I have covered a lot of the events of February in the last few posts, but there is more!
Our everyday kind of more.
It’s the BEST stuff!!
There is not one day that is the same in this season of life, but there are days that are similar.
I was just looking back at my blog one evening this past week – I got sucked into 2018 somehow!
I will say that seeing the memories brought tears to my eyes – they are SO sweet!
But I also would like to mention, before I add all of these next photos, that seeing what I was making in the kitchen back then was a HUGE motivator and idea generator!
So – let’s take a look at what came out of the kitchen in February!

Oh my goodness, how many photos was THAT???
You can easily tell that what I post on Instagram stories the most is what we are cooking and baking that day, ha, ha.
At the encouragement of a sweet friend and neighbor, we tapped some maples trees in February during an incredible warm spell.
It was SUPER fun for us all, but especially the children!
They checked those buckets daily!!
We ended up getting 10 gallons of sap off of two trees!!
Blake diligently boiled it down and we ended up with two small jars full of the most delicious maple syrup I have ever tasted.

Blake and Lane received these awesome sweatshirts as a gift from Chad.
They have Lane’s robotics logo on them!
I love that they have this robotics thing to do together!
Especially now that we do not have the farm to fill our boys’ time.

I bought a new devotional for this year after floundering around the month of January and not feeling like my quiet time was fruitful.
I am SO glad to have this!
It is really wonderful and always starts my day with a good word and points to a section of scripture to read.

We were thankful when the director of the library contacted us to fill in for two Saturdays in February.
I really enjoy being the volunteer for Lane to be able to work a Saturday morning!
Speaking of Lane and the library – he taught an afterschool robotics class every Friday in the month of February that went EXTREMELY well!
It might have given him a new summer job!
Time will tell!!

I had a short lived illness in February that two cute pups capitalized on greatly, just saying!
Very thankful for how quick that was and how much we illness we have fought off easily this winter.
The Lord has blessed our efforts!

Blake brought these to me when I was sick.
Aren’t they pretty?
I love that man.

Someday we are going to finish this home we live in.
Like by painting the insides of the front and back door, the trim in all of the windows, and all of the touches we planned on but have never done!
My hubby hung this shelf for me.
It turned into a huge project thanks to that tile behind it.
This is why I don’t like to ask to finish things!!
But I do LOVE that little shelf there, don’t you??

The weather has been super weird this year.
One day we had a soccer tournament on the deck in short sleeves, the next day it was snowing.
I will say that playing soccer with my three youngest is a really great way to feel very old!!!
We had a blast though!!

Check out the temperature on my dashboard in this first photo.
Check out the temperature THE NEXT DAY in the second photo.
Weird weather, I tell ya!!

Those days made us all feel about like Ruby feels here.
To be a dog.
Looks like a good life, doesn’t it?

I have been working on the hugest decluttering, cleaning, and purging project EVER.
Two weddings will do that to a gal!
We have a lot of people who live here, I know.
We live a lot of life in this home, I know.
We have a lot of food issues and cook every meal here, I know.
But we accumulate A LOT of UNNEEDED stuff!
It was EMBARRASSING the piles I made as I got rid of it all.
I want to keep going with this project, but I have been too busy as of late.
Hopefully soon!
One of my projects one afternoon was to clean the spice jars.
Tate and Eliza helped me.
I don’t think I have EVER washed my spice jars.
So very sorry to admit that if you have eaten in our home!!!!!
It was a very good thing to do.
We also used my new label maker to give them a fresh look.
That cabinet is such a peace giver now instead of a peace stealer!
The nutmeg jar is your humbly given “before photo.”
I had to soak most of the lids to get them to come clean!

Here’s the funny thing.
We just keep adding things back into our home!!
What is wrong with us, ha, ha!
My hubby bought me this ice cream maker.
We had gotten Kayla one last year and I LOVE how easy it is!
We had an ice cream maker – but you needed ice and salt to run it.
Guess what I did with that one when this new one arrived??
Thank you very much.

I also gave away most of our decor that I was so tired of dusting.
I told my resident plant lady that I wanted to put plants throughout our home instead.
She was happy to make my dream come true!
Now she just needs to come back after she is married to take care of them so I don’t kill them!!

Here is Eliza.
She loves animals.
She gave up begging for a horse, but now is begging for a bunny.
I love her SO much!
Yes, she is super tall for her age!

I do not have many photos of school from February, but I promise you all we are finishing STRONG!
It is a huge desire of my heart to give our three youngest a full and rounded education, even in my old age where all of my seasons of life have collided!
This choice has me saying “no” to many other good things, but that is ok because this is important stuff!

My grands.
Life is best when with them!!!
They are seriously pure joy and enthusiasm!!

My water bottle broke in church one Sunday and filled my Bible that I was holding with water.
That was fun!
I got a new one, and based on its price, even on sale and with some rewards points, it better last – just saying!

Kayla, Addie and I planned (and now have had!) a bridal shower for Kamryn!
This day I was working on invites!

We had and have some more orthodontist appointments coming up.
Lane is about half-way through treatment and Tate and Eliza have another evaluation here soon.
We have been seeing this orthodontist since Kayla was in braces!!
We probably own half of that waiting room by now, ha, ha!

We were SUPER DUPER excited the day that Scottie finally got his apartment!!
There was a little glitch and he was in a temporary one for a month.
This is where Scottie and Addie will live after they are married in July.
It is the SWEETEST place, especially now that Addie is putting her touch on it to get it ready!!
AND it is only SEVEN MINUTES away!!
Oh how I love this “two weddings” season thing!!

Of course I have photos of the sky.
Even in this busy, busy, I always notice the beautiful sky!
Do you all notice it too??

The sky is beautiful today too!
So thankful for the sunshine even though it is freezing cold.
Time to eat lunch and get on to our piano theory class – and then we are headed out for the afternoon!
It’s been fun spending some time with you all.
I hope you are having a GREAT day with SUNNY skies too!!
Until next time….