Grant and Kamryn’s WEDDING DAY!!!!

Well, this will be a fun post to write!!
It is loonnnggg overdue!!
Sorry about that!

First up on the week of the wedding was picking up the guys suits!

We did that on Thursday evening.

My guys looked GOOD!!

Friday evening was the rehearsal at the venue!

Grant and Kamryn got married at the most beautiful venue called “Celebrations” in La Crosse!

It was SO amazing there in EVERY way!!

The rehearsal went smoothly and all of the “kinks” were worked out!

The anticipation for the next day was BUILDING!!!

Blake and I hosted the rehearsal dinner at The Charmant in downtown La Crosse.

It is such a beautiful place!

We had our own room – actually we had the entire downstairs area!

It was beautiful and the food was delicious!

I might be biased about the food because it was all gluten and dairy free!

We had a bride and her mother-in-law to keep safe – and The Charmant did an amazing job doing so.

SO thankful for the care they gave us!

The next morning, Addie, Eliza and I headed to the best salon in town to get our hair done!

Salon Kayla!!

I appreciate Kayla doing this for us SO much, especially when it was SO early, and she had a lot of people to get ready too!

Then us girls were off to the venue!

I was bursting with excitement!!!

Everything was BEAUTIFUL, including the WEATHER!!

We seriously could not have asked for better weather – it was UNBELIEVABLE!!!

We headed to the bridal suite where everyone was getting ready.

Such a special thing to be a part of!

Everyone looked SO special and wonderful – but our bride??


Kamryn is the most beautiful woman, and even more so on the inside.


Pretty soon it was time for Grant and Kamryn’s first look so we headed to the balcony to peek at them!!

I got to see my guys – and WOW!

Glad I am married to that handsome guy in the middle here!!

David and Kayla and the cutest grandchildren on the planet had arrived too.

They seriously were trying to steal the show they were so cute!!!

It was time for some photos before guests started arriving!

Look at this beautiful outdoor space for photos!!!

Just like that it was time to hide the wedding party while us parents greeted the guests as they arrived!!

It all seemed to be going SO FAST.

Goodness, I just want to do it ALL again!

And then it was time to line up for the ceremony!!

I am so thankful for all of these photos I have – my children and sons-in-law did a great job getting all of these for me!

I only took a few of the photos in this whole post!!

The ceremony was so very beautiful and God honoring.

Kamryn surprised EVERYONE, including her groom, when a song that she had recorded herself singing was playing as she walked down the aisle with her Dad.

Once everyone realized it was her beautiful voice, there was not a dry eye – one of my favorite memories was seeing Grant’s face as he realized who was singing.

Such a precious sweet memory!

Another favorite memory was listening to Grant and Kamryn’s hand written vows.

SO so precious!!

By this time I needed some tissues, but my clutch had not made it to my seat like it was supposed to!

Kayla to the rescue – she literally gave me the bow off of Saige’s head to use to wipe my runny nose – such a funny memory!!!

After the beautiful ceremony, there was a snack and mocktail hour while some more photos were taken, and then it was time for the reception.

What a BEAUTIFUL venue for it all!

It was seriously so incredibly lovely.

Every single thing.

Before dinner was served, they had what was called The Grand March!

The DJ was introducing the wedding party to the reception, and then the bride and groom, of course!

Kamryn had told everyone at the rehearsal dinner the night before that they needed to do something fun as they were introduced – so they all started planning their entrance.

Little did I know that someone had told my husband, the father of the groom, also the best man, to “just act old like you are!”

Well, then they came up with the idea to bring A WALKER to the wedding the next day to do just that – act old.

Just so you know there was a whole lot of “don’t tell Mom! don’t tell Mom!” going on – and I am SO glad no one told me!!

I probably would have said “Babe, do you think that is appropriate? Are you sure you should do that?” but instead I watched this all go down without knowing and I WAS DYING WITH LAUGHTER!!!

After Kamryn’s poor sister helped my old husband through the door and down some stairs with his walker they finished their entrance with a dance!


It was SO so funny!!

Grant and Kamryn’s entrance was epic too – Grant JUMPED OVER THE TOP OF KAMRYN and landed at the bottom of the stairs!!!

I kid you not!!!

Ok -this is the only (close up) photo I have of the bride and groom!

I am not ok with that!!

But thankful I asked them to smile while they were trying to eat so I at least have this!

One of my best friends made the trip to be with us, and my brother did too!!!

Meant so much to us to have them there!!

Truly unbelievable that my brother could make the trip, and we are SO thankful!!

The dinner was lovely.

After dinner was over, the FUN began!!

There was Grant and Kamryn’s first dance!

They are so very perfect together in every way!

Then there was the mother and son dance!

Grant had us dance to a song by Caleb Beachy called “I Love This Dance.”

Goodness, I listened to that song constantly the whole week before the wedding so I would not listen to it while we danced – the words made me sob every time!!

Well, that plan didn’t work – Grant and I didn’t hear the words, but chatted and cried the whole time we danced – and kind of remembered our twirls.

What a privilege to be this young man’s mama.

Such a GIFT.

A gift I am not worthy of.

There were many other fun things at the reception – one was called “Photo Rush” – where each table was called to the dance floor by number to get a photo with Grant and Kamryn!

It was fast and so so very neat!!!!

I wish I had a photo of it!!

There was a car decorating moment, dancing, walking tacos for snack late in the night, outdoor games on the lawn, and just SO many people who stayed and enjoyed every minute of it!!

Around 10:30 it was time to send Grant and Kamryn off with a sparkling exit.

I could not believe it was over!

My emotions were all over the place!!

SO so so happy, so so so bittersweet!!!

What a fun send off though for our bride and groom!

Grant and Kamryn have already been married almost three months!!

It is the sweetest thing to watch them start their lives together as one!!!

My goodness, the years upon years of prayers we have said for this very moment in time!

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Moschel, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Your wedding was GORGEOUS and we could not be more happy for you!!!


Mother’s Day

Well, it wasn’t like we needed another reason to celebrate – but the calendar said Mother’s Day, so we did!

Of course I would rather not have the attention on myself – that is just not my thing!

But these children of mine are very sweet celebrate their Mom in such thoughtful ways!

We were celebrating Kayla too, of course!!

As per tradition, we got some photos on the driveway with the at home crew before we headed to church.

I gave Scottie my phone to take some photos and then later I found ALL of these, ha, ha!

We had all of our BESTS over after church that day and it was truly MY FAVORITE GIFT!

Sundays fill my cup SO full!!!

It was just the most beautiful day that day and we enjoyed being outside the entire time.

Lunch was delicious too!

Of course I also got a photo with my oldest two children!!

I am so glad we stop and take time to do this and freeze these moments in time!

What a sweet day!

I received gifts and cards with words that I do not deserve!

What a privilege it is that seven precious children call me Mom!

I have never felt worthy of that gift!!

Sweet kiddos, I love you each SO MUCH!!

You are a literal answer to my prayers and my dreams have come true by being allowed to be your Mama!!

Thank you for spoiling me on Mother’s Day!!


Looking Back on April!

Not only are we doing a lot of celebrating in our own family, we know A LOT of others that are in this wedding season as well!

We have been to showers and weddings and have several more of both on the calendar!

It is SO very exciting to celebrate these exciting times with our friends!

The Saturday morning right after we had arrived home from Florida, Addie and Scottie asked if I would like to go thrifting with them to find some furniture pieces they needed for their new place.

Of course I said yes!!

I ended up texting Blake asking if it was ok to bring home hutch for our kitchen!

We are always in dire need of storage space – especially in our very busy kitchen!

I got the ok and came home with a new hutch that day.

Stay tuned to see how it turned out after we fixed it up a bit!

We had orthodontist evaluations for Tate and Eliza early in April, and some crazy lady made their appointments for 8 a.m. forty-five minutes away from home.

The lady in charge of our calendar needs to be fired, just saying!

Thankfully we made a day of it, and took some children who grow in their sleep every night clothes shopping so they would actually have things that fit them to wear!

It ended up being a very fun morning!

Don’t be fooled by that iced coffee in my hand – I took two sips and threw it away – so glad I did.

I could tell it wasn’t going to do my health any good!

I also sent Lane back into a store when Kayla messaged me and asked for us to grab a pair of sandals for one of the girls, and he arrived back to the van in record time with exactly what I had asked for – sweet boy!!

Addie ordered wedding dresses on-line to try on at home (genius, by the way!!) – so we took this photo to remember our little try on party and the fact that Addie had found her dress!!!

Our family Sundays are always my FAVORITE!!

Lately other things have been taking up our Sundays – but we always have the family over after church when it works out!


Sometimes we get together at David and Kay’s too!

Do you see Kay’s new puppy??

That huge puppy??

His name is Jack!!

Saige calls him “Jack Jack”!

Saigey Grace started walking in April!!

She is the cutest thing ever!!

Kay and I are still doing our monthly bulk shopping!

We died laughing when Kayla sent home a text and got a photo in return!!

I stole some boys one Friday afternoon to stay the night!

It was super fun and I am hoping when things settle down we will be doing a lot of that again.

Things are going to settle down, aren’t they?

Don’t answer that.

We had our last Women to Women gathering at church – we take a break for the summer months and start back up in the fall.

I love helping with this!

Setting up and decorating is really fun!

I visited Addie Mae at work one day and we picked out flowers for the front porch!

Addie does such a wonderful job with our porch, patio, and indoor plants – I need to learn this skill and learn it fast!!

I don’t have much hope for my plants once Addie gets married, ha, ha!

We have had lots of planning, dress fittings, zoom calls, and wedding projects going on here.

It has been super fun!

I do have one photo of Eliza at a dress fitting for Grant and Kamryn’s wedding – her dress turned out beautiful!

I also did a huge photo project for a video slide show for Grant and Kamryn’s wedding – and it took me down memory lane!!

We were blessed to fill our freezer back up!!

Thankful for farmers who do the hard thing and offer healthy meat options!!

Scottie’s Mom and sisters visited for a few days at the end of April!

It was wonderful to see them and spend time with them!!!

We cannot wait until they are here again in just a few weeks!!

All of our animals are doing great and we are enjoying them very much!!

Addie and Scottie will be taking Ruby with them, which of course is NOT ok with all of us here, but obviously the right thing!

We are talking about getting Eliza a puppy – time will tell!

We kept our bird restaurant open this spring.

Usually we take it down sometime in April.

But we had husband and wife cardinals visiting it several times daily!

The male would feed the female, and they were just beautiful to watch.

We knew they had a nest somewhere – and sure enough we saw their babies visiting the feeder eventually!

So much normal life lived along side all of the things of this busy season.

These are my favorite kind of photos!

I will let the photos tell their story!

So many great memories we make here.

Ok, now for the FOOD!!!

If you are not here for the food, scroll on past!!

I hope these photos inspire you, though, the way they inspire me when I look back on them!

I seriously went to this little ole blog of ours recently to get some food ideas!!

Clearly we do not like to eat, ha, ha!!

Nor do I love to be in my kitchen, ha, ha!!

I am thankful for my love of cooking and baking….and EATING!

I read this quote this week: “The student becomes like his teacher” – so hopefully all of this good cooking and healthy eating will rub off on my children!

It really is me here after all this time.

I will add my signature to this post just so you know!

April feels like YEARS ago!

We are really almost through June.

Addie and Scottie’s wedding is a mere three weeks away!

It has gone SO FAST.

Makes me super thankful to have this space here to keep our memories like I used to in those scrapbooks all those years ago.

May held one of the VERY BEST days of our lives and I cannot wait to relive it here in this space!!

Stay tuned!!!

Until then….

Celebrating Some More!!


Anybody out there???


Ok, here we go!!

After we arrived home from Florida back at the beginning of April, we had LOTS more celebrating to do!

There was another shower for Kamryn and the next weekend we had a girl’s get together for Kamryn as well.

It was all SO FUN!!

This second shower for Kamryn was a Pampered Chef shower – which was a GREAT idea!

Then we spent a Saturday enjoying a lovely brunch at the Charmant in downtown La Crosse and a painting class after that at All Glazed Up.

It was such a fun day!!

The Charmant is a beautiful place and it was such a beautiful day!

The painting class stretched some of us, ahem, but others were naturals at painting a canvas.

We had a lot of fun chatting and painting and just being together!

We were just weeks away from the BIG DAY (which obviously now I know was WORTH THE WAIT!!).

Such a fun season with all of the get togethers, all of the planning, all of the anticipation – I cannot believe it is over!

Now we are anticipating Addie and Scottie’s wedding and just had a bridal shower for Addie!

See – I told you I have SO MUCH TO TELL YOU!!!

I hope to catch up this little scrapbook of ours – so hold on tight – lots of posts coming up!!

Kamryn Shay, what a joy it was to celebrate with you!!!

You are my DAUGHTER-IN-LAW!!!

Dreams come true and I love you SO MUCH!!