We had been looking for a farm for a long time, and could not have felt more blessed to finally be starting our new life!
We said good-bye to our home in a town about 45 minutes north of here, and the country adventure began.
Lane was just a baby, and the other kiddos were all still so young!
(All of these photos are from that first spring on the farm!)
It is hard to believe all that has transpired in our lives and on this farm in only seven years.
It takes our breath away!
The farm has changed SO much!
We have enjoyed every single minute of making it what it is now.
The kids have learned SO many things by living on and working on the farm!
Our love for animals runs very deep.
The animals bring so much joy to our lives!
I still remember the first time I drove to a new friend’s house after we just moved to Wisconsin. They lived on a ridge top and I thought they were crazy to drive up and down that ridge all the time! Now we all appreciate ridge top living to the fullest!
Seven years.
We have been SO blessed.
Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of this farm!
Am I that crazy friend who lived on the ridge?
Well, you were too!! But the first place we ever went on a ridge was Lisa’s…and that was what I was thinking of! Now we are the crazy ones living on a ridge 😆
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