We still have one more day of appointments with urology coming up, including a sedated CMG, but we are rejoicing over this and smiling ear to ear!
SO, so thankful for Tate’s team of doctors who take care of him – they are one in a million!!
We constantly praise the Lord that we live where such top notch medical care is so close by!
We will be working on getting Tate set up for physical therapy to help strengthen him in hopes that it will help with the pain he is dealing with.
We celebrated Tate’s amazing appointments with Chipotle (of course!!) before we headed back home!!
Tate is fearfully and wonderfully made!!!
In his surgeon’s words, as we looked at Tate’s new imaging, Tate is one SPECIAL guy!!
Rejoice with us!!!!
We LOVE that word STABLE!!!
Praise God!
Thank you for rejoicing with us!!
Do you know the chipotle in Onalaska is open? I might have gone several times already….
I heard that!! We will need to get there soon!