
I have made quite a few projects around Twin Oaks to keep us busy and productive while we are home so much.

Some of them are MUCH needed!

Others are things that just get done in our daily routine.

I really enjoy a good project.

So do our children!

Chad has been building hunting blinds to sell.

I know nothing about building, or about hunting, or about hunting blinds…but I think the first one is turning out amazing!

Lane has helped out here and there.

We are proud of Chad for conquering his fear of that saw!

I tackled the storage room one morning a while back!

With my trio, of course.



I gave away a lot, organized the rest, and made some new space down there!

I also tackled the garage one morning.

Also with Lane, Tate and Eliza helping!

We got half way around.

I need to finish it!

Especially now that I look at this next photo – Blake and Chad were tackling another project that night – car repair and replacing head lights!

But look in the background…better yet, don’t look!

That is the side of the garage I need to finish.

I might have looked like this after the first half of the garage project, just saying.

It was a lot of work!!

The kitchen island paint needs touched up.

The white is pretty, but SO dirty all the time.

I am contemplating colors…time will tell!

I bought a duck egg blue to sample, but it looks rather gray to me, which I’m not sure I will like.

There is always the project of putting up produce for the winter months.

Our freezer is full of shredded zucchini, green beans and basil.

Thanks to my girl Addie Mae!!

Addie has also been making tomato sauce.

All that zucchini will keep us in zucchini bread, which is a favorite here!

I like to hide zucchini in meatloaf and spaghetti sauce too.

We also like craft projects.

I don’t even have to set it up!

I like to be creative too, so when I start something they usually join me!

I have a few projects swirling in my head for this winter.

One of them has to do with my recipes.

It is a messy situation!

I really enjoy organizing though.

Taking care of our home is my JOY!

Being a wife and mom is all I dreamed about in High School.

Look how the Lord blessed the desires of my heart!!

SO grateful!

Looking forward to more projects in the months ahead with my trio, Lord willing!

They are a fun bunch of helpers!