A nice Saturday at home working on projects and then in the evening preparing our dinner for after church on Sunday.
I always have a great crew of willing and smiling helpers!
These two were on my potato crew!
The menu included white cheesy mashed potatoes, and mashed yams.
This cutie juiced all the lemons for the lemonade!
The menu also included one of our favorites – asparagus wrapped with bacon.
Chocolate fondue was our plan for dessert – so we made some yummy cashew cookies to dip with!
Iced tea brewing here!
Looks like my help is laying down on the job!
Sunday morning started EARLY.
Addie Mae had to be at church by 7:15 for worship team practice, and there were another two guys who were leaving by 7:00 as well.
Blake was going to Nebraska with Grant to get him settled! Grant will be working there with a family we know, for at least a month.
We were very sad to see him go (there were tears! Lots of tears!) but very, very glad for this great opportunity!
We miss you already, Grant!
Hannah, her sister and I took the rest of my crew to church!
Church was beautiful.
The sermon is something I will NEVER forget.
One that will just stick with me forever.
Love how the Lord does that!!
We had David, Kayla, the grand babies, and friends in for dinner after church.
Then the babies took much needed naps.
Kayla had planned an egg hunt, but it was SO windy when we got home from church.
We hid the eggs in the hayloft instead of outside.
Eliza thought she might die waiting for the egg hunt to start!
She said, “MMMOOOOMMMM! I have been waiting my whole life for an egg muffin game!”
SO cute!!
The egg hunt crew, besides the grand babies, all lined up and ready to go!
Run and find those eggs!
After our friends left, we finished out the evening with bubbles.
SO perfect!
The wind had died down and it was a beautiful evening!
We were missing Blake and Grant and needed to keep busy!
I can’t wait to buy a gallon of bubbles to refill those wands!
Memories made again and tucked deep into our hearts!!
The reason for our celebration yesterday was not lost in the food and fellowship.
The kids and I have spent a lot of time this past week reading and talking about Jesus’s death and resurrection!
I wish you all could see these two littles soak it ALL in and hear the questions they ask!
What a privilege to be their Mama and pour into them this way!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and beautiful celebration yesterday too.
Happy Monday, everyone!