This week the temperatures also dropped quite a bit, and we have been in the 60’s most of the week.
It’s been cozy!
We have been doing a lot of cozy things!
But first, over the weekend, we had some plans.
Of course, Friday night is usually DATE NIGHT!
This past Friday night my date PICKED ME UP at home!
It’s the little things, you all.
Blake just happened to be close by at the end of the day, so he came home and we headed back to town together.
Some coffee, ice cream, and much, much needed conversation made for a great date night.
We had plans for Saturday night too!
But first, we had some summer food from the grill.
I love when my guys are home around meal time to help by grilling!
Once a year Blake gets the opportunity to have free tickets to the races in West Salem.
It’s becoming a tradition for him to take the boys!
This year Tate went along, even though I really thought it would be much too loud for him, even with ear plugs.
He LOVED it!
While the guys were there, us girls went to town to shop for Ruby Jane!
We also walked through Old Navy, since it was right next door to Pets Mart.
Or is it Pet Smart?
Anyway….we got supplies for Ruby and made a tag for her and a new one for Sadie too.
Sunday afternoon the kiddos enjoyed the heat and the swimming pool!
This was the FIRST DAY EVER that our six year olds put their faces under water!
By the end of the afternoon they were swimming under water from one side of the pool to the other!!
I’m not sure you can understand what a huge deal this is for our Tate!
He has been terrified of the pool, and has lived in a life vest AND a pool ring to keep himself upright enough to conquer that fear.
I am so thankful for that little pool this year.
It is just what Tate needed.
We have been keeping up with our summer school schedule this week – including learning a new song!
We sang this song in church last Sunday….I mean everyone else sang this song in church last Sunday while I cried my eyes out through the whole thing….so I thought it would be a great song to learn!
I found Eliza reading aloud from a chapter book one afternoon.
Soooo……I sat beside her to make sure she was reading it correctly.
Yes, she was.
If you are wondering if the first grade teacher of two of the kiddos in this house is scratching her head about her plans for school this fall – well, she is.
I will add here that Eliza’s comprehension skills need some strengthening.
Tate’s comprehension skills are that of a seasoned police detective – because he never misses a thing.
Not one thing.
So, there’s that!
And there is a couple months left before school starts this fall for their first grade teacher to make a plan how to keep Eliza challenged and happy.
This photo says so much.
About my blessed life here!
This is the day Eliza had her dental surgery.
I parked a chair at the end of the bed.
I should have taken a photo of each kiddo that came and sat there that afternoon!
Just to TALK TO ME.
It’s not lost on me how blessed I am!
There hasn’t been many sky photos this week!
I just have one.
Isnt it pretty though?!
This also happened.
I am looking this fourteen year old kiddo directly in the eye.
I am 5 foot 8 inches tall.
I think he will be tall, especially since boys grow so much still in those high school years, but I wonder if Lane will be our tallest?
Chad also wore his Dad’s shoes to church on Sunday.
Good grief.
We can’t keep them little!!
They grow up SO fast!!
One day when I told Eliza that very fact she said, “It’s ok, Mommy! You still have your grand babies, you know!”
Smart girl.
Yes, I do!!
Rain or sunshine, its been a blessed week!
Tomorrow the plan is to pick up Ruby Jane!!!
We are so excited!
We all love, love, love animals and pets, and have missed having Zoe here very much.
Stay tuned, Lord willing, for a post about our sweet new puppy!
I meant to say Addie’s sweet new puppy!
Of course I did!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Send the sunshine our way if you have seen it!!