The trip to St. Paul is about three hours with no stops.
Eliza is a great traveler, especially when her Mama sits in the back seat with her!
And when we watch DVD’s like The Letter Factory!
Before we knew it, we were in the big city!
Eliza had x-rays before she saw the surgeon, but they were easy peasy because she got to lie down and they only needed one view!
Shriner’s is an amazing place!
Their focus is always on the children!
Eliza got to pick a prize out of a hallway FULL of options.
Of course she chose a new blanket!
We did not wait but one minute for the doctor.
He watched Eliza walk, checked her hip rotation, and then showed us those x-rays.
Imagine that! Eliza’s hips are improving!!!
We were just praying for STABLE…. But God!
Immeasurably MORE than we ask or even think!!!!
Blake and I both had tears in our eyes as we thought back to the tough decision in 2017 to wait on doing surgery not knowing if we were truly doing the right thing.
Now we know!!
Yes, please praise Jesus with us, will you?!
Eliza’s next recheck will be in one year!
We were done so quickly with our appointment, we decided to drive half-way home and then stop for some lunch.
The local Coop in Rochester was a great choice!
So many gluten-free options!
Eliza also got to pick out a “treat.”
She was so cute!
As we ordered her sandwich she said “Can I get one for Tate too?”
As we selected her drink she said “Can I get one for Tate too?”
As she picked her treat she said “Can I get one for Tate too? PLEASE MOMMY!”
Tate had quite the loot by the time we were finished eating and shopping at the Coop!!
Eliza slept the rest of the way home!
Usually we leave these medical appointment in an overwhelmed, get-me-some-coffee, I-need-a-nap kind of way.
The appointments are getting easier and easier!
For our precious littles and for us too!!
YES! Please praise the Lord with us again!
Thank you, Jesus, for all your are doing for the health of Eliza!
And Tate too!
Wonderful! Praise the Lord!!!
Thank you for praising Him with us!!! Love you!!!
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