School Days

School started a couple of weeks ago for Lane, Tate, and Eliza!

We have had a good start.

It takes very little to impress these three, and they are enthusiastic!

Makes my role as their teacher pretty easy and very fun.

We start our days with chores and Bible time!

We do a Bible time all together too.

I call out our verse for that day (we are going through a devotional), and they race to look it up!

We call this game “swords!”

The Word of God is our sword and shield!!

We did a backyard habitat search for Science one day.

These guys found all kinds of cool things out there!

Eliza found this American Dagger Caterpillar.

Don’t worry, we did not touch it!

It was fascinating!

We are going through a book called Bible Study for All Ages.

It is GOOD!

And it is for ALL ages!

I am learning right along with them!

This is what concentration looks like.

This is what “guys look here at Mom” looks like!

We (even me!) do an illustration with narration after our lesson each day, and this was Eliza’s illustration about John the Baptist.

SO cute!

And almost accurate!

On this particular day, Tate was trying to write his math answers with his eyes closed.

He thought it would make math more fun, of course.

I am getting in the swing of this library book order-and-pick-up-thing.

We have not browsed the shelves of a library since March!


You always can tell when the Mama of this nest has picked up the library books.

It gets really quiet in here!

When our Focus on the Family Club House magazine arrives they speed through their math so they can read it!

Speaking of math, I just signed this 12 year old up for pre-algebra.

Send help.


Our afternoons are full of all kinds of things!

We get outside to soak up these beautiful days!

We also find things to do inside too!

Tate and I like to read recipes and then bake.

School is off to a great start, don’t you think?!

I do too!!

I am excited for this year ahead!

We have lots to learn!

Chad will be joining us soon and I am looking forward to that too!

If you had told me when I was 21 and wanting babies so bad that I would be teaching my youngest ones still in my 50’s I never would have believed it!!

I love doing life with these children!

They are such a GIFT!

SO glad God writes the BEST stories!!