Our Sunday Evening Tradition

When our family lived in Illinois for the first twelve years of Blake and my marriage, we lived very close to both of our parents.

My Mom started a Sunday evening tradition back then that we are still carrying on today!

Sunday evenings were for family – we would all go to my Mom and Dad’s house for dinner and hang out for the evening.

Even before Kayla got married we prioritized Sunday evenings to be “just us,” and would have snacks for dinner as we spent the evening together.

Now that Kayla is married, we either get together here at Twin Oaks or over at their farm and have snacks and spend the evening together.

It does not always work out when other things come up, but we spend almost every Sunday evening this way!

It has been an irreplaceable tradition when we think of the relationships that are being strengthened and the hearts that are remaining connected because of this purposeful time we spend together!

Well, ok, enough about that – let’s get to the good stuff – photos of our grand babies!!

We LOVE Sunday evenings!!

Whether at the farm –

Or here at Twin Oaks!

Uncles are for making Briar “big!”

You might see that there is always good coffee involved, but we enjoy lattes very much!

You might also notice there is a certain someone who held the Aspen the most.


But can you blame me?!!

David never, ever sits still, and is very fun!

I so enjoy watching him play with the kids.

He was teaching them a new game and it was super loud!

Addie Mae got out some scrapbooks to show Briar some photos from when Addie was Briar’s age.

We would point to a photo and say “who is that?” and Briar would say “THAT’S ME!!”

They look so much alike!!!

Pretty soon it is time to end the evening – but our hearts are filled to overflowing and we are energized and ready to jump into a new week!!

I will say it again – we love Sundays!!

We love being together!!

We love sharing good food and good coffee!!

We love catching up with each other!!

We love squeezing those grand babies!!

I hope our Sunday evening tradition will continue on and on and it will be something that the children and grand children remember fondly.

Can’t wait till Sunday!!

A Sweet Baby Shower

In the middle of January we had the sweetest afternoon with the sweetest friends!!

We hosted a little baby shower for our Hannah!

(You all might remember when Hannah lived with us back on the farm in 2017)

Addie and I made some light snacks and cheesecake for the shower.

Hannah is SO cute pregnant!

Hannah’s sister is pregnant too!

We have SO much JOY for these two beautiful girls!!

I love being a grandma with all my friends who are being grandma’s now too!!

It filled our hearts so full to be together with our friends.

We have waited patiently for Whitney and Hannah’s baby to arrive, and he did yesterday!!

It is a BOY!!

SO fun to wait to know the gender and the name!!

Hannah and baby Titus are doing well and we CAN’T WAIT to meet him!!

Praise the Lord with us for another precious child!!!

A Recipe//Whipped Apple Dip

I have a yummy, quick recipe to share with you all today!

Kayla made this for us one Sunday night when we were at the farm for snack night.

It was SO good we made it again the next day!

We are always looking for new things that meet our dietary needs and that are actually enjoyed!

Give this one a try whether you have a restricted diet or not – it’s that good.

Whipped Apple Dip

one can full fat coconut milk
two cups natural peanut butter
20 dates, pitted

Place the dates in a food processor fitted with the S blade. Run the food processor until the dates are all chopped up. Add the coconut milk and peanut butter and run the food processor until the dip is smooth. It is best eaten right away because it has this wonderful whipped texture. If you have leftovers, store it in the fridge.


January Stuff

Where is time going??!

I feel like we were waiting on our grandbaby Aspen’s arrival FOREVER, and now she is already almost six weeks old!

January flew by, but the days were also somewhat slow.

We were SO thankful it finally started to snow quite a bit in January!

We had not had much snow yet this winter.

The kiddos have had endless hours of fun out there in all the snow we have!

They literally will be out there for hours each day.

We take our snow clothes to Aspen’s place too!

They have an awesome sledding hill, and the grand babies love the snow as much as we do.

All of that cold air and climbing up sledding hills makes this crew of mine hungry!

I am sure you know that we are still eating around here.

Most of January Blake and my date night alway turned into grocery shopping and errands – but we were glad to be together to do it all!

And there was always coffee!!

The food is in abundance here at Twin Oaks, but it disappears as fast as I can make it!

I am thankful for good helpers.

I used to call this meal “sheet pan dinner”, but now it is two heaping sheet pans that we need, so I renamed it “feed the masses!”

I always, always try to make extra food when I cook!

Dinner leftovers are my breakfast, and the guys take them for their work lunches too.

Hence this restaurant size skillet of rainbow rice.

My breakfast was yummy leftovers.

No, I don’t usually eat with a stuffed lovey staring at me, but I was asked by a very cute little girl to babysit that lovey, and of course I said “sure!”

I sometimes post our dinner prep on Instagram, and then add a photo of my plate before I sit down to eat.

This was my plate –

And this was the plate of a giant who lives here and has two hollow legs.

Speaking of that giant – I am so glad he still plays his guitar so often!

We received the gift of a new game at Christmas called Skyjo.

It has been a popular one since then!

January not only brought beautiful snow, but also some REALLY beautiful skies.

Oh my goodness, I can never get enough of the sky!

One day I saw that Chip and Joanna Gaines had aired a new season of Fixer Upper.

I wondered how we could get it to stream to our screen to be able to watch it!

Just searching for a second I learned about the discovery plus channel, and subscribed to it for only $7 a month.

Not only have we enjoyed watching Fixer Upper, but we also found a cooking show that Joanna Gaines does called Magnolia Table.

It is good!

There is also a nature channel on discovery plus that has many fascinating shows about all kinds of nature things – and it is the kiddos favorite.

We love that it is all commercial free!

Thankful to have this option as my trio and I are at home literally all the time these days.

We do get a bit stir crazy some days!

We recently found out that our local ice rink was open for open skating on the weekends again.

That has been fun for my crew!

I have no desire to skate, and they won’t let you sit in the waiting area right now, so I have not went along.

At least they took photos for me!

I gave Eliza another haircut back in January.

I took about six inches off her long hair!

It IS beautiful longer like that, but it is not easily manageable and one of Eliza’s biggest struggles is having her hair cared for.

I really like it shorter too!

We finally celebrated our leader’s birthday several days late in a not-so-celebratory way.

But we did make him a dessert he loved – his favorite vanilla ice cream with crushed graham crackers and butterscotch sauce on top!

Happy Birthday, babe!!

Speaking of my guy…do any of you ever wonder if he ever gets upset?

Well, yes, he does – but ONLY when cutting a big pile of onions, which we banned him to the garage to do!

He was crying like a baby!

If there are grand babies around, I can tell you at any time where Grant is.

And yes, he is all of their favorite uncle for sure!

Addie Mae is a favorite too!!

They call her JieJie.

Lane had his first cavity ever in January.

Thought that was a pretty good twelve year stretch without any, don’t you agree?

He handled it like a champ.

Tate still loves to cook.

This is his “Mom, I am not awake yet quit taking photos of me look.”

Cute as ever!!

Thankful for that trio of mine!!

They fill my days with purpose, fun, JOY, and laughter!

You have no idea how many times I hold back a sob when I see these two together.

They are ALWAYS together!

And better because of it!

I am so thankful God made them brother and sister.

When I am not busy I am looking for something to keep me busy.

Like organizing the spice cabinet.

Doesn’t it look pretty?!

Or printing and hanging up our family photos from this year.

I LOVE seeing them on the wall in our bedroom!

We had church at home around our table due to illness for a couple of weeks in January.

It isn’t quite as good as being at church, obviously, but we still enjoy the time we spend together studying God’s Word this way!

I will end this January recap with a cute puppy – just for good measure.

And because I love her!

Ruby Jane, I am thankful for you too!

January seems like forever ago, and then just days ago.

Time is so weird, isn’t it?

I know we will look back on this time and be SO thankful for ALL the Lord has allowed!

I try to keep in the forefront of my mind – “what will I want the children to remember about this time in their lives?”

When I focus on that thought, my words and actions flow from that perspective.

I sure hope I can do right by all the Lord has trusted me with!

As I type this, we have had almost two weeks of below zero dangerously cold temperatures.

We are aching to be outside and playing in all that snow again!

Lord willing, it will be soon!

Until then, we are soaking up the sunshine through all of the windows here at Twin Oaks, and enjoying being together.

Hope you all are enjoying life too!!