Things are slowing down!
I feel caught up on things I haven’t been for months!
It’s been super sweet.
Our school and chore schedule is working nicely!
Me and my crew of four enjoy our days together SO much!
We have been able to spend more time with our favorite people!
Which we all love, love, LOVE!
The kids have been able to enjoy some down time and just play!
We are never too busy to enjoy what the Lord blesses us with!
The colors right now are BEAUTIFUL.
The guys have been able to work on some house projects!
The piano movers came over a week ago and moved the piano downstairs.
And then my guys worked on getting the music nook put together!
This weekend I actually SAT down in the afternoon and read a BOOK!
I know, I know.
Saturday I even wrote down some goals.
And read some goals I wrote down in the spring.
Before the farm sold.
Not one of those goals has been met!
One of my new (and old) goals is to learn more about photography and take photos with my camera instead of my phone.
Cause these photos are GREAT memories to have….but their quality is lacking!
So sorry, little blog of mine.
This week looks lovely as well!
I spent some time planning school today, the house is tidy, the meals are ready, and I am excited to start a new week with my crew!!
Hope you all are excited about this week too!
Happy Monday, everyone!!