We ALL were SO happy!!
Blake and the younger kiddos headed out after breakfast to clear off the drive-way and porch.
Grant was out clearing the hospital parking lots, and had been most of the night!
While they were out in the cold and snow, I was mixing up a double batch of hot cocoa mix!
They are loving hot cocoa after playing and sledding outside.
Note to self – buy more milk this week than usual!
Why don’t they sell dairy-free milk in a gallon size?
I think we have had a bit more snow since that first big storm…but all the days are running together in my head!
The kids just cannot get enough though!
They play outside ENDLESSLY.
Even when we visit our favorite people!
Even at sunset!
No complaining from this Mama – I love the exercise, fresh air, and fun all this snow is allowing!
My dryer may be the only thing complaining, as it seems to run non-stop these days, ha, ha!
It’s been a great start to winter here at Twin Oaks.
Here’s hoping this beautiful snow will stick around!