My phone is filled with snapshots of life.
Our days are all so different right now, and we have been blessed by how well the littles have been handling it all!
We still have been going to the library weekly.
Last week we headed the other direction into Viroqua to check out their new library.
We are SOLD!
It is amazing, just the right small town size, and SO perfect when you have little kiddos to keep track of.
We stopped at the Co-op for a snack when we realized the library did not open until ten.
We are about on the other side of constant morning appointments.
Eliza had her third OT therapy evaluation, as I haven’t given up on finding a way to get her approved for the therapy she so desperately needs.
The very day we were told Eliza was not eligible for therapy through the school district, we had a call from our local hospital saying she was at the top of the waiting list she was put on last September.
What great timing!
They wanted to do the evaluation to see if we can get approval from our insurance one more time.
I dropped a pile of kiddos and a pup off to Kayla bright and early Friday morning.
Addie Mae can walk to work from there, and Kayla kept the rest of the kiddos until Eliza and I were done.
Eliza did very well with all that was asked of her.
And because the therapist let Eliza jump, swing, and had spun her, we had no melt downs on the way out of the hospital!
I spent a rainy morning recently planning our new chore schedule.
I always teach new chores in the summer time, when I have more time to focus on teaching the chores and holding each child accountable by checking the chores once they are done.
The littles were SO excited! Even Chad said “Mom, I love when chores change. It is so fun!”
We have had a lot of rain this summer so far.
We have not had water problems on the farm, but I know people who have had flooded basements, flooded fields, and such.
I have been thankful for how we have been blessed with big spurts of rain, but also sunshine on the same days!
We have only had to water our garden one time!
Blake and I got caught in a wild storm on date night one Friday night.
Afterwards we saw God’s promise fill the sky!
And then a beautiful sunset on the way home!
The photos on my cell phone just did not do the beauty of this night any justice!
I run up and down the ridge twice a day these days to take Addie Mae to work and pick her up.
Sometimes I have passengers.
Sometimes they don’t make it off the farm before falling asleep.
Addie and I snuck in some one-on-one time shopping late one evening.
There might have been coffee drinking involved.
We are still doing summer school.
I have been having Tate practice cutting.
I have him hold a pom pom with his pinky and ring finger to keep them down so he will only use the other three fingers instead of all of them.
The kids love school activities!
We have had visitors too! I am terrible about taking photos when people are here!
Some dear friends were in town and blessed us with a visit – and also blessed me with these photos!
We are looking forward to lots of out of town visitors in July!
We are also looking forward to an open house that our realtor will be having this weekend on our farm!
We are praying boldly that the Lord will see fit to use this as the opportunity to bring someone to purchase the farm!
If you would like to join us in prayer, we would be SO grateful!!
We are so excited to see what the Lord’s plan for us is!!!
Until then, my phone will keep filling up with these blessed snapshots of life!
Definitely praying that the open house is a huge success!
Thanks, Jennie!!!
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