa.

It is fascinating!!

I still get cute notes on their cursive practice pages.

They make me smile.

This is Tate’s concentrating face, and I love it!

Lane has always been my student that I find in ALL kinds of places and positions!

Another perk of homeschooling!

Whatever works!!

I read aloud to the children almost every day.

Sometimes they are keeping their hands busy with other things, and sometimes they are just listening.

I LOVE to read to them!

While all of this is going on, Chad is working on his school at the kitchen table.

The pups will hang with Chad some days too, especially if there is sun streaming through the door!

Chad is at work all day on Mondays, so we use the main area more when he is not there.

We are very distracting when he is home trying to work on school!

Of course we are still starting our mornings with Bible time and chores – a rhythm that I have been using for over twenty years now!

On this particular day Eliza was struggling to get moving, so Tate did all of her chores!

He found her to tell her so, and then added “I haven’t done ice for you yet, but come on, Eliza, I will help you!”

I hope they always look out for each other.

It is just so sweet!!

All of that school work comes with a lot of grading for me to do!

I usually set aside an afternoon to work on it, but sometimes it has to wait to the weekend because it is just so busy!

The weather is warming up, although there is no guarantee that it will stick around!

We are enjoying it though!

Except for the fact that my children’s brains are outside the minute they wake up!

They have been having an outside time by 11:30 most days lately – and usually playing soccer on the deck because it is so muddy from all the melting snow.

Whatever gets their wiggles out and gets them out in the fresh air and sunshine works for me!

Well, next up on my agenda is to order some library books – so I better get after it!

Running this little school of ours and being these kiddos teacher is so much fun for me!!

Looking forward to many more days in our school room before we break for summer.

A Quick Trip

A week ago Friday Blake and I hopped in the van bright and early with these two cherubs to take a little road trip!

We were headed to Illinois to visit grandparents!

Our first stop was in Dubuque, Iowa.

It was a beautiful day for a drive!

When we arrived in Peoria right at noon, we decided to see if the hotel would let us check in early.

It was empty, of course, so we did!

We made some lunch and ate quick so we could head over to Grandpa and Grandma’s house.

SO, so great to be there!

We spent the afternoon there, made a plan for the next day, and then headed to get some dinner.

It was Chipotle for dinner, of course, of course!

Blake and I both had gift cards to Chipotle and we FORGOT to use them, DUH!

Chipotle has cauliflower rice now and it made me SO happy!!

After dinner we headed over to my dearest friend’s place and sat in front of her fire and chatted for hours while the kiddos played.

It was fabulous.

Breakfast the next morning was hodge podge, but it was ok because we were headed to the most amazing coffee shop we have ever been at!

We met Blake’s Mom there and had a wonderful morning together.

This coffee shop used to be a gas station – it was gorgeous!

They had delicious scones – even vegan gluten-free ones!

That cute coffee shop is in walking distance from our very first home!

Blake and I were married in March of 1989, and bought our first home in October of that same year.

Where it ALL began!!!

We headed back into Peoria and were going to pick up some lunch.

Finding safe restaurants to eat at is getting easier and easier – and is MUCH easier than asking someone to cook for us!

The restaurant was not open yet, so we did a little shopping for a few minutes to pass some time.

These two are HILARIOUS when we have them all to ourselves and kept Blake and I smiling and laughing all weekend long!

Lunch was from CoreLife Eatery – soup and salads – and was very yummy!

We went back to Grandpa’s and Grandma’s to share lunch together and spend the rest of the day together.

Grandma bought the kiddos some safe ice cream bars!

They have been asking for me to find them here because they loved them!

We got our traditional photo on the stairs before we had to say so long and until next time.

I treasure these photos!

And yes, those are really Eliza’s legs!

She is getting so tall!

As we drove away I counted backward from five, turned around to look, and these two were sound asleep!

They are under there, I promise!

We had planned to head to Indianapolis to visit my Mom and brother as we left Illinois, but the weather did not allow for that part of our trip to happen.

Winter will be over soon and we will try again!

The big kids all had a great two days at home while we were gone – even though they had to work, someone was always with Lane – and they had friends in for dinner and games!

I am sure it goes without saying that we left a piece of our hearts in Illinois as we drove back home to Wisconsin that evening.

We have never, ever doubted the Lord’s plan of us living in Wisconsin, but we sure wish our family’s were not so far away.

Looking so forward to our next visit already!

Little road trips are fun!

See you again soon, Illinois!!

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day came and our past Valentine’s Day traditions came with it!

Our church holds a couple’s Valentine banquet each year for Valentine’s Day.

It is SO well done!

There is a delicious meal served by the youth in our church, music, beautiful décor, an amazing speaker, and wonderful fellowship with friends!!

There is also a photo booth, so my Valentine and I had our photo taken!

Addie Mae was in charge of the kitchen, per usual, but had lots of helpers.

I helped out for a bit, but these two girls did not need me at all!

The boys were watching our trio and Kayla’s crew as well so that David and Kayla could come to the banquet.

Guess who held Aspen the entire night?

Being NaiNai has its perks!

We enjoyed being with our friends so much!

Here’s my Valentine’s date.

Handsome guy he is.

The Wednesday after Valentine’s Day it was time for our Valentine exchange party with Aspen’s people!!

The party started around 10:30, with cookie making first on the agenda!

Addie Mae plans our Valentine party every year, and she never disappoints!

The heart glasses are tradition and a must.

The Valentine exchange was a little loud and chaotic – pretty much like every time we are together and it is THE BEST!

The kiddos loved it and that made me so happy.

I, of course, had my arms full with this little chunk of love.

We never really need a reason to be together, but enjoy planning special days and birthday parties too!

Aspen’s people stayed the whole day that day and my heart just about EXPLODED it was SO FULL!!

I am so grateful I have so many Valentine’s in my life!!

They are so loveable too!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day as well!