Scottie and Addie’s Wedding Day!!!

Where do I even begin to be able to share this with proper words!

I feel like any words I type here could never share the depth of the anticipation, JOY, bitter sweetness, and complete excitement of this day!

It was a beautiful day on July 13th – a little humid, but partly sunny and not too hot.

I will sprinkle photos throughout my words on this post – there are lots!!

They are so beautiful though!!

Our photographer is SO talented!!!

Just look at all of these beautiful “details” she captured!

Us girls headed to the church pretty early that day to meet the hairstylist that was doing Addie Mae’s hair.

We all got ready together and it was a very special time!

Scottie and Addie had planned a “first look,” which was going to be followed by family photos, so we all needed to be ready by noon!

I will admit, I was not a fan of this whole “first look” thing at first!

Call me old fashioned, or just call me old, ha, ha!

But once I really thought about the fact that Scottie and Addie wanted to do this, I KNEW it was the right thing for THEM.

And it was!

Perfectly perfect!!

And a joy to watch!!

My make-up was already ruined, just saying!

Family photos were up next, and I am here to tell you, these photographers work HARD.

Our photographer, Kellyn, had a second shooter with her that day to help her!

Getting family photos was no small feat!!

Look how good they are though!!

Most of us headed back inside to cool off at this point, but the bridal party loaded up in a van to quickly get some photos at a different location!

These are my favorites!!!

What am I saying, they all are my favorites!!

Guests started arriving before we knew it!

Time was seriously flying by – this day went SO fast.

Just like that it was time to walk down the aisle!!!

Scottie and Addie had so many special moments sprinkled throughout the ceremony.

I will always remember how we started the ceremony with everyone standing and worshipping together.

We sang In Christ Alone and Here I am to Worship.


My sweet hubby finally allowed all his emotions to come to the surface right as he gave Scottie Addie’s hand at the front of the aisle, and was literally sobbing during these two songs.

Seeing your children get married is tough on your heart strings!!

In the BEST possible way!!

But he made me cry too!

Our Pastor’s charge to the bride and groom was powerful.

SO well said.

One of my other favorite very special moments was when my daughter-in-law, Kamryn, sang “The Blessing” while Chad played the guitar and our friend, Liz, played the piano.

Us parents were praying over our daughter and son while this song was being sung, and I will never forget how wonderful that time was!

So so special!

The music was so incredibly beautiful too – Liz is a very talented pianist, who didn’t even have any sheet music in front of her at all!

Blake walked Addie down the aisle to Liz playing “The Goodness of God” and I will never again be able to hear or sing that song without crying!!

Once the kiss, the dip (smile!!), and the pronouncement were done, we basically ran out of that sanctuary!

SO many hugs and tears of congratulations!!

This was a very quick, but very sweet time for our families!!

We had a receiving line and I am SO glad we did!

It was wonderful to see everyone who was there, and meet the ones we did not know!

After the receiving line, Scottie and Addie headed out for a few photos at yet another location very close by, and then it was time to start the reception!

I heard so many kind comments about how beautiful everything looked.

I also had several friends tell me that you could see Addie’s fingertips all over the beautiful touches that were everywhere.

It was true!!

Planning all of these special little details came so easily to Addie and we enjoyed seeing it all come together!

The bride and groom were back quick, and I rallied one of Scottie’s brothers to announce them to the reception!

Scottie and Addie cut their cake right away.

Did you already guess?

OF COURSE Addie smashed that cake in Scottie’s face!

I knew she would!!

All of Scottie’s brothers each drove their car all the way from New York to Wisconsin.

They all snuck out of the reception to get these photos – and I LOVE THEM!

It was a joy to spend time with Scottie’s family!!

It seemed like two seconds later it was time for the send off.

It was a FUN send off though!

We had bubble machines!!

I love how the photos of this turned out!

And then….we had to say goodbye.

Scottie and Addie were headed off on their honeymoon for the next two weeks!

What a bitter sweet time!!

We WERE (and are!) SO HAPPY FOR THEM!!!

Oh goodness, how to end this post.

I will speak for myself when saying that I have prayed for Addie’s husband and this very day for years upon years.

Prayers upon prayers upon prayers.

Addie Mae lived out her single years as the most content, focused, purposeful, joyful, and Godly young woman – and to see the Lord bless her efforts makes my heart about burst!!

The blessing is Scottie.

They are MEANT for each other – and watching them start their lives together has been the absolute best thing.

They are shining the brightest light and they don’t even know that they are!

We love Scottie so very much, and I thank the Lord for him so often.

One more photo to add here through my tears…

Mr. and Mrs. Scottie Stipe, YOU ARE A WONDERFUL PAIR.

We couldn’t be more thrilled for you both!!




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