School Days

I declared the day after we arrived home from Family Camp a “no school, catch up on rest” day.

Everyone but my trio headed off to work as normal, but I let the littles sleep until they woke on their own!

Pretty much this girl’s dream morning!

She is our late Kate.

I managed to wash, dry, fold and put away 13 loads of laundry that day.

Family Camp laundry wins the prize for the worst laundry of the year!

Last Tuesday we got back into our school rhythm, and added a few more things that we had not done yet in August.

It also was Chad’s first day of school!!

The giant that he is!

Chad started his junior year last week.

I sat with Chad that morning before going to teach the younger ones and we went over his books and his assignment pages.

He is doing the My Father’s World curriculum, ABeka Math, and Apologia Biology.

The 11th grade My Father’s World curriculum includes a Bible study, U.S. History to 1877, Government, and American Literature.

He was excited to get started and told me many times he was happy to be home with us.

I was happy TOOOOO!!

Chad will still be working part-time this year as well.

We start our day with a group Bible time, where we sing, memorize Bible verses, do a devotional and pray together.

Everyone has a personal Bible time as well, earlier in the morning.

My trio and I head back to the school room after that to do Math and Language.

I also add some cursive practice at that time for Tate and Eliza!

Chad works on his own, but he and I meet once a day right after lunch.

Next up for my trio is our My Father’s World study of Countries and Cultures.

This My Father’s World curriculum includes a Bible study, Geography, Science that relates to the country we are studying, art and music.

We do a lot of reading and a lot of projects!

Just what we like!

One day we read about an ichneumon wasp and had to look for a video about them.

SO interesting!!

Even though it made my stomach turn!

Lane is doing his Science on his own, but I meet with these two cuties to read their Science book to them.

Then they do an illustration and narration about what we read.

Having them do an illustration and narration over the years has been one of the biggest blessings as far as their learning, remembering and comprehension go!

Lunch time is always a group effort.

My motto is ALWAYS, always, always cook ONCE and eat TWICE.

I could never keep up otherwise!

Leftover soup is a great lunch!

After lunch we have a time of read aloud.

We are still reading The Tales of the Kingdom Triology.

It keeps us on the edge of our seats!

Or maybe I should say the edge of the bed!

My trio likes to cuddle on the bed while I read – except someone wasn’t allowed to the day he brought hot cocoa to read aloud time.

In case you are wondering about that cuddly school mascot, we have two of them.

I don’t think they pay any attention though and are clearly not learning a thing!

Spelling rounds out our day.

We have used the Spelling Power book since I started homeschooling 21 years ago!

It takes five minutes a day per child and WORKS!

The late afternoon is full of all kinds of things.

One afternoon last week Lane took his entire bike apart on the driveway to fix it and fix it he did.

Then soon I see him with a book – they love to read!

Chad also spent one afternoon last week hunting over at his big sis’s farm.

As for me, the days fly by…

but I still absolutely LOVE this little life of mine teaching my kiddos!

I have a list a mile long by the time school is over for the day.

Thankful I have great helpers!!

And a hot cup of cocoa to jump start the late afternoon!

I would say our school year is off to a great start!

We have a rhythm that is working, praise the Lord!

Can’t wait to see what the Lord brings for this year ahead here at Twin Oaks!

Blake and I have some lofty goals…and we are prayerfully working to implement them!

Excited about it all!!

Moschel Academy, you are a dream of mine come true!!


    • Steph says:

      You are sweet, girl! This week we were reading about saguaro cactus. How much do you think it would cost to ship some of the fruit from one of those cacti here to Wisconsin? Ha, ha! We do love to learn! And taste weird things!

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