Passing the time……

I have shown you how the children at home are passing their time (besides all the work, that is)……and we are just passing the time here as well (minus any work at all). We pass the time as we wait for all of Eliza’s paperwork to get done so we can be handed her passport and visa and head home!

Thankfully we have an AMAZING guide who plans things for us. Not only to pass the time, but to allow us to soak up as much of the Chinese culture as we can before we have to say goodbye to where our daughter started her life.

We have successfully been to the breakfast buffet with Eliza two days in a row now! She is getting much more comfortable in our routine here. She usually carries something from the room to breakfast with her, which she exchanges with me for a yogurt! She still loves to eat, and has eaten everything I have given her.


Today, Blake and Addie got the same noodles that Blake had already gotten and cut up for Eliza. Eliza was gobbling them up! Addie took one bite and her mouth was on fire – they were SO spicy! Our girl definitely loves the food of her culture.



After breakfast Blake and Addie went on the guided tour. I stayed behind with Eliza today, because I just wanted one whole day where we didn’t rock her world. It was a GREAT choice, because Blake and Addie came back with the news that today is the hottest and most humid day yet. I. cannot. imagine.

Eliza had a bath (she sat down for the first time!!) and played in the bubbles. Then we played, read books, colored, walked around the hotel in her stroller, skyped the kids at home, ate some lunch in the room, and played some more before it was nap time. It was a wonderful, wonderful morning for me!!

Blake and Addie had a wonderful morning too! They shared the photos and told me all about it. They went to the Chen Family Temple, also known as the Guangdong Folk Art Museum. I am SO thankful that they bought a calligraphy scroll that they watched a man make with Eliza’s Chinese name, her American name, her date of birth, and the day she was placed in our arms all on it. It is BEAUTIFUL!!!







They watched another man paint with his hand. What beautiful artwork.




They also got to experience the Liwan Market, where pearls, jade, embroideries, and traditional Chinese dresses are sold. It looks like it was amazing!




This evening we walked to a German restaurant with our friends and had a wonderful time of fellowship. I heard the food was good too!!




The girls were gems at dinner! Eliza is changing BY THE MINUTE. It is such an incredible thing to see. Today she started calling me Mama, and also says the words bye-bye and blows kisses whenever we are leaving somewhere. She is a hoot!!

Praise Jesus with us!! We are in awe of our sweet little daughter!! What a gift from God


  1. Brenda says:

    I am in awe of what a precious little girl God has provided for you!! So happy things are going well! And thanks for taking time to record your days…. we’re loving this. 🙂

  2. Michelle Eubank says:

    You may or may not remember me- I am Kelly’s friend from middle school! She gave me the link to your blog and I have to say I have been in tears reading most of it….. Not only because this is such a beautiful time in your lives, but also that God has given you all such a gift! All of your children- every single one of them were so blessed to be given parents like you and Blake. My husband and I have adopted 3 children (through foster care) and I can relate to a lot of the emotions, struggles, etc. that go along with adoption and I know for sure that it is all worth it! God Bless and I can’t wait to see more pics of your journey to bring your beautiful daughter home! :O)

    • Steph says:

      Oh my goodness, Michelle!!!! Thank you for this comment!! What an encouragement for us this morning!!! You are so sweet. Thank you for encouraging us!! You can relate – and YES it is already ALL worth it!!! God is so good!!!

  3. Tammy says:

    We just got back from a weekend of camping, so I have been catching up on your posts. “Mama,” that must have been sweet music to your ears, Stephanie. I bet Addie Mae has been enjoying getting to know her little sister and being able to hold her, too. I love the picture of the two of them. All of your pictures and the written documentation of your time are a treasure.

  4. Christy says:

    Eliza seems to be adapting very well. Love the picture of your older daughter holding Eliza. Love sisterhood bonds and it has started! So precious! I bet your other children can’t wait to meet her and how precious that day will be when you are all together. Gives me goosebumps! I am truly enjoying your blog of this journey!

  5. Debi says:

    It has been so beautiful to watch the blossoming of your sweet girl over these 5 days as she has grown to trust an love you! Blessings and prayers as you look toward you trip home. ( 😀 Where we get to meet her in person!)

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