A Sweet Summer Past Time

I am sure you would agree there has not been a better year to own a pool!

While we have been at home so much we have enjoyed having something to get us outside and exercising a bit!

My trio LOVES to swim!

I LOVE to lay on a float, ha, ha!

We have had some beautiful days out there in that pool!

In case you are wondering what our pups think of swimming and exercise, here is how I found them when I got out of the pool one afternoon to go and get some snacks!

I am hoping we get more time in that pool before summer says good bye!

I am not ready for summer to end!!

I also have my eye on buying a trampoline….you know, for when it is colder outside!

I know Eliza would LOVE it, and I bet the boys would too.

Time will tell!


Friday Night Date Night

This life of ours is FULL!!

I am not complaining – we are so thankful for every minute – there are so many good things!

Blake and I do not connect much during the week, so I am so grateful that we have made Friday night date night a priority!

I heard a sermon lately that talked about realizing your goals and then working backwards from there to reach them.

About being proactive instead of reactive.

It made me think of our date night!

Blake and I DO have goals for our marriage and the heritage we leave behind!

Those things don’t “just happen.”

It takes purpose and intention and work!!

Date night hardly feels like work, but it does take intention to make our Friday nights out a reality!

Sometimes date night is a million errands – running through each store because they are all still closing early due to COVID.

Sometimes date night is coffee and just a few fun errands!

Sometimes date night is coffee and ice cream and going to watch the sun set over the river.

This choice is my favorite!!

Sometimes we talk about nothing in particular.

Sometimes we talk about very needed conversations, that are deep and hard.

Sometimes we have a time of prayer together, holding hands and taking turns praying out loud.

Sometimes we listen to a sermon on a podcast.

We let date night lose it’s importance for awhile last fall and winter.

It was NOT a good idea!

It did not make us feel mad at each other, or be mean to each other…but we just felt less connected for sure.

It felt like a loss of something very good!

See why I am thankful for date night?!

Besides the coffee, ice cream and beautiful sunsets!!

Here’s to many more Friday nights with my husband, Lord willing!!

There is NO ONE I would rather spend my time with!!

Thank you, honey, for choosing me!!

I am so happy that we get to be heirs together in the grace of life!!!

My Helpers

It did not take me long in this new season we are in to figure out how very, very capable my trio is!

Between lots of time at home and every one else at work, I realized that it was time to train up the youngest three to be my BIG helpers.

It really was no surprise to me how much Tate and Eliza would love helping with more important things – like cooking and baking.

Lane loved to learn to cook and bake a few years ago when I taught him too!

I watched the two little ones closely with a sharp knife a couple of times and then set them loose!

They literally can make meals now at eight years old!

They are great at making snack food too.

And helping with clean up, of course!

Tate made this banana cake almost completely by himself one afternoon, and then we had it for bed time snack!

Not only are Lane, Tate, and Eliza helpful in the kitchen – but they help with every thing.

Mowing, gardening, cleaning, organizing, putting away grocery….they are an awesome crew!

It has been such a blessing training up these three!

Trusting them with more responsibility has built such confidence in them!

I am SO thankful for their help and for how much fun we have working together!!

We are embracing these days of me and my trio – and enjoying them!

Here’s to many more, Lord willing!!

The Grands

I have some precious photos for you!

Photos of our grand babies!

Lane told me recently I cannot call them the grand babies much longer.

Clyde and Ellie will be FIVE this fall!

They are still SO precious, adorable, fun, smiley, enthusiastic, and MY GRAND BABIES!!

I will let you see for yourself!

They are literally the love of our lives!

Their parents are too, of course!

They are growing up fast – and I am hanging on tight!

The new grand baby will be here before we know it!

We should find out the gender in ONE WEEK!

Any guesses?

We are SO excited!

Stay tuned to hear the news!


NaiNai is so thankful for each one of you!!