Life With My Trio

If you would have shown me a peek into my life today five years ago, I would have never believed the season we would be in!

It is a SWEET season indeed.

Quarantine or no quarantine, I think my days will continue to look a lot like they are now – me and my trio!

IMG_20200414_153817Since everyone else has been working, Lane, Tate, Eliza and I are usually the only ones at home.


Don’t get me wrong – I can’t wait for the weekends to have everyone back together again too!

My trio and I have been focusing a couple hours each morning on school.

We still start our school day all together singing, studying God’s Word, working on memory verses and praying.

IMG_20200406_090938IMG_20200406_092245Tate and Eliza finished their 2nd grade Math curriculum, so we just continued on into 3rd grade!

IMG_20200406_103508I started the Bible Study For All Ages curriculum with these three last week.

I had purchased it over a year ago, but when I pulled it off the shelf and remembered how good it is, I knew now was the perfect time to start it!

IMG_20200406_165456We do illustrations and narrations with this study, of course!

IMG_20200414_111331Since the library is closed (sigh) we focus the rest of our morning school time on math, grammar and science.

I miss being able to order books from the library about what we want to learn about and just running with those interests!

IMG_20200416_095034IMG_20200409_102637The rest of our day is very weather dependent.

We have had some cold, snowy, blowy, cold, cold, cold weather!

One afternoon these kiddos tried to break apart a geode that Lane had found on a walk we had taken!

IMG_20200406_105926IMG_20200406_105913Other afternoons we will listen to a radio program or watch an educational show.

IMG_20200416_115340IMG_20200414_111431When I glanced over while watching a movie with the kids one afternoon and saw Eliza like this I just had to get a photo!

That is Eliza’s beloved Sophie the cat.

The fact that Eliza was and has been able to attach to a “lovey” is another whole story.

I am so happy she has Sophie!!

IMG_20200403_151415On nice days we get outside.


IMG_20200411_134032My trio has been playing downstairs a lot too.

I know this photo is blurry, but this memory is not blurry in my mind!

They were playing “people” (they call it) with their legos and Tate was saying, “We can’t go there because of the corona virus, remember?”

Ha, ha!

IMG_20200403_170916I still love to read aloud to these kiddos and they love to be read to!

IMG_20200406_182703IMG_20200413_101217We had a fun day on Lane’s birthday trying to make it special!

Eliza wanted to be the first one to wish Lane a Happy Birthday, so she left this sticky note at his breakfast spot.


IMG_20200402_072501We made Mud Buddies first thing that morning to kick off the celebrating right!

IMG_20200402_092549IMG_20200402_092731IMG_20200402_093308Lane received a package in the mail from his big sister and her crew.

I tossed it to him over the deck railing and they all gathered to open it!

IMG_20200401_153522Breakfast and lunch times look like this!

How did my crowd get so small?!

IMG_20200401_123409I am using my time with just these three at home wisely, and working diligently to train up my helpers to do more and more!

IMG_20200401_171822IMG_20200407_162714 The Wednesday before Easter our Pastor and his wife had a Zoom call with the children from our church!

How fun is that???

They walked through the Resurrection Eggs with them, sang a song, and then they played a wild game of Scavenger Hunt!

IMG_20200408_100943IMG_20200408_104422IMG_20200408_105105Dynamics is always something I love to see.

The dynamics of these three at home with me and the others working has been fun!

It is cute how Lane and Eliza usually pair up and another certain someone is always at my side.

He has always wanted to keep me close by since that first day I held him almost five years ago now!

Precious, precious boy!!!

IMG_20200413_145857When all this craziness started happening out there in the world, I kept focusing on a question I saw: “What do I want the children to remember about this time in their lives?”

That thought fuels me each morning as I wake and realize it will be just me and them here at home again.

I want them to remember JOY, unity, purpose, and vision….but most of all that WE NEVER TOOK OUR EYES OFF THE LORD WE LOVE.

Shelter in Place hasn’t been so bad here at Twin Oaks!

Just look again at the photos of these three precious children and I am sure you can see why!

I do not take all that we have here for granted and we are praying and praying for all the ones who this pandemic has affected in negative ways.

May the Lord bless you and keep you!!

Happy Birthday, Lane Stevan!!

Our Lane Stevan turned TWELVE years old on April 2nd!!

He is going to be another giant – he is growing a lot right now.

I just bought him a new pair of shoes in a men’s size eight!

Send help.

Or send food.

We celebrated Lane on a Sunday when everyone was home!

After church (on line), Lane opened his gifts!

Addie out did herself again with a beautiful and delicious cake!!

We made homemade strawberry ice cream to go with that beautiful cake!

I had some of that ice cream and it was FANTASTIC!

We decided to start a new Sunday-spring-and-summer-time-tradition.

Homemade ice cream every Sunday evening!

Good idea, HUH?!

It was a beautiful day to be outside!

I remember very clearly the day Lane was born!

We were so excited to have another BOY!

Lane Stevan, you are such JOY!

How we love your visionary qualities – mixed with your big heart, gentle spirit, and enthusiasm for even the smallest things!

Your knowledge of God’s Word always amazes me too!


Happy, happy birthday to our Joe B!!!


A Recipe//Gluten-free Play Doh

I have had a lot of requests for our gluten-free play doh recipe.

We have tried many gluten-free play doh recipes over the years – as seen here and here.

This by far has been our favorite one!

It is not sticky or crumbly.

It shapes easily for hours of fun for the children!

It also holds up well in a zip loc baggie with all of the air pushed out of it.


1 1/4 cups brown rice flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 TBSP vegetable oil
5 -8 drops of food coloring

Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix water, oil, and food coloring in a saucepan. Add dry ingredients and stir with a large spoon. Cook on medium/high heat stirring constantly until dough pulls away from sides of the pan. Roll onto wax paper on the counter top. Let cool just a bit and then knead until smooth. Store in a zip loc baggie with all of the air pushed out in a dark cool spot.


I just realized yesterday that the recipe page I had in the menu bar at the top of the blog is missing. So sorry! I am working on figuring out how to get it back!

The End of March

Hello everyone!

It is a beautiful, sunny, but freezing cold morning here at Twin Oaks – and we even have some snow on the ground!

I was hoping this would be the year that we would break the trend of snow in April.

Thankful for the sunshine streaming through the windows though!

How is everyone doing these days?

We are doing very well, and finding many normal things and many new things to keep us busy and active during this time of quarantine.

Tate and Eliza wanted to make play doh and I agreed it was a great idea!

It’s fun to make and they play with it a lot!

IMG_20200326_114906IMG_20200326_120209IMG_20200326_121432IMG_20200326_145914Since we have had some nice days, we also dug out our popsicle molds to make popsicles!

I actually just made my third round of popsicles yesterday!

IMG_20200326_112129I have been keeping busy with all the normal things that it takes to run our home and our school days.

I also have been deep cleaning!

I haven’t really been following a list, or doing one room from top to bottom, but just choosing random things that I see that need to be done.

It’s rather haphazard, ha, ha!

But I hope it all adds up to a really good spring deep cleaning job!

I packed all of my old journals in a box to save in order to empty two drawers that would barely open!

IMG_20200325_153725I washed the kitchen cabinets!

They come clean easily!

And washed the tops of them too and everything that is sitting on top of them.

I found this sling shot in all the dust up there – it must have been put in time out by my tall husband at some point and we forgot about it!

IMG_20200327_103506IMG_20200327_112045I washed the shower curtains.

They really needed it!

IMG_20200331_093301We use this Bac – Out to get rid of stains.

IMG_20200331_094011I also washed and put away all of the snow clothes!

Yes, we still needed them this week – oops!

IMG_20200331_095138Thankful for having regular chores in place too!

One of my favorite chores throughout the years has been what we call “the vacuum hose.”

Lane’s been doing this one for awhile now – but they have all had their turn!

That vacuum hose is taken through the whole house (remember, it’s small!) and used anywhere and everywhere – from drawers, to corners in closets, to lamp shades, to couch cushions, to behind furniture – it’s an awesome way to keep things clean!

IMG_20200327_094851I made a goal to try to incorporate two new recipes in each week.

This has been more fun than I thought it would be!

Here is my inspiration – my favorite (and only!) cookbooks!

IMG_20200326_162553I have been enjoying the kitchen more than ever, well, because….TIME!

Look at all this yumminess –

IMG_20200325_162840IMG_20200325_182520IMG_20200325_120449IMG_20200326_173712IMG_20200328_075720IMG_20200328_090225IMG_20200329_122940IMG_20200330_163137IMG_20200330_163143IMG_20200331_143737IMG_20200330_180156IMG_20200331_095949IMG_20200331_183138Well, now I’m hungry!!

I have been thankful for my trainer who has been doing live Zoom calls to help keep all her clients working out!

We have three live classes a week!

IMG_20200327_115131The last two days of March were BEAUTIFUL and WARM.

Praise the Lord!

I made grilled sandwiches for my trio and we headed out to the deck to eat!

Everyone else is still working,  but Addie only works three days a week.

IMG_20200330_124732IMG_20200330_125941I had my normal lunch – a huge salad!

IMG_20200330_130808These three played outside all day that day!

It was WONDERFUL and a taste of what’s to come!

IMG_20200330_134230IMG_20200330_134404IMG_20200330_134720It was windy, as spring on a ridge always is.

Tate came running to get us because Eliza’s hair was stuck in the swing!

IMG_20200330_173514IMG_20200327_134235Look where Ruby sits when I am inside and the kiddos are outside!

SO cute! She has to keep track of everyone.

IMG_20200326_163202I am SUPER thankful for the weekends!

Having other adults home!

The boys actually worked a couple of Saturdays even.

These two were my kitchen crew one Saturday!

IMG_20200328_103037Sundays start with church on line.

HARD. But the best we can do right now!

IMG_20200329_094010IMG_20200329_100340We have been enjoying games, as always!

Especially when everyone is home!

IMG_20200329_162251One rainy weekend looked like lots of napping, lots of snacking, and a drive in the country.

IMG_20200328_142320IMG_20200328_152222IMG_20200329_125835IMG_20200329_134821This is usually my morning line up these days!

Everyone else leaves very early!

IMG_20200327_075606The Lord has been blessing us with His handiwork.

It’s never lost on me!!

20200331_064139_HDRIMG_20200331_064839IMG_20200330_070012We have been singing this song a lot lately.

“How Long O Lord”

I find myself humming and singing the chorus throughout the day!

Music is SO important to keeping JOY in your home!

Give it a try!!!

Most of us are NOT good singers – but that never matters to me!

We sing together everyday!

IMG_20200326_084214Well, it’s time to start school with my trio!

I’ve added a goal of doing more blogging during these days – now I said it so I will have to follow through!

I hope you all are safe, healthy, and drawing nearer to God during this time.


Until next time, happy quarantine life everyone!